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AF August Angels - Week 4

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    AF August Angels - Week 4

    Good morning August friends!

    Have lots to do today including hurricane prep. Looks like it hits here Saturday night into Sunday

    papmom, I hope you find time soon to listen to yesterday's meditation - the topic was manifest money & all sorts of good things

    SD - back to school night - ugh! One of those necessary evils :H

    Dewdrop, hope your Friday is a good one!

    Greetings to Star, the missing Rusty !

    I am going to Curves this morning, have to make it part of my routine!!!
    See ya later
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF August Angels - Week 4

      Hi everyone

      Big cyber hugs to all those of you in the path of Irene. Will be thinking
      of you all and praying it does not do too much damage.

      Lav - glad that you are going to Curves. It's an outlet and I know I always
      feel much better after getting some exercise.

      Dew- thanks for dropping in. I wish I lived near you. That meditation group
      sounds wonderful. Note to self - start meditating again!!

      SD - It is a crazy time, back to school etc. I moved one of my daughters out
      of a small country school to a much bigger one and it was the best decision I
      ever made.

      Chill - Sometimes mint tea and a lie in is what we need. I am programmed
      to get up and go early every morning but once in a while I do as you did this

      Where is Rusty by the way? It has been so busy I have only been quickly reading
      some days so I might have missed something. Also Shelly, drop by and let us
      know how you are getting on.

      Have a great AF week-end everyone.



        AF August Angels - Week 4

        Good Morning August AF Friends,

        I haven't posted in a number of days because I was unexpectedly in the hospital this week.:upset: It turns out I have 2 herniated disks in my neck....don't know how I got them but I was in so much pain that I drove myself to the ER and ended up being there for 2 days. I was in Ohio, and was supposed to be working...but, alas, no money was made this week. I'm home now and while I'm still in pain, it's much better. I must make time in September to see an orthopedic surgeon to schedule my plan for treatment. Apparently, many things can cause these herniated disks...poor posture, looking at a computer and typing all day, or just plain age. I did not have any traumatic injuries for this miserable thing to happen. Despite the pain I've been in, I have not been tempted to drink and I am thrilled about that.

        Lav-I have been thinking of you so much this week. I am so sorry that your daughter and her family will be moving. How heartbreaking.:l Maybe with the move though, you will have a reason to get out of the Amish country....away from the buggies and those frighteningly ugly black prairie dresses and stupid looking bonnets. Good for you for going to Curves. Exercise gets those endorphins going and I know when I'm not getting enough exercise, I tend to get irritable more quickly. You never sit on the pity pot Lav, and I admire you for that. I so understand your angst about going to the babies' baptisms by yourself. Wouldn't it be great if we could just have a "Call Man" in our lives...someone we could call when we want a date for a special event like a wedding, holidays.....Lav, guess what? Not only will I need one baby blanket, but two! My nephew's wife is pregnant, too!

        Dew-congratulations on your almost 1 year anniversary!:goodjob:

        Papmom-I echo what Star said about the fact that you may still get the job you want because the person they hired may not work out. I'll send positive vibes for that to happen.

        Chill-good for you for giving your relationship with Ken a second look. You are doing so well AF, and you have so many friends, and you have your confidence back now that you're AF....and why not just stay unattached? I feel the same way you do....and Papmom feels the same way I think....we would just rather hang out with our 4 legged friends. Nothing wrong with that.

        My apologies for not addressing meds have just kicked in so I better go take a nap! Hello to Rustop, Star, LBH, Shelley, SD and anyone I may have missed...have a wonderful AF Friday!


          AF August Angels - Week 4

          Sign me up for the Call Man right now :H

          Rusty, I'm so sorry you are hurting. Begining to fall apart at this age is so typical! I have long wondered if our warranties don't actually expire at age 50
          Listen to Nurse Lav for a monent - don't let any surgeon cut into you before you have exhausted all other avenues of treatment. I know your Mom will agree We'll talk more about that later.
          Congrats on another nephew/niece in the works!!! I had the 3 grandkids here for many hours yesterday & I was pooped by the time they left!!!

          Hi Rustop!
          Nothing we can do to prevent these hurricanes be we can prepare
          I'm getting ready to run out for more non-perishables, bottled water, etc.
          Enjoyed my trip to Curves this morning. I really come home revved up & ready to work :H

          Take care of yourself Rusty :l
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF August Angels - Week 4

            Hi all. Just checking in and wishing everyone a safe weekend if you find yourself in the path of the storm. I am pretty nervous but it's the waiting that killing me. I am pretty high up but very close to NYC so preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

            Not been posting but am still sober. Made it past eight months. Work has been manic and I started my income tax course and preparing for my husbands arrival.

            Rusty - feel better soon babes! I am glad you got it sorted.

            All the best and I love you all
            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              AF August Angels - Week 4

              Hey Cass! good to hear from you!! I'm sending mighty prayers your way. I know you're gonna get hit harder than I will. Don't take any chances OK?

              All is fine here. I'm set for the storm I think. My quilt for my nephew is done and wrapped. Pics tomorrow before we lose power!!

              Chill-I know you will sort this out. I'm so glad you have such a talent for turning adversity around!! How do you do it?? Lessons please!!

