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AF Daily - Saturday July 2

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    AF Daily - Saturday July 2

    fABbies!!! Happy Saturday.

    Kaz, Bean, and anyone else - please make sure to always ask if we are talking / joking about something and you have no idea what it is. There are no secrets here! Some long standing jokes are just too good to let go.

    "Christ on a pony." :H I laughed when I read that. But I don't know what it means. Kaz????

    P3 - sending ALL the positive vibes I can muster for Job #2A!!! I hope everything lines up for you! I'm not looking forward to WW weigh in tomorrow either - but I'm going. I've figured out that avoiding it just keeps me going in the wrong direction.

    Det - I have Sally's big huge cook book. It's daunting.

    Condom Tin Update: $521 with 2 days, 16 hours left to go. :egad:

    No sugar yesterday. Ate too much other stuff but that's OK. I need a few days of leeway with other things until I get the sugar out of my system. Day 3 seems to always be the hardest. About 22,000 steps so on track there.

    Well, time to go make breakfast. It's really humid already so it's going to be a torture day. I'll be checking on the garden, etc. earlier rather than later today. And getting some steps in and a work out video.

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday July 2

    Good morning all,

    Have been following the posts most evenings but falling asleep over the laptop. I had forgotten how exhausting the early days of sobriety are. Well it was 18 months since I had had even one sober day!

    Hope everyone copes well with all their stresses and that life gives us a few breaks along the way.

    I am sitting here in a very "I don't want to feel like this mood". I have been let down by someone and I really don't like it. (sorry English understatement as usual). All the nerves in my body are twanging but I am not going to drink the feeling away. I am going to get the train into town which will take an hour. Swim for an hour and then hit the office to give me a headstart on Monday. Hopefully by then I will have things more in perspective. I have already realised that if I trusted in someone I knew to be unreliable then it is really me who is the fool. Time to stop weeping and get over it.

    Coming here makes me realise that life goes on when you get sober. It doesn't automatically become sweetness and light. But everyone gets on and deals with whatever life throws at them without resorting to alcohol to deaden their feelings. You lot inspire me to keep going.

    I must also think about doing my own gardening because it seems to give so much pleasure to all of you.

    Take care
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      AF Daily - Saturday July 2

      Crashed and burned last night I was so tired & had weird anxiety in the middle of the night but I WILL NOT miss yoga. Dragging myself out the door and hopefully come alive on the mat at some point . This is in part from watching the drive and commitment of others like DG, M3, det... Thanks for taking the time to talk about your fitness endeavors!

      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday July 2

        Good morning Abbers!

        Wishing someone would do my exercise :H
        Right now, my daily chores of lugging 3 gallon water cans for the chickens, climbing on & off ladder to do my painting is all this aching old body can cope with

        DG, your new avatar is awfully cute
        Your ebay auction is blessed, honestly!

        Greenie, hope yoga is going OK for you. I didn't sleep great myself last night but that's nothing new.

        Loppy, I'm sorry you've been hurt by someone. I hear you about trusting someone who is unreliable! I'm working real hard on forgiving myself for doing the same thing. Take good care of yourself - we don't need to drink over any of the BS!!!

        My chickens are waiting for food & water so I'll go get that done.
        Wishing everyone a great day!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Saturday July 2

          Hello friends,

          Hey, AA--WELCOME TO THE GOOD LIFE!!!

          Thanks for starting the thread DG. 22,000 steps is amazing. I wore my pedometer when we went to DC. I can't remember how many steps, but it worked out to 16+miles we walked. Of course my steps are pretty short.
          Loppy, I'm sorry you've been let down. I know the feeling. I continue to struggle with teenage sons that disappoint me. They are not bad kids, just seem lazy and selfish. I suppose I was that way too as a teenager, but I really, really struggle with it. I think I have been too easy on them. I'm going to force them to do things they don't care to do for awhile and see how that works out. I'll just have to get used to them being pissed and grumpy. I hope you're feelings work themselves out. We need to work on how we handle things, because that is the only thing we can control in reality. :l
          Hugs to you too Lav. I know it must be sad and frustrating to do the things you do on your own, when you thought you had a mate to do them with at this stage in your life. I'm so glad you have your kids/grandbabies close by!
          Greenie--since you (nor I) started yesterday with "JACKRABBIT" my day was filled with angst! Maybe that is why you had a restless sleep? Yoga should straighten you right out. I miss yoga, I really need to get back in that routine!
          I had a serious brain fart last week, and instead of mowing the 20 acres of cemetery, I did some of the other odd jobs that I keep putting off. Then I realized it was class reunion weekend and a lot of people would be visiting out there so it needed to look nice. I finished last night at 8 pm--luckily my boss helped me with part of it or I would have had to go back today. That is why I was upset with my son because I asked if he could come help me, but he really wasn't interested. Wanted to know how much I was paying him and he could come for a bit at 4pm, he was busy cleaning his room :H. So, I guess he doesn't need any extra money, so the gravy train (me) is going to try to quit padding his checkbook when it runs low.
          I blame the distraction (and the fact that I was watering) for my getting the mower stuck twice, and then I ran over the tow rope with the mower. UGH! I told a friend of mine that days like that make me wish I still drank. I was also thinking how I ever would have gotten that much done on a Friday night if I still did drink. I'm pretty sure instead of the cheeseburger I went and bought at 5pm, it would have been a six pack. My, how times have changed.
          Today I am going to spend as much time as I need in the garden and greenhouse. Still have a few plants to plant, and I'm going to try a few seeds in the greenhouse this year. Then I want to get started on my front yard project. I sure wish Kaslo was here to lend her green thumb!
          Hubby and I are cooking at the club for 2 class reunions tonight. That might be fun. I was feeling kind of melancholy last night for being such an old fuddy duddy couple anymore. Everyone else was going out and having fun for the holiday weekend. I hate it when those feelings creep in, but I know one thing for sure........and I don't miss the hangovers one bit!
          Have a great 4th of July weekend USA'ers! :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Saturday July 2

