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Mindful May ~ Week 3

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    Mindful May ~ Week 3

    Good morning to all,

    Persephone, so good to have you back. Sorry you are in pain. Being AF is the way to manage every challenge we have, and we all have things to face on a daily basis.

    Not looking forward to going back to work, that is just the way it always is for me after time off.

    Have been keeping up with my meditation and yoga to keep myself centered. Lots of breathing and it helps me to feel calm and peaceful. Finding the time is the trick. I spent about 2 1/2 hours daily on my trip, and it made a huge difference in my mood and anxiety level.

    To all, have a great day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Mindful May ~ Week 3

      Good morning kids

      Rain going on here, oh well. I was called out first thing this morning for babysitting, regular sitter has a sick child. I had planned on getting some work done this morning & meeting a friend later for lunch. Not sure what I'm going to do about all that

      Hi Perse, great to see you. Sorry to hear you are still dealing with pain, hope the pain clinic helps.
      DIL = daughter-in-law :H

      Going back to work after vacation always depressed me too Star, nature of the beast I think!
      Getting your own mediation practice going is probably best

      Hoping to be out of here by noon so I can meet my friend. My DIL is just on an interview for her next internship. Have a great day everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mindful May ~ Week 3

        Good Morning Friends,

        I was scheduled to go into Chicago and meet with my client but I think he forgot about our appointment so I will be at home today. For some odd reason, I feel terribly down today and I think it's due to the crappy weather we had all Memorial Day weekend. It was rainy and cold. I think a trip to the spa for a workout and some time in the hot tub might cure me, though.

        Star-I'm so glad your week away was relaxing and educational as well. Being with likeminded people is a really mood lifter. I know EXACTLY how you feel about going back to work. I felt the same way today as I would have had an hour and 40 minute commute to Chicago and I was not up for it. I was dreading that drive.

        Perse-good to see you but sorry you are in chronic pain.:l
        I have been back from my vacation for a bit and pretty depressed honestly. Lots of thoughts and emotions about life and relationships & I am just trying to sort. I've been a bit reclusive and apologize for my absence. I have missed you all and very much value you. I know how you feel. I ALWAYS feel that way the day I get back from vacation. am 43 and I feel like I've spent most of my life's energy on people and relationships that were parasitic ( I being mostly the host) and it makes me feel gross. And drained. Bloodless maybe. I am trying not to focus on regrets, but can't help it. Perhaps its just a part of the grief process and I will cycle thru ok?
        I tell ya, Perse, you and I are having the SAME kind of day. :l I've had some relationships (with men and women) that have been good and some that have been really toxic. The toxic people in my life, well, I've cut off all contact with them. Yes, feeling depressed is part of the grieving process. I've gone through it a couple of times. Don't you think that when drinking heavily, we stay in relationships out of neediness and/or loneliness? I know I did, and I shudder to think about them. Now that you're sober, you can focus on meeting people who are emotionally stable and contribute joy to your life instead of sucking it out of you. You are still very young, and you have time to choose new friends. I think being unemployed may be adding to your sad feelings. On a positive note, you have a daughter who loves you, and how lucky she is to be with you now that you're AF. Too bad she lives so far away, but CA is a wonderful place to visit.

        Lav-I hope you're able to keep your lunch date today. I loved the picture of the giraffe from the zoo.

        Pap-great job on cleaning up the yard!

        Dill-I miss you and hope you're ok. I have not posted any quotes and I forgot that it was a task you had bestowed upon me.

        Cyn-I hope you had a great time on your vacation with Mr. Tree, the dogs and step-daughter.

        Is this not Week 4? When I take a break this afternoon, I may start a new thread!

        I hope everyone is having a peaceful AF Tuesday.

