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Another August ~ AF

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    Another August ~ AF

    "I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three …"

    ~Martin Luther King Jr.

    Welcome to week 1 of August 2013. I searched for sobriety quotes to start the month and found several good ones and although "sober" doesn't appear in this particular quote, this was in the batch of quotes I found. I really liked it tho because it shows the basic need for seeking out others to find and lend support, not only in our struggle to remain free from alcohol, but in all things. Being a constant seeker of spirituality, it really resonated with me.

    Witts, I had to google 'farmers friends' . Before I googled it I had an image of your garden so full of ripe, juicy veggies that hordes of people were coming to pick produce for themselves.:H Not!

    Star, I hope you are doing well at boundaries and balance. You sound pretty busy! Busy can be good, but sometimes it can be bad, too.

    Lav, do you still have the link to the Black Bean burger recipe that I have heard you and Star talking about? I'd like to try to make that sometime soon.

    Happy AF August!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Another August ~ AF

    Good morning August friends

    Not a lick of sunshine here today but that's OK!
    Indoor activities shall be in order today :H

    Dill, After all this time I still enjoy stopping in here a time or two every day! I am confident in my quit but I still desire 'company' on this sober bus ride

    I've tried a lot of black bean burger recipes but this is the one I settled on:
    Black Bean Burgers | Annie's Eats

    OK, off we go into another AF month!
    Have a great day one & all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Another August ~ AF

      Good Morning to all...

      Dill, thanks for starting us off. We do need others, and I was just thinking about getting involved in something besides work, to make some new friends, get out of the house. My husband has really become more and more involved in his TV world, and I find it so boring. Hey, I love those black bean burgers, they are delicious. Enjoy.

      Hi Lav, I am grateful that you continue to visit MWO and share your experiences and knowledge. Some of the links you have shared have influenced me quite a bit.

      Trying to decide what to do today, as I am off. It just started raining so darn it, no outside activities. A trip to the library sounds good, and cooking up something new. May check in later.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Another August ~ AF

        Good morning kids!

        Not raining at the moment but it is super humid out there!

        Star, I just love the internet! I don't know where I would we be without it because I sure don't have decent resources around here

        Today I am going to Curves, stopping at the supermarket then coming back here to clean up the mess & hope to be able to squeeze in a hair cut as well.
        Tomorrow my nephew & his wife are stopping by for lunch. I haven't seen him since my son's wedding 7 years ago next month. He's always been a good hearted soul but misunderstood by many. I totally understand him. He's as pissed off with the actions of his mother (my SIL) as I am regarding my brother (his dad). I am the only relative left that he can connect with, even his bitchy twin sister is out of the story. Geez!!!!

        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Another August ~ AF

          Hello Everyone,

          Dill-thank you for kicking off August for us.
          I searched for sobriety quotes to start the month and found several good ones and although "sober" doesn't appear in this particular quote, this was in the batch of quotes I found. I really liked it tho because it shows the basic need for seeking out others to find and lend support, not only in our struggle to remain free from alcohol, but in all things. Being a constant seeker of spirituality, it really resonated with me.
          This quote really resonated with me, too. I owe a huge part of my AF success to MWO and this thread. Sometimes I think the people here are my HPs when it comes to recovery.:l When I have work issues that really get to me, like the situation with my now ex-client, I call one of my former clients who has continued to be a wonderful friend. She is in my industry and really "gets" what I do. Being a woman in the rough and tumble world of manufacturing gets pretty lonely sometimes. I'm so grateful for her friendship, and she is definitely my HP when it comes to the automotive industry.

          Lav-I am glad you can be there for your nephew. I am so glad he reached out to you.

          Star-I hope you find something fun to do today.

          Witts-It's P.O.E.T.S here today.:H

          I have a very relaxing weekend planned, starting off with a visit and dinner with my mom and then going to the Parade of Homes on Sunday. It feels so good to make plans on the weekend and remember every bit of it, AF and unhung. Not to brag, but I have been working out very, very hard.....sometimes for two hours per day, and in less than a week, 3 people have approached me to tell me that my exercise program is really paying off. And one of the people was my biggest client....and a man!!:H My goal is to be a size 6 or 8 by Thanksgiving. I'll get there....I really will. I used to weigh about 115 lbs. but I'll settle for 125.:H

          Big hellos to those MIA, too busy, or who post on FB but not here anymore. Away but never far from my thoughts: Chillgirl, Rustop, Sooty, Mr. G, LBH, Papmom, ThreeDogNight, Persephone 1....I think of you often and check in when you can.

          Hope everyone is having a lovely AF Friday.


            Another August ~ AF

            Thanks ever so much for the burger recipe, Lav! I'm going to share it with a friend, too.
            I'm glad your nephew has you in his corner...and he in yours!

            Rusty, fellow seeker, I am so glad the quote resonated with you as it did me.:h

            Star, hope you enjoyed your day!!