            Good morning partakers of Daily Abstinence. Thanks for welcoming us newbies to ask questions if we dont get it, DG. As usual I find your upbeat, humorous, kindhearted enthusiasm for life and the lives of others to be a great motivator, and a pleasant start to the day. I have tried to put things in context as much as possible, lets see if I can guess what this is about, as there is no introductory discription of the AF Daily curriculum. No round the table introductions, either.

            Salutations, first, though...

            DG you are going to be able to retire on this condom tin. Or at lease be able to have a nice dinner out.

            Loppy English understatement aside, when someone lets you down its a terrible blow, but you are right to move on. It looks like you are moving on by going to work, though.... is that so...?

            Lav I really do envy you your chickens. Maybe some day I can have a place where they will let me have chickens. Probably in my next life?

            Greenie, anxiety middle of the middle name. It used to be worse, its getting better. I worried about if I was going to go broke, lose my rep as a scientist, all the larger companies drag me down into obscuriites, people, bank statements, children making me worry, brother being a box of farts...BLECH!

            Which reminds me, the expression Christ on a pony, in context refers to a long time since a particularly seminal event, i.e. Since Christ rode in on a pony....

            P3 GO #2!!! Yay!

            To get back to my topic, when I started I had no clue who everyone was, or what this was about, but I read and studied. A diagram or taxanomic key would have! i gather the purpose of the site is to touch base in the morning, and talk about your immediate lives, maybe give thanks for leading a life without AL in it, as the morning is a particularly poignant reminder that the AF life is the life for me....mostly it seems to be about mutual support, friendship in a trajectory toward a normal AF life for people past the immediate stages of recovery, with a few exceptions.

            I worried that this was a closed shop, and that I would not fit in, but I do feel ok, just a bit at sea as to where people are actually located, but then that doesnt matter, this is a global group, which I think is very cool. Lots of Americans, a few UK, Irish Scots Brits the odd Aussie and Canucks. But where we are doenst define us. What we are doing with ourselves does, so that really appeals to me.

            Thanks for "listening" to my assessment, perhaps those of you who have been here for years can tell me more, about the objectives, the long term trends, the history. And what it means to them. Because really how the hell do I know? And who the hell am I? Chopped liver? Lol!! As individuals you all have very distinct personalities. Perhaps having some new person (I have been here about a month), who is only AF for 5.5 months now describe her perceptions of this site is an unwelcome intrusion. But I think not. I have seen newer than me post here, and be welcomed into the fold like an old time reunion. So thanks all for a nice month of waking up sober.

            Love to all. Kaslo

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily - Saturday July 2

              Hi all

              Yard Boy - I love it!! Yo B_______! had crossed my mind too but just didn't seem to quite fit every single time.

              Thanks DG for the open invitation to ask questions etc. I've always found you 'old timers' (on know what I mean. ) to be a friendly bunch and I don't hope or expect to get all the references and jokes because until recently I would come and go from the site a lot. Just the odd thing that I kept thinking, 'now wth does THAT mean?!!'....

              Another superb day here. I dodged a bullet last night when my employer asked if I wanted a glass of wine at the end of my shift. I did really want one and since I had leapt at the offer the week before it felt a tiny bit awkward (probably only to me) to say no. I had an AF beer instead which totally satisfied the 'end of the day drink reward' urge. Yay!

              I don't generally drink beer but have drunk a lot of AF beer since trying to go AF and I have to say, I actually really like it. I even find that 2-3 gives me a little buzz from the fizz which is part of the feeling I used to enjoy with real beer. And then I don't want to have any more and that makes me imagine that that is how 'normal' drinkers feel. Wine is another story - I haven't found an AF version that actually tastes all that good.

