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wed the tooth of july

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    wed the tooth of july

    mae how are things today?wow was I tired yesterday...went to bed last night about 9 and that was me zonked!!!!obviously needed the sleep after getting up at daft o clock..but hey thats the way the flop mops!!couldnt believe it yesterday..the big brown rabbit went over a 2ft picket fence to get into the look at her and you wouldn't think she could get out of her own road but she can shift when she wants to..back to the drawing board...rabbits 1 me nil!!
    the origins of saying white rabbits has got no definitive origin,being as varied as an ancient British fertility rite to a Yankee saying for good luck.another more violent saying..probably Scottish is "pinch ,punch ..first of the month

    right on we go ...I have been advised to get my clothes sorted out for holidays ...she is slipping cases are usually packed and unpacked and packed by now!!!what a luvverly morning

    tea and coffee on the go

    hiya are you feeling today? any better....I know what you mean about thinking and thinking...I do the same at times....just find something to do that takes a lot of concentration and dive straight into it...thats the best way. thats what I try and do..doesnt always work tho but worth a try!! Rolf Harris..just one of actually does make you wonder what was happening during the time we were growing up...the thing is ..they have hit the headlines because of their fame....but believe me I have locked up loads of people for historical sexual offences from around the same era..when you look at it firstly there was flower power,free love etc when it was almost done in public,and then this continuation into the 70s..almost as a 60s residue that it is ok ..but also you have got to balance that all with people jumping on the bandwagon now..trying to get a claim in for compensation...movin on starting to sound like a head doctor!!!here have some of my ice cream..can you guess my favourite?

    point is ..hope you are feeling better.

    hiya Sam ..hows you today? scorcher over here too today..did you get the bees marked up?nope I aint giving up right just yet...on the bees

    hiya Pauly hows you today got yer mojo back?no storage wars/auction hunters?hoarders..we get exactly the same crap telly today over here!!

    hiya Lav .....dark side of the moon ....a brill album!!!Pink Floyd...think if we are honest at times we all dwell on the "dark side" issues... finance ..relationships..mortality..again I think very similar to al its the dealing with thats the issue..I know the actions and speech its just that sometimes I aint that clever at dealing with it !!so what are your plans for today then?its about time you got some more planting done

    hiya SL.....deep breath time ..take it easy.we all get stressy headed at times,and eventually when you analyse it later it was over nowt me dook!!probably the best thing was to leave when you did!!another boring story for you ...when I was at Strangeways, I got called for a promotion board..didnt get the job but was placed top of the merit list.6 months later another job came up..this time I wasnt called so went a bit mad..told the governing governor the board was bent,he was bent and his crappy jail was bent!!stormed out and went to Greece for a fortnight..strangely enough I still had a job when I came back!!so best to quit while ahead!!

    anyways heres my first sweet peas out .pressy.just to cheer you up!!yep watched Dolly at Glastonbury...she is a pretty talented woman,,was funny when she was talking about her childhood!

    mg src="" alt="" />

    right folks..dont know where the rest of the gang are but big shout anyway have a great day

    BBC's Panorama will be outlining the issues of overcrowded prisons, the UK is currently facing.

    Thanks to the broadcaster's former employees.

    I went down to the kitchen this morning for breakfast to find the wife semi-naked. As I walked in she said "I need you to make love to me right now". Wow, we have never done it in the kitchen before so I gave it all I got. After we had finished she smiled and said a simple "Thanks". Puzzled I asked her what all that was about. She explained "the egg timers broke"

    I tried to buy a medieval punishment device recently, but I had no luck.

    Everywhere was out of stocks.

    You love watching World Cup football more than you love me!" said the wife.

    I love watching Songs of Praise more than I love you, I thought.

    I caught my best mate and my wife in bed together last night.

    I felt physically sick.

    "Urrh gross! You didn't did you..!?" I said to Dave, laughing

    Last week I walked up to Wayne Rooney at the airport and said,"How about an autograph mate?"

    "Sure." He replied.

    So I signed a photo print of myself and gave it to him.


    A mate told me that the best fuel to use in my car is BP.

    Anyone know how many bees I need to fill the tank?

    Now people are claiming compensation for being molested in Broadmoor Hospital, my parrot says he wants cash for being molested on Animal Hospital.

    I see a record number of Americans are watching the World Cup.

    But I'm sure they'll all find jobs soon.

    USA lose graciously to Belgium in the World Cup.

    President Obama says no hard feelings and that any drones heading towards Belgium are nothing to worry about.

    Arrived home to find my wife in tears, so I asked her what was wrong.

    "They accused me of being a cold hearted bitch in work," she sobbed. "I'm not am I?"

