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Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

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    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

    Mauri - I know I would not be back here right now if you hadn't been so kind - thank you. And Byrdie and SLass - I really feel your friendship - thank you so much......I am one big plonker!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

      daisy45;1360843 wrote: Mauri - I know I would not be back here right now if you hadn't been so kind - thank you. And Byrdie and SLass - I really feel your friendship - thank you so much......I am one big plonker!
      You are stronger than you think, you just need a helping hand or two as we all do :l
      Taking it ODAT


        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!


        Hope you are ok hun? Please check in soon :l (or email me if you want)
        Taking it ODAT


          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

          I wish I knew what a plonker I friends with one?? I will have to get a translation. Daisy, get back here! We need you, too! B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

            Morning Mauri and Byrdie - I am psyching myself up to move forward. Byrdie, you 'are' friends with a plonker - but I don't intend to stay a plonker......
            Mauri, I am so proud of you for just continuing on.....especially after the effort you have put in.
            We will get there girl!
            Boot in the butt time again!

            Oh, and Byrdie, have to say I am soooo impressed with your cakes! My wee nieces thought they were grrreat......
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

              I am happy to know a plonker - have not heard that term in forever, and Daisy, I know I am a plonker for sure - we probably all are on here!
              I am struggling this week, whilst off with my girls - we are having really fun days out - and sadly I equate drinking AL with fun - not the feeling after however and being sober is for sure getting me going to do fun trips! I am meeting my goals, which is fine with me and having a really good time which does make it all worth while!
              Mauri, Daisy and Byrd - hape all is good and hope you have a great day - doing my quick check in whilst those pre teen/teens sleep away:H Today they want to go to water slides, not my idea of fun, getting a little old, but I have no doubt my sober head will cope with a slide or two!! Chat later...
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                The definition of plonker=dunderhead. Ok, so now let me go look up dunderhead! Eheheh...I get it.
                Do you know what Nov 15th is? That's 100 days from now. My 100 day anniversary was on Will and Kate's wedding day, April 29th. It seemed the whole world was celebrating my big accomplishment! Unfortunately, the camera stayed focused on the happy couple and I didn't get so much as a moment to make my speech...but I promise when you get your 100 days in, I will be all ears for your acceptance speech! Nov 15th will put you in great shape to get thru the holidays AF....
                Here's to an AF future! If I can do it, surely you can too! Hugs, B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                  so skulking in with my tail between my legs - so very mad with myself. I have had wine!! No excuses, Yesterday was stinking hot - well over 100 and my AC was found not to work!! Had another good day with girls, not as much fun - dentist, orthodontist and back to school clothes shop - spent way too much money and was hot and bothered, got home to find AC not working, and there are no fans in my new home (ordered and on the way) - a friend came round with a chilled bottle of wine, and I did not even hesitate! DAMN! And I thought I was doing so well...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                    Hells Bells, SL, this addiction sucks!! As you may have read over in the NN, I bake cakes to get my mind off AL and took some over to a neighbor's birthday party last night and they reward me with a bottle of wine! I find that I must get my story together and come hell or high water...stick with it. Can you think now of what you could have said to have avoided this? It is amazing how the well-meaning friend can derail me, I know....please learn from it, and put your plan in place. I just say to myself...NO, HELL NO! AL will NOT take one more day of my life!
                    So let me think a second what you could have said....
                    It's hot, and that looks good, but I would drink it like water at the moment, so that's what I'm gonna have instead.
                    I'll share a drink with you, but mine's gonna be _____....I'm determine to get these last ___ pounds off no matter what.
                    Something's been bothering my tummy this week, and I am not drinking to see if it clears up. I'll join you but I'm having ______.
                    Oh, not now....maybe later...I'll have some ____ with you though.