              Anyway, it's very heartening to know that an AF beer can hit the spot in the same way that a 'real' drink can because it means I don't feel deprived and as long as I am prepared, it's another tool I can use to deflect cravings when they come.

              I went to watch the end of the celebrations and the fireworks with some friends after a full and productive day and was really happy to wake up fresh and optimistic this morning. I have to remind myself that it's not just the physical effects of AL that are so debilitating the next day but that, emotionally, I just nosedive. Don't want to go anywhere, do anything etc and on a glorious day like today, it makes me feel even worse to waste it.

              Been trying to set a new fitness goal and wasn't sure what, then yesterday a friend asked me if I wanted to join her for 8 classes of Boot camp. It starts at 6am and getting up that early is NOT my favourite thing but I think I can manage that twice a week for 4 weeks. What do you think?! The alternative is to make myself give up cheese and chocolate. Better to go towards a positive, healthy goal than deprive myself of another thing I enjoy I reckon.

              Well, I hope backs (momof3) and emotional wounds are healing, yogamats have been sat on, YBs and teenagers whipped into shape!, houses and gardens worked on, nourishing food is being eaten and AF days enjoyed...wherever you are.


              PS Greenie, I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist.


                AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                Hey Bean, have you checked out the outdoor exercise equipment by the Lake? Its just down by the playing fields. There is a parking lot by the tracks but also you can park right by Save on Foods, and just follow the path around the waters edge, keep going, you get to a little Regional District water metering building and all these WONDERFUL outside flexibility and cardio machines that were designed for winter wear and tear. Abs fab views and SO much fun to use. Let know if you know about them.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                  Hello All,

                  Just got back from a walk in ER. The pain in my back was excruciating so I got some medicine to hold me over until I can get in to see my family doc on Tuesday. She will straighten me out for sure with her mix of chiropractic work and acupuncture. The meds will at least let me move around comfortably and sleep.

                  Okay DG, what the heck would someone want an old condom tin for? Are there still condoms in it? I find this so amusing. I am forever trying to throw things out. I wonder what "valuable" things I have thrown away. When does the auction close?

                  Kaslo, Great assessment of our daily group. I started posting on the Daily Thread about 2 years ago because it was the one place that I knew for sure that people were really serious about being AF. Although I love MWO because there is something for everyone, I was not interested in threads where people were modding or threads where folks seemed to be doing alot of socializing. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I really like how we always bring conversations back to supporting one another in our commitment to living a life free of alcohol. I also appreciate how people are very respectful of one another here. We are not hesitant to give tough love when needed, but we do not attack or blame anyone. There is a core group folks who have been here awhile --LVT, DG, Greenie, Det, Lav, and Marshy to name a few. And, I love when new people join the group and stick around. I know that when I was new at being AF, I relied on the advice of folks who had some sobriety under their belts; it gave me hope that someday I could be a happy non-drinking person. Kaslo, you already seem like an old timer here to me. Fyi...I live right outside of Washington, DC ; in Northern Virginia.

                  Greenie. Good for you for going to yoga. I used to have that sleep/anxiety too but it has thankfully gone away.

                  Lav, I would love, love to have a few chickens. One of my neighbors has some (she has enought property) and I swear each of those chickens has its own personality.

                  LVT, How did the pothole filling go last night. I'm happy you survived it!!!

                  Hi Det, How long are you home for?

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                    Thank you M3 for the explanation. I get totally that people discuss issues about remaining AF, and as I am not made to moderately consume AL, I am wanting to sort out how that whole thing about an AF existence which has been fragile but constant for me since I took the plunge last Valentines Day. And I especially respect and admire the feeling of community.

                    Well I am able to go and pay my subcontractors and revenue canada today... as I got a big cheque on Thursday so I am off to run errands (post cheques and buy supplies) in my little mountain valley town. I will check back later to see how others make out.

                    One thing is for sure. While I would definetely six months ago, gone through the ice and snow to the jar store to stock up and 'treat myself' to various and sundry copious alcoholic consumables, this time I will be going to Canadian Tire to buy a new floatie for my pool. Avast ye swabs!:thanks:


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                      Hidy Ho ABenators!!!!!!! sure was nice to sleep in and snuggle with my sweetie this morning. (couldn't find any R rated smileys) LOL!

                      a hem.... composing myself....

                      Bean, keep the cheese and chocolate (in moderation if you can) but ditch the simple carbs and you WILL lose weight effortlessly.

                      Mom3, back pain is horrid...feelin for you hon. tried ice? a friend of mine with severe life-long back pain swears by ice (and never heat) for back pain and muscular spasms.

