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AF Daily Thursday 6/30

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    AF Daily Thursday 6/30

    OK - back!

    Anyway Kaz - I completely understand if you do not want to be in a wilderness area (even though it's spectacular in it's beauty!) later on in your life.

    LAV!!! Happy Anniversary. I guess. What is YB up to today? Has there been any more effort to "talk" or anything? :l:l:l I am so glad you have your children and g-kids to keep you connected and loving and loved.

    LVT - I'm not big on going much of anywhere for the 4th either. It can get really crazy out there! Usually one of our neighbors comes out of his rat hole to set off very illegal high powered fireworks - some ending up in our yard. I don't really care what other people do, and I can deal with a weekend of loud noise. But we finally got sick of the dangerous stuff landing in our yard near our house a couple years ago. Now we call the police (who don't have the resources to respond to calls like that anyway) once he gets started. Mr. Doggy has talked to him MANY times about just aiming over the highway and into the rock quarry. I guess an additional law is broken if you shoot those things over the state road (even though the landing area would be safer) so he chooses instead ot aim at the woods between his house and our house. I'm convinced this one will never grow up. He's got to be in his 50's. Anyway....sorry for the rant!!! I hope none of the fireworks near you end up in your yard. You couldn't pay me to go camping this weekend.

    Bear - on the self sabbotage. I'm still trying to figure it out too. I dont' do that any more with smokes or AL, but I'm STILL struggling with sugar. One thing I'm sure of - all of it defies logic. Trying to solve the problem by applying logic to an illogical situation is....problematic. The never ending journey I guess. That chocolate sure sounds good. Can I join you?

    Well, Mom and I have stunning hair now.

    Off to water my flowers.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Thursday 6/30

      time for some sunflowers!

      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily Thursday 6/30

        fields of those loverlies growing up here in north CA as I'm blazing along the freeway.

        AF and zooming along

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily Thursday 6/30

          Gorgeous field of flowers Det! I hope you travel safely and get home soon. Hope you and Dx have a lovely weekend.

          Condom tin update: 14 people watching the auction. I'm wondering how many of those are my MWO friends. :H Still holding at $432. Come on people!!! Don't you appreciate a fine specimin of a condom tin when you see one??????

          I will be laughing for the next ten (tin) years about this....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily Thursday 6/30

            Evening my fab friends!!

            Kas-sounds like the cons outweigh the pros for staying in your present living situation. The great thing about gardens and houses is that you can always start new somewhere else!! You obviously have a green thumb and you've put a ton of blood, sweat and tears into your yard and that will come back to help you in the sale (great landscaping =$$ in most markets) but starting over isn't so bad. You might decide to go a whole different route and find another side to your creativity. I think you have a wonderful choice to make here and you can't lose either way!!

            Lav-big hugs to you. I'm so sorry this is a sad day instead of a happy one for you.

            LVT-I'm with you on the July 4th weekend. Out here in MA the big thing is to go into BAASTON to the Esplinade to watch the Boston Pops and Keith Lockhart. You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to do that! People camp out overnight to get the best spot on the lawn and the crowd is massive!! There is no shelter at all and I don't think they're allowed to put up the Easy Up tents. Yuck. then there's the traffic going home. Also this weekend is the annual chowda fest. Now that is something I've always wanted to do but again, the traffic and crowds. My city is pretty boring-there is a fireworks display but I've never gone. A few neighbors shoot off some small stuff which pisses me off but it isn't too bad. I'm happy to watch it all on TV and pray it will stay fairly quiet.

            Deter-gorgeous pic!! Thank you so much! Safe travels home my friend!!

            MD appt went well. BP was super low as was my pulse. I really have to question the quality of the MAs she hires. I'll take the numbers this time but I don't believe them. Will get the results of the blood work tomorrow.
            Mick had his bath and grooming and looks gorgeous!! I will never let him go this long again between sessions. She said his mats were horrendous and charged me $5 extra bucks!! I gladly paid it.