              Rusty-my friend-take good care of yourself. Fingers crossed a non surgical option works.

              Dew-congrats on your great milestone!! You have really come so far and I LOVE your attitude these days. I could just feel the peace coming through the net waves from you!!

              Rustop-make sure you take some me tiime too K?

              I'm ready to eat some dinner, take a pain pill for my back and crawl into bed. yes Lav, I did listne to the meditation last nite but fell asleep in the middle-woke up to empty air waves!! I'll have to listen again.

              I'll check in tomorrow nite, may tomorrow morning before we leave.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF August Angels - Week 4

                Hey p3! I read back about the job...I just don't know what to say. Seems totally unreasonable in my book. Let me know how you get on with the mortgage. And most importantly - keep u and all of the animals safe!
                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                  AF August Angels - Week 4

                  Welcome back to the states Cassia - an earthquake & a hurricane all in one week
                  It's not usually this bad, I swear Sit tight & most importantly stay off the roads during these weather emergencies & you'll be OK :|

                  I just finished baking goodies, have plenty of bottled H2O on hand so all is well
                  Just hope my chicken house stays on it's foundation!!!

                  I'll check in tomorrow before the power goes.
                  Have a good night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF August Angels - Week 4

                    Good morning everyone

                    Rusty - sending you lots of healing vibes. Glad you checked in. Everyone else in
                    US sit tight and let us know you are ok when you get back power.

                    I am off on a road trip. We were invited to a birthday party for an old neighbour
                    of mine where I grew up. They use the parents home as a family holiday home
                    and are all over from London etc. It will be nice to catch up with old friends. A lot
                    of driving though 2.5 hours each way. Oh well, perfect excuse for not drinking.
                    Hubby is away in Russia, salmon fishing so I am doing it alone.

                    Have a great Saturday everyone.



                      AF August Angels - Week 4

                      This is just a very quick check in to wish all of you in the path of the hurricane a safe weekend, I was watching some scenes on the telly this morning and had to log on and let you know I am thinking of you. It must be so frightening. Stay safe and warm and big :l:l

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        AF August Angels - Week 4

                        Afternoon my friends

                        As usual I havent watched any news but via facebook I always know whats going on in the world, so Im sending you guys safe vibes from the hurricane.

                        Rusty - You poor darling! That pain must have been horrendous, I hope you have some relief now. Please take the time to check out your options, sounds like too many tense hours spend working to me and not enough relaxed Rusty time. Our bodies are the house of the soul. We wouldnt trash out homes but we dont take enough care of the most important "home" we live in.

                        I was just leaving the gym this morning and was talking on the phone to my Mum when my Dad took a funny turn. My Mum cant cope with these things and luckily I was able to be there within 15 mins. He is fine and just needs to rest. Guys whenever I complain about missing Portugal please remind me how wonderful it is to see so much of my darling Parents at this time in their lives. :l
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          AF August Angels - Week 4

                          Good morning one & all!

                          Prepared but waiting for a diaster to strike is not a whole lot of fun

                          Rustop, enjoy seeing old friends. You sure do a lot of traveling lady

                          Dewdrop, hope you have a good day too!

                          Chill, what's going on with your Dad?
                          Can't help my tendency to wonder about the health & welfare of everyone. When someone uses the expression 'funny turn' I think in terms of TIA or an unstable diabetic situation.......hope he's OK.

                          Irene has made landfall in North Carolina & is now traveling up the coast. She is due to arrive here in the wee hours of tomorrow morning bringing 5-10" of rain with 50-70 mph windgusts (inland where I am). The coastal areas will receive a lot more of course. It's a monster storm & being prepared is all you can do. My daughter-in-laws parents had to heed mandatory evacuation orders from their NJ home. This storm is going to do as much damage as Katrina I think

                          Rusty, can nurse Lav help with anything today? Take it easy today

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday. I will be back later before the power goes.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August Angels - Week 4

                            Good Afternoon All!!

                            Wishing all those (LAV, CASSIA, PAP3....????)in the path of the hurricane much safety and tons of prayers!!! Let's hope it's nowhere near another Katrina! Scary!!

                            Chill--I hope your dad is ok...I'm sure your parents LOVE that you are so close!!:h

                            Rusty--I'm so sorry to hear about what painful!! Just take it easy and don't over do it!! On a positive note--there is football to watch while lying down this weekend!

                            Rustop--Do you ever stop to sleep??:H You are so busy all the time....I thought I ran a lot, but I think you take the cake in this category lately!

                            Dew--Great job on a year AF!!! That's an amazing accomplishment!!!:goodjob:

                            Pap3--can't wait to see those photos today of the quilt...I bet it's CUUUUTTEE!!!!

                            Well...I gotta run....tons of stuff to do today before the football game rivals playing!!! Should be fun!! Big hello to those I missed...Star, Speed:l
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              AF August Angels - Week 4

                              Hey all. Just to let you know that I am totally prepared for this storm. Looks like we are going to get the eye passing over us so it's gonna be pretty intense. Anyhow, I have done all I can...what will be will be. Stay safe everyone.

                              Chill - glad your dad is ok!

                              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                                AF August Angels - Week 4

                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