                      I'm home until Tue at least. Dx is off camping with girlfriends so I'm home alone. normally in my 'old ways' I'd already have gone to the store to stock up on booze and wine and be well on my way to disaster but I refuse to do that to myself.

                      Bear check in eh? howzit going?

                      be well loves xxxxx
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                        it's 1:59 pacific stand time and you know what that means!!!!!!

                        it's time to play the 'what's in your blender' game!

                        I'll go first:

                        fresh blueberries
                        raw organic milk I smuggled in from California yesterday (in your face FDA!)
                        almonds that have been pre soaked for 24 hours to remove lectins
                        organic whey protein from Jarrow

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                          Det - no garlic?????? They have a groping smilie at Figure Skating Universe along with other fabulous smilies. Our smilies here really are lacking. And the six smilie limit - well, don't even get me started. :soapbox: :H

                          See? I've already used 3 and I've barely started my post!

                          M3 - no condom in the tin. 2 days 5 hours left to go. I'm still rolling on the floor. Our facebook friends are laughing and watching this too. One guy said he found a Trojan tin WITH the comdom from around 1950. I wonder how much that will bring? I'm glad you went to the ER. I'm sure having some meds until you can get proper treatment will help. I am hoarding some pain pills and anti-inflammatory pills for just this type of situation so we can avoid the ER where possible. Guess we'll be back to the ER when those run out! I hope you are fixed smoothly once you can see your doc!

                          Kaz, I love how you just jumped right in and started posting every day. You let us get to know you and hopefully you got to know the group! I love that there are steady regulars over the long haul and I love love love when new people join in!!! I thought Christ rode in on a donkey? Or a mule? Was it a pony? Isn't there a saying 'Christ on a pogo stick?' I'm definitely sure he didn't ride in on one of those!!! I'm really really really jealous of your pool today. It's in the high 90's and very humid today. I live southwest of Chicago. Wow that workout area by your lake sounds awesome! And now that I know Bean lives near you, all the more reason to be your uninvited guest! Oh - I too wait for checks - I handle the book keeping for Mr. Doggy and my business. Sometimes it's nerve racking!

                          Bean, AF Beer saved me more than once in early sobriety. It got me through some social situations I could not avoid. I'm like you - I really can only drink 2 of those. I usually can't finish the second one. You are right - that is how my husband describes his reaction to real beer and he is a normie!! I was a wino too and have never ever sipped an AF wine that was worth swallowing. You have such a wonderful attitude focusing on the positive. When some difficult times come along, and they probably will, this positive focus and energy today will really help you. Accupuncture! I have never really known whether to trust that or not. But I did get accupuncture when I quit smoking and....I quit smoking. Something I never ever thought I would be able to do. Mr. Doggy's threats were also good motivation. :b&d:

                          Loppy, I'm so glad you have come back!! I'm sorry that someone disappointed and hurt you. It sounds like you are reacting in a much healthier way than drinking. It has been a huge lesson for me to learn that I cannot control other people. I can only control me and my reactions to other people. (that might seem obvious but for 50 years I did NOT get that!) I hope your day has gotten better and better.

                          (((LVT))) You are not a fuddy duddy! You are an awesome, capable, competent, kick ass PRAIRIE WOMAN!!!! I hope you are having fun today planting your plants and getting that green house up and going!

                          Greenie - how was yoga? I have been having trouble sleeping for a while now. I'm sure it's menopause related. Sucks to have menopause at 29. Anyway....5 valerian root capsules + L-Tryptophan last night kept my eyes closed for 3 hours straight at some point - a miracle! May we both sleep well tonight!

                          Who else did I miss???

                          Oh. Did nobody share the AF Daily org chart with you guys?


                          Greenie has daunting responsibilities. And ruling this bunch is about like herding kittens. If Greenie ever tries to give up the crown, we will not allow it.

                          Does anyone else remember Boozebusters? I think that preceded AF Daily. It's cool how we can date ourselves and still be 29. Only in cyberspace.

                          Well, I taking my butt to an early shower. I feel like 10 layers of slime. But that's better than 10 sheets to the wind like the old days.

                          One thing is for sure!!!!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                            Hey - where's Jenny?

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Saturday July 2

                              Would someone please come over & take some of this zucchini off my hands????
                              OMG. apparently planting 2 plants is 1 too many :H
                              I think I just picked another 20 lbs or so & stuffed it into my garage refrigerator.

                              I also just checked on my youngest hens. I put them in with the 'big girls' today......time to close up the nursery There was a little bit of hen pecking going on - mostly just bitching at each other. The real test will be overnight Hoping for the best

                              Deter, your blender mix could have included zucchini........

                              DG, I wait for checks too - part of the fun of being a business owner - that & filing state sales tax which I think may be due, hmmm/

                              I hope Jenny is OK out there.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