            To pass the time between lunch and picking him up I took a drive into a part of her town I'd never been before. Saw a breathtaking farm on top of high hill and a little ways down the road there was a chi mix running in the road. She had a harness on and just didn't look like she belonged there. I stopped my car (much to the chagrin of the guy behind me) and got out because it looked like she had gone in front of me. I thought maybe she lived across the street so I tried to get her to go into the drive and out of danger but she decided the inside of my car was more interesting!! I thought that was very smart of her. Now I could look at her tags and perhaps make a phone call (how did I forget about the treats in my pocket and the leash in my car????). Just as I was easing her over to the other seat so I could sit down and closing my windows so she couldn't escape, a car came the other way and she asked if I had found a dog! I guess the fact that I was stopped in the middle of the road with my blinkers on tipped her off! :H I said yes and she said her dog had run away. All I could say to her was "Thank god you came". I'm happy I remained calm but pissed at myself that I didn't think to get the leash out or bait her with treats. Some experienced dog person I am!! At least this dog was sweet, friendly and curious so she made it easy for me. I do believe that the Universe sent me on that road for the express purpose of saving that dog. I'm sure she would have gotten hit at some point if I hadn't come along. I headed back to the groomers to pick up Mick and came upon a blue tickhound standing in the middle of the road just staring at me. I decided this dog belonged there and probably did this all day long so I went around him. My groomer said I was right and usually the dog does that hound howl.

            Mick and I stopped for ice cream on the way home (he likes raspberry too!!) and we all just chilled out for the rest of the afternoon. I did take him for a walk at 6:30, then made up a rice and bean dish (delish) and now I must feed them before Burn Notice comes on.

            Nite nite all!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily Thursday 6/30

              My daughter & Lily kept me busy all day so I didn't have to sulk about my anniversary
              We went out for lunch & I bought my dresser & night stand for my room. They will be delivered Tuesday so I have time to get the painting done. My son-in-law jumped in too & helped me move the old furniture out, thank God for all of them

              papmom, my 'little' dog is part Southern Coon Hound & she does that weird bark/howl thing too. I actually thought she didn't bark at all because she was so quiet when she first arrived. Just let another dog walk on the property & she goes off! She has never ever barked at a person, strange.
              My daughter & son-in-law are always picking up strays & returning them to their homes too!

              I just went outside at 9 pm to close up the chicken house for the night & saw a deer munching on one of my fruit trees. I just let him go - they're not my fruit trees they're YB's :H Not my problem :H

              Deter, love the sunflowers! Mine are just starting to bloom now. I collect thne seeds & save them for my Cockatiel....he absolutely loves them.

              Have a good night one & all
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Thursday 6/30

                LAv yesterday was my anniversary to husb #1. For many years GFs and I would go out to a nice (and usually rowdy) dinner and celebrate un-anniversary. I'd tell husb #1 about it and we'd laugh and then the dinner thing faded away. But yesterday I remembered and called him and we laughed and laughed over it and actually talked several more times during the day. You just never know how things are going to end up.

                Now husb #2 is in dire straits and pushing my limits. This has been going on for a little bit, I just didn't mention it. (I didn't want DG to get out the :b&d :H I'm proud to say today I'd had enough and stated my boundaries as a supportive friend and that needed to be enough because I AM enough and what I do is enough and is healthy for my own well being which is my priority. It actually turned out well. I have to again say I am grateful for sheri and the detachment thread she so generously provides. :l and thank you sheri, if you catch this post.

                LOVELY sunflowers!

                $423 for the tin.. wow.

                P3 good news on you MD appt! My neighbor called me one day and said my dog was loose from the back yard and he had gotten out of his car way down the street to chase her but she wouldn't come to him. I thanked him, but mine was in the house. :H (raspberry ice cream.....mmmmm....)

                I don't have plans for the 4th and am good with that. I like fireworks but don't feel like dealing with traffic or crowds to watch any. Sat. going back to same friends' house for another pool party that's pot luck this time. Any ideas? Quiche might be nice.

                LVT, maybe he just forgot since he was closing up!! You should call (easier than face to face) and ask!

                Bear, I had to have emotional chocolate today too. After the hagen daz nutty buddy. I lost so much weight recently I could slide my pants off without unfastening them so I didn't care.

                Guess I'll go check the bed for ticks. Kaslo, I don't know if they're reddish or not. I'll play closer attention.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily Thursday 6/30

                  good job on the pet save Papmom!

                  Lav xxxxx

                  quiche? yes, but only if home made

                  well, just got back from a light meal: whole rack of lamb, baked potato, salad, and chocolate cake to go. oink a roo!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily Thursday 6/30

                    Dete, nice shot, new cam? Papmom saves the day! Good nite awl. Will think before i move.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily Thursday 6/30

                      Plumeria! I can smell those from here Kas! or frangipanni as we called them in Aus.

                      yep, new camera from inside the car. not the greatest setup for a shot. still figuring out all the different focusing modes. will take more tomorrow and see what I get. I'm hoping for a UFO picture. LOL

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