    "Of course you're not," I replied. "Come on... blow your nose before those icicles get any longer."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wed the tooth of july

    Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump day to all

    Hot, hot & humid today!!!! All of the windows were fogged up this morning - swell.
    I'm watching the progress of hurricane Arthur making it's way up the east coast. Looks like Friday & Saturday are going to be quite damp.
    I will be running from one AC place to another today Mick :H
    First stop Curves, then a couple of stores back near the civilized area where we used to live then meeting a couple of friends for lunch. No gardening until this weather streak breaks, that's for sure

    Your garden looks lovely, as usual!
    Have fun packing - not my favorite thing to do either.
    There seems to be no shortage of nasty, dirty old man perverts in the world! I read about the two celebrity pervs making the news over there. Here we have an abundance of Catholic priests fitting the bill over here - nasty

    Greetings to TT & SL. I hope you are both dancing on the brighter side of the moon today
    Greetings PQ, SF, Det, Pauly & everyone dropping by today.

    Have a great AF Hump day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      wed the tooth of july

      Mae everybody,beautiful view Mick,now how the heck did that bunny get over that fence?animals do some crazy stuff,i'd pick the raspberry ice cream too btw,ugh had anxiety in the afternoon yesterday i haven't had that in awhile,sort of forgot what it feels like not quite sure what brought it on,nothing on my mind to worry about,maybe just fatigue had some dark choco hot cocoa(in 112 degree heat)and it let up,so that's good,hope everybody has a good Wednesday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        wed the tooth of july

        morning all!!
        hot night last, hot day again.

        Lav, looked at the storm you mentioned, I didn't know there was one about. My son and his S.O. went to the Outer Banks this week. Looks like that area has a bullseye on it.

        Mick, sounds like you're getting all set for your trip. I did get some of my queens marked. There's a style of hives called top bar hives you may want to look at. Very simplistic way of doing hives. I've never tried them, but find them interesting.

        In a rush. Waves to everyone.

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          wed the tooth of july

          Thanks for the sweet peas Mick - I will have to plant soem next year - promise to myself, reminds me of Mums! And for teh talk - what I took from that is......bye, off to greece for two weeks!!! That would be truly wonderful.
          Wee bit better today - chosing to work from home - was a bit of a fishwife again today -trying to get one summer girl to a day out for her and the other to summer school, they were not in mood to move and I was not in mood to jolly them along - hence Mum started shouting - does nothing for anyone, including me...
          Hope you are packing Mick.
          Looking forward to seeing first jar of honey Sam.
          Det - hope home sale progressing?
          PPQ - hello!
          Pauly - keep hanging in - it will least thats what I keep telling myself.
          Lav, the humidity would be very hard - it is hot here, but at least dry.
          Here is wishing Robin Willimas all the best " =Fifty"
          Have a good hump day all as we count down to Micks anni!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            wed the tooth of july

            Hi folks - Thursday morning here. That was a great post Mick - not least of which was providing us with the ice-cream. Actually I would go for the caramel one - maybe I am over pavalovaYou must be busy packing and repacking but how lovely to be heading away for a real holiday. Take lots to read on the Kindle.

            Some tensions here last night. daughter not well but she has a major assignment due - and was working on this. Then her computer crashed. Nothing backed up :upset: (I have lectured endlessly on this). Nothing saved. So she has to to redo it all. No extensions, excuses either allowed at the school. A tough learning lesson.

            Hope you are a bit better SL. Don't do anything rash at work! I wouldn't run off to Greece these days and expect a job when I returned:H

            Sam - I would like some honey but we are not allowed to import any honey products into NZ. Very strict regulations.

            Lav - hope you manage to keep cool and stay out of the way of Arthur!

            Pauly- try to let the anxiety pass. Easier said than done though! Have you ever tried deep breathing and yoga (SF would be able to help here)? Touch wood, I cope with anxiety fairly OK - its depression and negative moods that I have to deal with for myself.

            No snow for us here but I gather the mountains are looking good for the skiers. Thats not my thing though. I tried skiing a few times when I was a wee lassie and only managed to get concussion!

            You all have a good sober rest of your Wednesday and I will try to pop in later.


              wed the tooth of july

              Lots of dark clouds out there, thunder & lightning but no rain - strange. I guess it's waiting to screw up the 4th of July holiday.

              Sam, I heard some talk of possible evacuations of the OBX. Hope your son pulls the plug on his vacation & gets out of there quickly if evacuations are ordered. That just stinks!!!

              SL, dark moods come & go. Don't read anything into them - something I have finally learned in life
              Great that you can work from home when a break is needed!

              TT, your daughter sounds like me. Some of us just HAVE to learn everything the hard way. Why is that?? I'm sure she'll be doing her backups in the future.
              The best thing for helping me to kick the depression & negative thinking was meditation. Listening to recordings in the evening & when I went to bed helped so much. I really liked the MWO Hypno CDs in the beginning.

              Pauly, glad you feel better!
              My car was reading 98 degrees today but with the tremendous humidity it actually felt like 105 degrees or more - yuck. That's overkill in my book :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                wed the tooth of july

                MAE ALL...

                Checking in to be accountable. It was one of those nights last night, awake every couple of hours. Had my sister and her MIL's funeral on my mind all day and ended up staying late at work. Just exhausted so will check back in the morning....PPQP