            I had lunch with a friend today. Very nice!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Another August ~ AF

              Hello everyone just a quick note am away in Brisbane for 10days
              Will pop in now and again

              Hopefully I can cope 12mths to-day since my mum died so family time with a brother and sister
              But staying with son so as not to come un done

              Hope everyone is good


                Another August ~ AF

                Witts, I hope your time with your family is peaceful & healing.
                The anniversary of my mom's passing was hard for me for many years too, I understand:l

                Rusty, I find I am back in size 8 pants now although I weigh more than I did when I was that size before I must have managed to rearrange it just right :H

                Dill, glad you had a nice time out with a friend. I haven't been out for lunch with my friends for a couple of months now - too much going on.
                Enjoy those black bean burgers - I love them

                Well, I guess I'm ready for my nephew's visit tomorrow. I know I'm tired trying to get a week's worth of work done in 1 day, geez!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Another August ~ AF

                  Good morning to all...

                  Rusty, wow, working out that much does pay off. It probably feels good too, having control of your body, being IN your body. Drinking, we just abused ourselves, always trying to feel better. Having someone to talk to is so important, I think everyone struggles with loneliness to a certain extent...having that connection is so important. Drinking would just make it go away. For a time at least. I too miss the people who have left, I just don't get Facebook that much. Don't feel comfortable with posting at all. Your weekend sounds great.

                  Lav, size 8 sounds good to me. Over time healthy habits make a huge difference. Hope you have a lovely weekend. I think the internet is easy to look anything up. What is your take on Facebook?

                  Dill, I am meeting a friend today, so have something to look forward to...glad you had fun on your lunch date. Is it hard for you to get away with the grandkids living there? A beautiful day is store for us, sunny and in the 70s, it doesn't get better than that.

                  Wittsend, have a good trip, nice to get away, good to be AF.

                  To all, have a great day.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Another August ~ AF

                    Good morning friends,

                    Well, the crappy weather is here again :H
                    T storms on the way, swell.
                    Star, I am on Facebook only because I have found it easier to stay in touch with my old work friends & I do like to see pics of everyone's kids & grandkids. I subscribe to lots of groups & communities who focus on mindfulness, meditation, healthy eating, etc

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday will be back later!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Another August ~ AF

                      Hello everyone just a quick note am away in Brisbane for 10days
                      Will pop in now and again

                      Hopefully I can cope 12mths to-day since my mum died so family time with a brother and sister
                      But staying with son so as not to come un done

                      Hope everyone is good


                        Another August ~ AF

                        Hello All,
                        Witts have a good trip. I hope you can pop in while in Brisbane. Are you visiting family?

                        Lav, do you comment on other people's facebook pages? Like on LBH's, or Chill's, etc.? I mean do you actually communicate that way, or just see what they post?

                        Star, it is very hard to get away with the g-kids here. It's like going back 30 years in time. I have a really hard time with this to be honest. But we have to do what we have to do.

                        Rusty, that at really great that you have been working out and have received compliments. It's great that your work is paying off! :l

                        We got some time away from the house today, just Mr. D and I. The neighbor girl agreed to baby sit. She's really great with the kids and they like when she comes over. Mr. D and I spent the afternoon drifting across the lake. It was wonderful!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Another August ~ AF

                          Good Evening Dear Friends,:h

                          I just got home after spending the afternoon and evening with my mother. We had a lovely time. A perfect day here weather-wise....not a cloud in the sky.

                          Witts:l I am sorry about the passing of your mum, and this sad anniversary. I'm glad you'll have your son with you. Did you take the ute to Brisbane?

                          Dill-I think it's great that you and Mr. D got away for a while. Do you think you could set up a regular "Date Night/Day" with this wonderful neighbor girl so you and Mr. D can have a break? It would give both of you something to look forward to during the week. Therapists recommend a regular "Date Night" on a weekly basis for parents of young children. Just a thought. I am just a wee jealous that you were on your boat this afternoon. I haven't been on the water all summer. Hmmm....must call wealthy client with cabin cruiser very soon.:H

                          Lav-I hope your visit with your nephew and his wife was all that you had hoped for. I
                          am glad you have each other. I know he is grateful that he can confide in you.

                          I was just thinking about getting involved in something besides work, to make some new friends, get out of the house. My husband has really become more and more involved in his TV world, and I find it so boring.
                          I am in your corner 100% here. Go for it. You won't change your husband's love of his TV world, so time for you to find some new, healthy, and relaxing adventures. Join a gym, volunteer...lots of possibilities with your welcoming personality.

                          Big hellos to everyone else. I'm off to bed. See you in the morning.


                            Another August ~ AF

                            Witts, hope you are doing OK on your time away
                            I am still missing my mom, she passed in 1986 - long tome ago.

                            Dill, yes I do post on Facebook pages - mostly brief comments about pictures & stuff. I also send messages privately (like the PMs here) to chill, papmom, TDN, LBH, kaslo, Sunshine gg & probably a few more that I can't think of at the moment. There is also a private interim MWO group started by Nelz that you can join if you like
                            Glad you got out & about 'kid-less' today! I love watching the kids but I honestly don't want to be on duty 24/7. I need some 'Me time' too!

                            I had a great reunion with my nephew, his wife & two of his three kids today. He also got to meet my grandkids for the first time & catch up with my kids - it was nice.

                            OK, I am tired so I'll wish everyone a good night
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Another August ~ AF

                              Hi Rusty cross post
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

