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Monday 11 October af daily

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    Monday 11 October af daily

    Morning all - feeling a bit tired today and not sure what to do with myself - day off from work which is great. Plan to hit the gym at some point today and am meeting a friend for dinner at 8pm tonight - bit late but I've not been able to sort any other times out.

    Nothing particularly inspiring to say today - feeling a bit anxious but think that may be coffee and no food as yet. May take a walk into town - need to check if I need a patch test for hair dying at hairdressers on Saturday - can't remember if I've had one or not!

    Fallen back in love with rollerderby yesterday - which is a great feeling!
    Good day all to come - glad to be alcohol and cigarette free today.
    Lovely crisp blue skied Autumn day here.
    one day at a time

    Monday 11 October af daily

    Hi bear - gorgeous weather, isn't it? - and all to come,

    Went out with my cycling group here yesterday, a couple of hours drive out of London.

    It was much more autumnal than this but this was the woodland we were in.

    It was very warm and sunny, lovely bunch of people on the ride. There were loads of people out on horses and at lunchtime we sat in a field and watched a point-to-point going by. Really nice day.

    Today I'm spending the day with non-GF and seeing a bit of art, then a film and pizza.
    (Greenie - fellow art hound - the Turner Prize is one of the big annual art events here. It's usually controversial - the critics always say the entries are absolute rubbish, one year a pile of bricks won, another year it was won by a light being switched on and off in an empty room (I quite liked that one!). The Lights Going On and Off | Art Crimes
    So, basically, it's a hoot. We're going to see this year's entries today. Turner Prize 2010 exhibition at Tate Britain : Nominated artists)

    Here's a piece from my favourite pop psychologist about how to deal with regret (write it down and seal it in an envelope, basically - the sealing in an envelope being the key thing). This column will change your life: Sealing off worries | Life and style | The Guardian. It doen't say what you're then supposed to do with the envelope. Burn it, maybe?

    Have a great day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Monday 11 October af daily

      GM Abbers!

      Interesting art there Marshy - I think! Glad you enjoyed your ride yesterday. We had great weather here too over the weekend. Shame it won't last forever.

      I have a lot of chores on my list today including dragging home 50 lbs of chick feed. Boy can they ever eat

      Wishing everyone a terrfic AF Monday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Monday 11 October af daily

        Morning abberoooooooos!

        Bear, a walk may be just what you need to keep those anxious feelings at bay!

        Marshy, I love the description of your cycle day. Point-to-point? Sailing? I'm still laughing over "If you want closure in a relationship, start with your legs" :H:H

        I've a busy day - Some work this AM & I consult with a peridontist this afternoon. I'm going to give the trout unlimited meeting a go tonight. Tonight is pot-luck and elections so all suggestions for a dish are welcome.

        Painter left message yesterday with invite to the lake but I was gone. I will call this AM about the light and muck my way through it. ugh.

        Still have to do something about that bathroom. :upset: I need to borow mr. doggy.

        Have a grandiose AF day!

        One thing is for sure....... I don't have an inclination or TIME to drink!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Monday 11 October af daily

          Happy Monday!

          Bear I too like your new avatar. You seem so much more at peace lately. It is lovely to see.

          Marshy I love the Tate. Wish I could go...

          Lav bak bak hope the chickies are happy!

          Hi Greenie, what's trout unlimited? All serving dishes of trout? With or without bones?

          I am going to get my butt in gear today.
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            Monday 11 October af daily

            Gaia, its a club that supports river and stream systems' ecology and management as well as that of trout and salmon species for anglers. And no, since we are a mainly "catch and release" group, there won't be trout on the table. (G, shhhhhhh)
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Monday 11 October af daily

              Hello friends.

              Just a quick hello to everyone and then I'm off for a busy day/week!