                    I don't know, maybe that's lame....but I'll take lame any day of the week over the feeling you've got right now. Jump on back up...we'll get thru this. B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                      Thanks for the support Byrd - if i had just paused, I would have had no problem at all - I would have managed to say no, I just didn't even think, and the old habits took over....AL is such a past of our world, and it is everywhere - just as you described with your friend and thanks for the cake!! I was hot, tired and it looked so welcoming, and next think I knew I was happily drinking until I realised what I was doing.
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                        scottish lass;1362479 wrote: so skulking in with my tail between my legs - so very mad with myself. I have had wine!! No excuses, Yesterday was stinking hot - well over 100 and my AC was found not to work!! Had another good day with girls, not as much fun - dentist, orthodontist and back to school clothes shop - spent way too much money and was hot and bothered, got home to find AC not working, and there are no fans in my new home (ordered and on the way) - a friend came round with a chilled bottle of wine, and I did not even hesitate! DAMN! And I thought I was doing so well...
                        Me too, I had a drink on Thursday after a long and tiring day out at the open farm with my friend and her kids, I just thought what the heck I want some wine!! Was AF again yesterday thought and so my running total so far is 10/13 days AF which is way way better than my usual score so I am not giving up trying!
                        Taking it ODAT


                          Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                          Scotlass and Mauri - it sucks!!!! But, you know it would suck even more if we stay in that 'shithole' world of drinking - good for you both on jumping back in.
                          I have had a busy couple of days so haven't been able to check in here.
                          I am doing a lot of thinking and reflecting on how my life is AF as opposed to when I am drinking - there is just no comparison. It is 'living' instead of 'simply existing'.
                          I am also doing a bit of reading about triggers and how to recognise them way before the decision to drink is made. Sometimes the triggers can be so subtle - it takes practice to pick up on them and go in a different direction....but practice makes perfect! Yea?
                          My daughter has been in touch - she was due home in September after 3 months in Australia. She is changing her ticket and isn't sure when she will be back - I miss her sooo much........
                          Have a busy week ahead which is good for me.....
                          I probably won't have time for the gym so I'll jump on my exercise bike to give myself a booster of happy hormones!!!!
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                            Daisy, you are so right...there is no comparison to my AF life compared to my drinking life. It's as if I were given a second chance, and I'm taking it! AL brings nothing to me but BAD, BAD and WORSE!
                            I was going to ask you your opinion about the Oympics and especially the syncronized swimmers....they were amazing! Did you catch any of that? I want to know what brand of make up they use that doesn't come off in the water!!
                            Hope you are having a great AF day. I believe in you! XXOO, B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                              Hi Byrdie; bad, bad and worse is where I end up each and every time I even think I can drink again.
                              I have had it and know the only way for me is sobriety - that is the easier option, in my opinion, because it is so painful to have to constantly have the mind games of whether or not to drink and how much and then if I do drink less, I always want more.....just too damn hard!
                              So, I am going for it!
                              Didn't get to see the synchronized swimmers but heard everyone talking about them. Only when you mentioned the make-up did I think about it....would love make-up that would stay on in the water. I have blond eyelashes and eyebrows and always look so pasty in the pool.....bit vain? Ah well, I'm still gonna check it out.....
                              I am heading over to meet a youth group today to see if I can help with an art project they are doing - no idea what it is yet.......
                              But, back on the right track again and intend to stay there.....
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Reaching for the stars - after a good kick up the ****!!!

                                happy to report AF today.....
                                went to meet the group and not sure whether this job is for me. They have already started the work and it is not at all how I would have done it. My brother is in charge and seems keen for me to do it but I am just not sure.....feeling a bit pressurised to do something I don't really feel comfortable with.
                                My son has arrived home tonight. He lives with his dad and they have had a big fall-out. He has told him to move out. I am stuck in the middle.....just can't be bothered ....
                                They are both as headstrong and blind to their own part in it. When I said to my ex that my son is treating him now how he treated me all those years ago, the phone went down. I was only trying to get him to see that my son is so like him. All the traits that he has that my ex moans about, he does himself....sick of them dragging me into it.
                                Just having a moan....
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

