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    Monday greetings all! Midday here and back at the grind. Seems like everyone was busy over the weekend.
    Glad you enjoyed yourself Sam.
    Hope your foot gets better soon Lav.
    SL ? has the rain stopped?
    Bear ? well done on not drinking on Saturday.
    SF ? good plan on the escape from corporate America
    Can?t really think of much to say ? but hi there to also to Mick, Patrice, PPQP and Pauly, Det.
    Back to work now. At least its not corporate America (at least not last time I looked!:H)


    Hi all,
    Hows everyone's vacations, health and wellness? All good I trust!

    I had a relapse at the weekend, it didn't last long, didn't involve a massive amount of alcohol and left me a bit wrung out. It was a relapse though after being 9 weeks of AF , through most of my holidays and my time in Cambodia.

    It hasn't taken more than a few hours to get back on here which has never happened before and that's a great thing,...

    I posted on the Loamers thread that the trigger was stress and I need different tools to deal with days where the stress meter hits super high..

    I'm back to day 1 if it's the counting thing but I guess with 9 weeks knowledge and power behind me..

    Have a great MAE all!!



      Hey Pat
      Well, it seems along with the relapse you learnt a lot about yourself and what you need to do to stay sober. I read your posts last night on the loamers thread. I am not sure you need to start counting from Day 1 again? What I have done in the past is post the number of AF days I have had in my "signature" and then carry on.... August 31 AF days.... September ____ ... well you can see it below.
      Kind of a way to keep things positive in my mind because you ARE carrying on.
      Very good you jumped right back on here and did not feel too ashamed, no point in that. We all just want what is best for each other so just move forward! Pretty much the only option we have, right?
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober



        Just sent you a PM Patrice. Don't see your AF time as wasted - just get back into the AF routine. You seem very aware of why you relapsed - that knowledge is important and will stand you in good stead in the future.

        Lots on TV/radio today as its the anniversary of when war was declared by Britain with Germany - also same day NZ declared war. We had Dominion status then - so were a semi-colony.

        I have just learned what a Cholera Belt was (completely useless piece of military attire - like much of it was/is).


          MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

          mae all...and how are we today then?all ok?yep was up early I have got to admit,it was probably one of the best days activities Ive had for a long time...definitely well worth gettin up at daft o clock for....reallly successful..ok on we go with the show then...tea and coffee on the go.

          hiya tt are you today then? thanks for starting us off on the thread..your day will nearly be over now?make sure you have a good evening ....any word about the house getting fixed up?

          wowee SF...welcome back really do sound like you have been through the mill..right pot of glue to sort out to agree with you corporate america fire me I aint leaving ..that is unless you come up with a smart deal that will make us both for the thinking drinking...hey that long as it is dealt with in the right way...its only when thinking drinking turns to drinking drinking the problem starts.Im sure that you will sort it

          hiya Lav are you this fine day then?all well?did you have a good weekend?as I said ,my yesterday was a belter....big brew time like/need some?

          mornin Sam ..and hows you today?all good?whats on the cards for today then ?owt special?

          hiya bear aching this morning?I defo am!so you enjoyed the weekend?good when you go to work today ..remember paid for your weekend...even reding your post I can see your thought process starting to speed up..take a chill...walk dont run..remember today you dont drink ...and also your challenge is have a laugh at work!!

          hiya SL.........come back another day!! how are you today then?all good in your gang?yep you are right about work...the higher up the food chain you go ..the less and less you deal with the hands on...and end up with more strategies management meetings audits key performance indicators and targets,business plans functional responsibilities,key objectives financial constraints budgetry Im over here but no matter where in the world you are ..these words will ring a bell!!anyway I digress from you in holidaysville have a great time.

          hiya Pauly ...hows you doing today then?whats happening in your gang today then? and hows the not boozin going?

          yo Det ..did you get out on the mountain bikes then?royal french toast??obviously not too successful....we know what happened to the royal family!!

          hi ok?

          right peeps time to go ...hasta la vista baby!!!!