              #1 son is grumpy and mad at me this morning because I'm making him go to tutoring. He's been going almost every morning for 2 years for help with his Algebra but he wanted to sleep today. I know the feeling, I slept hard and really wanted to stay under the covers this morning--I dislike getting up in the dark. I'm never really sure how to handle this kid. He is pretty laid back and happy go lucky, which tends to lead to lazy behavior in the school department. He just doesn't work hard and it shows. His football coach seems to be hard on him and I feel bad about that, but I have to be tough too. He is a typical teenager that likes to argue (plead his case he calls it) and we just had parent teacher conferences which always leaves me feeling he has been bullshitting me. I just hope I don't totally screw him up. Ugh!
              dg--to answer your questions--no, son doesn't make candles, he is a demonstrator for Gold Canyon Candles (My sil got us into it) because he is trying to raise some money for their class trip to Washington DC next summer. He gets a commission and whoever hosts the parties gets free stuff, until they decide to become demonstrators as well. It's kind of fun, actually. They are great candles too. As far as my hair, she's got me in a color I love (no more red) with highlights. Saturday was just touch up day, and she straightened the front which looked kinda nice. My hair is still long and prolly always will be since it is so "big".

              Well, I better get busy, bills to pay, (How did October 10 arrive so soon) and then off to do some work at the cemetery. Funeral today, and another one this week.

              Have a great day/week all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Monday 11 October af daily

                I just hope I don't totally screw him up. Ugh! >>

                If you're even worrying about that, instead of yourself, you're probably doing a great job as a Mom, LVT.

                I love his quote from the article, Marshy:

                "We tend to divide self-help and happiness techniques into "scientifically proven" ones versus dodgy folk wisdom and superstition. But studies such as Li's show that the distinction, where emotions are concerned, is tenuous at best, because metaphors, from worry jars to religious rituals of burning or cleansing, exert real force."

                Two weddings illustrated the point this weekend. Very different ceremonies (small Buddhist service for a 50ish couple that have been through life's wringer, with music and poetry sung and recited by friends and a church potluck, then a full Catholic mass for two piss-and-vinegar 20-somethings with several hundred people), but the ritual thread was the same. Happy events, but they really opened the emotional floodgates--remembering my wedding 20 years ago, going into it with such optimism and hope, starting a family we both love so much, the slow crash and burn, 7 years of lonely single parenthood, new love, new hope. Such richness, but so exhausting!

                It's Columbus Day, which Massachusetts so kindly gives us the option of taking off. My plan is to lay low, maybe get outside in what's left of the warm sunshine for a while, and decompress. Funny how not drinking turns the volume up on all your feelings.

                xoxo Pride
                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  Monday 11 October af daily

                  and a grandiose AF'ing day to you all as well ABworld!

                  lovely relaxing weekend and home getting myself mentally prepped for a week on the road starting early Wed. this trip will be with my hard-drinking workmates and I'll be working through the weekend nonstop. must have shields at full power Scotty.

                  enjoyed hearing of your chickens, gardens, trout and weddings all good stuff.

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Monday 11 October af daily

                    greeneyes;979157 wrote: Point-to-point? Sailing?

                    Horses. A "race" through the countryside - most of the riders were walking and chatting and enjoying the sunshine.

                    Gaia;979167 wrote:
                    Marshy I love the Tate. Wish I could go...
                    Turner Prize was utter, utter, utter shite. So bad it wasn't even funny.
                    Great day with the non-GF though

                    Pride before Fall;979220 wrote:

                    Funny how not drinking turns the volume up on all your feelings.
                    Indeed. But there were all those horrible feelings from drinking too - anger, guilt, anxiety, shame etc. I'd rather deal with the sober stuff even though it's sometimes not easy.
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      Monday 11 October af daily

                      Full power to your shields, Det!

                      Marshy, I saw the hand painted sunflower seeds on telly. Not impressive, then?

                      Pride, hope you had a peaceful relaxing Columbus Day.

                      Ours was full of sunshine, a surprising Indian summer here. Wondered around Greenwich in a T-shirt yesterday with my friend. I have lots of reading to do, and I'm starting to get into my stride with it. Lovely, lovely, lovely. My brain actually stays with the text instead of interrupting me with its own internal debates. Oh, the joy!


