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AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

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    AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

    G - I can't wait to play the Oly closing later (Tivo) and listen to all the good music! :h

    Sunflower - drinking probably WOULD be worse than death if I were to do it! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Kas - hope the work project is done soon for you. School got out in May - straight A's. It was a challenging semester - I had to EARN those! We start back again in about 10 days.

    Fly - that is funny about spitting the beer. You must have a pretty good aim. I wonder if Olympic Beer Spitting will ever be a sport? On the DH - people who don't have a problem with AL really do have a hard time understanding what it's like.

    Turn - thank you for the hugs. Very much appreciated this summer!!! I can't even imagine having the whole mouth done at once. :egad: My teeth are SO sensitive right now to hot and cold (and air and just being alive). I can't imagine if I didn't have half my mouth in decent working order. Ugh. I can't even imagine non stop house guests. I can't imagine one house guest for a day! (DH and I don't even have a guest room!) Enjoy having your time back to yourself!

    I mentioned on the AA thread that a woman I met recently is in the midst of some horrible relapsing. Ugh. I feel so bad for her and her loved ones who are all going through hell right now. Amazing what "one drink" can do for people like us. I'm grateful to be going to bed sober today. One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

      Just here to say.... My name change was approved!
      AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

      "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


        AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

        hello Fabbers-Papmom the missing checking in.

        So wonderful to see DG and Greenie (her highness) back on board!

        I haven't had a chance to read back on all the comings and goings but totally stoked to see TDN back on the wagon. I hope this time it sticks my friend!

        DG-I heard about your dad and sent you a FB message of condolence but let me say again how sorry I was to hear the news. Your mom is blessed that your are nearby and very present to help her transition to the next phase of her life. I was very happy to be that person for my dad when my mom passed. he is doing fabulous after all these years. His social life puts my non social life to shame! At 84 he is golfing, sailing (the maiden sail of the year was yesterday-lots of work had to be done on this "I bought a boat that is move in ready!!" boat :H) and dating.
        The sugar monsters are still haunting me as well. sigh.

        Just to catch you all up: Still waiting to hear about the job at school; Finances are not good despite 2 jobs (not sure what the problem is. Oh yes, gas, food, insurance, electricity and car payments have all doubled in the past 6 months with no increase in pay); 3 of my kids are ill, one terminally; I have gained about 30 lbs in the past 2 years. Good news? I'm still sober!! I still have a house, I have 2 jobs, great friends and a wonderful giving and loving family who care and worry about me.
        So that's what's been happening with me in a nutshell. I will try to be more consistent with reading and posting so I don't get complacent.

        :l :h
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

          Great to see some of the MIA checking in tonight

          Fly, don't you just hate people who seem to create headaches just by walking into the room? :H
          You must be one hell of a spitter woman :H

          Kaslo, lovely to see you & your pretty picture. Good luck on the work project

          Turn, exactly how cool is it up in your neck of the woods? It has been so incredibly HOT here this summer, ugh!

          SunFlower, take good care of yourself. Are yuo taking any vitamins??

          Hi G & DG!

          CanToo, love the new name

          papmom, I have a strong feeling things are going to change (for the better) for yuo very soon. Keep hanging in there, OK?

          I am tired tonight. Looking forward to some decent sleep!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily~Sunday, August 13

            Just wanted to say nighty night to all. Am watching the Olympics closing--have been watching since it started with Mr TDN, and it has been so incredible! I'm so glad to be sober and able to really enjoy it! Also started to watch a French movie about an alcoholic earlier on Netflix, and then went back to finish while still watching the Olympics, and it just kind of froze and I had to restart the laptop. It is called Domain, and boy, very dark. I am hoping I can maybe get to the place where I left off in the a.m.
            Glad to see so many posting today! Helps me stay strong when I see all of you doing that. Looking forward to Day 5 tomorrow!
            "One day at a time."