          Most people hate eavesdroppers,

          or so I hear.

          I wonder if clouds ever look down on us and say:

          "Hey, look, that one is shaped like an idiot!"

          I needed to go shopping. Sponges, tea leaves and fruitcakes....

          Are just some of the people in Wal Mart

          I remember my first time having sex.

          Halfway through, the girl stopped and asked, "Is this your first time?"

          I replied, "No, I've cried loads of times."

          I called in sick to work today and went straight to have a few drinks with my mates.

          Bit stupid really, as I'm the bartender.

          An Arab walks into a bar and is about to order a drink when he sees a guy close by wearing a Jewish cap, a prayer shawl/tzitzis and traditional locks of hair.

          He doesn't have to be an Einstein to know that this guy is Jewish. so he shouts over to the bartender loudly enough that everyone can hear, "Drinks for everyone in here, bartender, but not for that Jew over there".

          Soon after the drinks have been handed out, the Jew gives him a big smile, waves at him, then says, "Thank you!" in an equally loud voice.

          This infuriates the Arab. He once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Jew.

          As before, this does not seem to bother the Jewish guy. He continues to smile, and again yells, "Thank you!"

          The Arab asks the bartender, "What's the hell is the matter with that Jew?
          I've ordered two rounds of drinks for everyone in the bar but him, and all the silly bugger does is smile and thank me. Is he nuts?"

          "Nope," replies the bartender. "He owns the place."

          The Doctor who performed the worlds largest organ transplant has just been awarded the Wurlitzer Prize

          Thinking about today's anniversary of the start of WW1 brings to mind the story about my great-granddad - who, as a very young man, went into the army recruitment office this day 100 years ago and lied about his age.

          He said he was 74.

          I bought a book to help me with my DIY.

          So far my wife has read me 45 pages of it.

          Well a traditional Scottish end to the Commonwealth Games

          No money spent on it and the emergency services in attendance

          My sister came over last night and started nagging me about the cleanliness of my house.

          I sent her away with a flea in her ear.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

            Good morning Abbers & happy Monday!

            Hi there TT, thanks for the start up

            Patrice, sorry you chose to drink. Stress is a normal part of all of our lives - just something we all have to deal with in the healthiest way possible. Glad you came right back!

            Hi there Eloise, good to see you here!

            SF, I hope your week is a good one. Stay close by so we can support you

            Greetings Mick! Glad you enjoyed yourself yesterday doing mysterious things :H
            Thanks for the coffee this morning!

            I think my daughter & granddaughter are planning a visit today, which very well may turn into 2 or 3 days knowing their history. I need to decide what to do about my foot, it's still bugging me.

            Hello to everyone & wishing a great AF day for one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

              Thanks for the words everyone... Yes stress is certainly and will constantly be there.. It's never linear anyway!! The learning part of all this really helped to think No, strongly and with conviction soon after that ill - thought out decision.. Also coming straight on this site, I got immediate support and empathy from all of you. The power if collective sobriety I think seems to be much more important than I had realised and also the power of giving back in a community such as this and in fact in our daily lives..

              The friend I spoke to at length yesterday is also an alcoholic who has been AF for 3 months now ! I told him what happened and we talked and talked and he gave wonderful advice and support and I when I thanked him he said " No, I want to thank YOU because listening to you today has helped me enormously in not. drinking today, in the same way We have helped each other"

              I thought was a lovely way of thinking also all of the people on MWO who tirelessly and willingly ' pass it on' so to speak, all of you guys here and on other threads, lots of people who do care enough to pass on tools as many tools as they can.
              Anyway, that's what I have gratitude for tonight!
              End of a peaceful healthy and positive day for me.. I hope your days will be the same!!


                MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                Morning all!!
                late morning that is here in ol Virginny. Just loaded up a few calves and cows to go to market. Nice looking, if I do say so. I have one escape artist in a steer body, got out twice this weekend so guess I'll wean him and see if we put him in the freezer or sale later. Started working on a new fence yesterday, the post driver is such a fun implement. Wet ground helps!

                how you be TT, sometimes there just isn't much too say, daily routines and all that. Hope your day is a good one!

                Patrice, you sound very positive after a bleep. Good idea to try have good recall for the next time of the URGE. Instead of urge, replace with PURGE!! Be well.

                Hey Eloise, glad to see you here, don't be a stranger and come on back!

                Morning Mick, not sure what direction to go this AM. Bees, fence, Johnny house, so many directions that I turn around and I'm in the same spot!

                Hey Lav, how's the foot doing? What did you do to it? Hope it does you better today.

                greetings SF, PQ, Det, Bear

                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                  Het Eloise .. Your post was spot on, thank you

                  Sam and Lav- thanks for your comments , they add to my positive mood

                  SL - I hope your vacation is calming and envigorating for you. The walks on the each are great, I can understand how you felt a little wistful looking at couples chilling together but , we can't compare ourselves to others and the reality behind those anonymous people enjoying can be quite different... The look from the outside can be deceiving ...

                  TT - thanks fir your PM , really appreciated it and your pragmatic approach
                  Mick, Bear, Pauly, ppq, Det and anyone else here., big hi!


                    MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                    Morning all, enjoying a cuppa on the balcony before the girls get up! Sun is out today and blue skies already - off to sea world today - girls choice! Glad I did not succumb to feelings last night, felt a tad deprived, but feel great this morning!
                    Well off to shower the chuck these young ladies out of bed!
                    Have a good Monday everyone, I plan to have a great one!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                      MAE ALL....

                      Finally got our thunderstorm and it was a whopper. Had to go and check on my brothers dogs last night as they are afraid of thunder. Got their thunder jackets on so they soon settled down. Holiday here today so slept in, haven't done that for awhile.

                      Mick...glad yesterday was a good one for you.

                      Patrice...glad you got right back on the thread. Well done. When I started with AA it was a small group who had been together forever with years of abstinence. They were quite happy to see me as it reminded them all what it was like.

                      Lav...hope you get your foot sorted soon. Good luck with the visitors.

                      Sam...good luck with the sale today.

                      Off to check on the gardens. Will stop in later......PPQP

                      :hallo: SL...enjoy your day.


                        MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                        hey all just a quick post,back from weight watchers - lost 2lbs,am bloody exhausted!
                        Not sure if mega endurance skate session,or bed at midnight or just dealing with BS from woman at work today.Either way - today is over and I'm glad tomorrow is a new day.
                        Only laugh I had today Mick was leaving - and thinking that in 7 weeks she's gone at end of probation period!On a serious note tho decided i need face to face counselling to deal with approval BS - it's at the bottom of what is making this so hard,what causes me to lapse and abandon other goals.Think I'm getting a bit of a cold as well,nothing early night and taking my vitamins again won't cure.

                        Feeling good from eating more fruit and veg and bit of exercise,I can do this weight watchers thing, just lots of fruit and veg and few treats at the weekend.

                        Have a happy Monday.
                        one day at a time


                          MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                          Hey SL
                          always feels better not to drink than to drink, good for you. How's the drought treating you all there?
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                            Update: went to see a doc about my foot today & she had no idea what's causing the pain & swelling. So, I'm going to get it xrayed tomorrow then make an appointment with a podiatrist, oh well.
                            Don't think I did anything to my foot to cause this situation EXCEPT that my big dog (90+ lbs) has a habit of stepping on my feet fairly frequently. So it could be an injury, who knows?
                            Enjoying my girls being here anyway!

                            God night wishes to all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              MONDAY AF 4 AUGUST

                              Lav hope your foot is ok soon, think we forget how much we need them until they're a bit broken!
                              one day at a time