                        Monday 11 October af daily

                        Hi Fabbies! Today was MK day at Curves so it was a good one but a long one. I'm off to tan (shhh) and shower and hit the sack.

                        I grabbed a diet related book off the shelf last night and did some reading in it today. It's the workbook for the Beck Diet which is not really the "diet" part of weight management but a Cognitive Therapy approach to the mental crap. I'm getting some good ideas from it to supplement my current diet / exercise plan. I've been needing some new motivation and I hope this helps. I realized today that my brain does a LOT of "baby" thinking. Whining pity party crap. I'm sure you all find that shocking. :H

                        Good to read everyone's posts. Sounds like a peaceful or good sort of day for everyone. That is fabulous! Nighty night one and all. I appreciate you all being here to share this journey.

               thing is for SURE!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Monday 11 October af daily

                          I'm BAACCCKKKK!!! Finally!! Only took me 11 hours today to make a 6 hour trip!!
                          there is no way I'm going to be able to catch up on 4 days of posts so please forgive and I hope everyone is doing great and had a marvelous weekend!!
                          I really really tried to post some pics from my phone this weekend but reception was really spotty, even with the mobile hotspot. Not to fear-I have a few I'm going to share right now:

                          Cool Car all packed and ready to go:

                          You should see what's behind the crates!!:H

                          [The following thumbnails are supposedly clickable for a larger view]:

                          Stopped at LL Bean on the way up

                          Bye Bye Down East Maine!! (Bucksport)

                          One last look [Camden State Park overlooking Penobscot Bay (I think)]

                          __________________________________________________ ______

                          Sorry I didn't get any pics of the trial or the campground where it was held-too busy volunteering, running and shivering!! It was COLD up there and I wasn't totally prepared!! I did take a short video however of Koby, Mickey and Guinness and friend on the small beach down the road yesterday afternoon (hear that wind???). I apologize for the orientation-you'll have to tip your PC-I can't seem to rotate it either on my phone on on photobucket:

                          We did very well bring home 3 first place ribbons, 2 second place ribbons and 4 Q (we did 5 runs over the weekend). Our last run was supposed to be the easiest but my back spasmed up during the walk through and I just couldn't move the way I needed to so poor DD got all confused and we ended up with an NQ for the run. Oh well. No biggie. It was a super fun weekend-lots of good fun, food and people. Will defo do this again next year but hopefully with an RV instead of moteling it.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Monday 11 October af daily

                            congrats on the great performanced Papmom! loverly pictures too
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Monday 11 October af daily

                              Great pics, papmom!! I wuv the puppies! xoxo

                              Ummm.... Happy Gobble-Gobble Day to all of the Canadians! I had a great turkey dinner with the fixings last night; but carried on to eat all fricken' day long today! (hey, it is OK, right?? it being a holiday and all) Oh well, Jenny Craig may just get a call from me tomorrow!

                              So, I am thinking of seriously getting down to business on the exercise front. I use to run all of the time........ up until about 7 years ago when my drinking career became the centre of my life. I use to embark on the gym as well, but I am not in a gym mood. I really want to get out there running again. I want to start this tomorrow while the child is in school. I think I will try for a 20 minute slow run to start. (Just thinking out loud here).

                              Well, today I am thankful for children even though one of them is pissed off at me still :H I know I am such a bad mom for being concerned. GET OVER IT DEAR CHILD! I am also thankful I still have my health, and that for today I am sober. I am thankful for many things.

                              I worked this weekend with my elderly lady client. Now I am going to finish cleaning up and head to bed.

                              I feel so darn good the past few days! THIS is the feeling that keeps me sober. Why I screwed up last weekend is beyond me. :nutso:

                              Anyway, have a great night everyone! See ya all in the AM.

                              Happy Thanksgiving Canadians!!

