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    Hi everyone ? thought I better post before I fade away. Not physically just from mental exhaustion. Don?t worry I have a date with a DVD later in the evening and tomorrow night am planning to go out for dinner and catch a very interesting movie.

    Glad your holiday is going well SL ? and keep the Virgin in those drinks. Don?t believe what you see with the lovey dovey couples and happy families - often its all a show or a public image. :l

    Lav ? very strange about your foot and I am sorry to hear it is still like that. I hope the answers are simple, inexpensive and quick!

    I can send you some rain Det ? and might throw some garlic in as well. The local garlic is very strong (pungent) so not much is needed for taste ? depending on your garlic-meter I guess.

    Pauly ? sounds like you need rain where you are. Does it ever rain much in Vegas?

    Glad you are on a roll Bear. Keep it up and don?t overwhelm yourself. I can hardly set an example here ? as multitasking is my middle name.

    PPQP ? cute wee jacket for the doggy. Don?t think my cat would like it though.:H

    Sam ? yes, I am with you on the drug companies but sometimes there are medications that help us. I am pretty cynical about such things in case you couldn?t tell! :H
    Went out today and re-stocked some of our first aid supplies ? my daughter had a bad fall the other day at school and so I have been playing nurse (I know that's SL and Lav?s job!) the last few days ? changing dressings etc (see I told you I multitask)

    Hi there Patrice ? hope you are enjoying the last of the break. Good idea of yours to think about future plans ? the big picture.

    And Mick, thanks for the PM. Appreciate the support. Hope your Wednesday goes well.

    And everyone else too - have a great Wednesday and don't let the weather get in the way!


    Hi all
    TT, yes I'm being so lazy... Just enjoying the last few days!!
    I hope everyone is going well
    Lovely and cool here, it's finally been raining!



      mae all...oops didnt realise the time...tried to get on earlier,and couldnt so thought I would do something while I was drilling sawing and other such great tasks..and there it was tempus fugit or some such latin phrase ok on we go then tea and coffee on the go at this mo ..

      Hiya SL....hows the jollies going?all good..had to look up what a mai tai is..cocktail were never my forte!whats on the cards today then ?enjoy your day whatever you do.

      hiya Lav....your post...I was up & out early for a dental appointment then went for Xrays of my that not similar to going out for groceries and coming back with engine oil or some non related goods?:H good news is theres no fracture....the bad news is your big toe needs a crown!!..glad there are no breaks ..but it would be nice to find out what was wrong!!here you large coffee from the sympathy pot..any plans for today ..or taking it easy?

      hiya Det ..hows the cold my friendgot a few bulbs of garlic here to throw in your milkshake if you want!!

      hiya pauly are ou your phone with you today?where are you up to now with the no drinking?

      hiya bear and hows you today then ?all good?whats on the cards today?..what are you not doing today?...go on tell yourself!

      hiya ppqp..hows you then ? so thats what a thunder jacket is?ta for the explanation...yeo its pouring down here at the moment..glad I left watering the garden until this you go boss cup of coffee...only 9 days now..but hey whos counting

      hiya Sam ..hows the surveying going?all good?..nope the early doors trip last week wasnt for the will be pretty much the same time this week..whats more if the result is the same ..then I will be well pleased!!

      Hey Patrice ..and how are you this fine day?all good?excellent..any plans for today?

      hiya tt ..hows you today?feeling any better?hows your daughters leg?as for the know where I am!

      right folks for the offski so have a good one....c yawl

      German court agrees to drop Bernie Ecclestone bribery charges in exchange for ?60 million...

      Did Bernie Ecclestone just bribe his way out of bribery charges?

      Just like to give a shout out to the guy who plays triangle in our orchestra.

      Thanks for every ting.

      Fighter plane escorts a passenger jet in to Manchester airport as the pilot reported a suspicious item on board.

      The United team bringing back a trophy this season

      Old MacDonald was an Army conscript.

      G.I, G.I Joe.

      After going to the doctor and explaining my symptoms, he told me to drink a bottle of wine, after a hot bath. that, I couldn't even finish the hot bath.

      I see Pope Francis has released his top ten tips for a happier life.

      A lot of them were what you'd expect from a Pope. For example, "No. 7 - Respect Nature" and "No.3 - Be Calm."

      But I was surprised by Number 1. "Begin every day by watching that video of Justin Bieber getting punched in the face.

      i was going to give all my old building blocks away but i just can't lego of them.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        WED AF 6 AUGUST


        I'm not drinking today,and wasn't sleeping last night,stressing about work - volume of work plus staff issues.Boss has agreed for me to work at home a bit more than normal and that I can have extensions on some deadlines. Still a hangover as well would be a bloody nightmare!

        Playing a waiting game with cat and non absorbent litter - all I need is a few drops of pee from him,he appears to be on pee strike.

        Other than that,skating later,if I can keep my eyes open - I KNOW I will be feeling better for doing it,maybe I'll do half the session and see how it goes,or even just go and watch.Some exercise would be good I think to burn off some stress.

        Happy Wednesday everyone - sorry not much to add,I've got a counsellor appt booked for next Thursday.Bye for now.
        one day at a time


          WED AF 6 AUGUST

          morning all!
          hard to pry myself out of bed this morning. Surveying awaits again today. Mosquitoes were bad! Got my cylinders back for the front end loader so my evening project is set for tonight putting them back on, pretty exciting stuff, eh??!

          TT, give that ol brain a little down time for sure. Hope you enjoy your evening!

          Mick, how's your day going? what season are you in garden-wise these days? How are the bunnies?

          Bear, how you be? feels like there's a lot going on for you. Be sure to include a little down time to relax.

          Patrice, you sound good, enjoying your time. Being sober actually is a great way to be!

          off and out the door.. hello to all good friends here.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            WED AF 6 AUGUST

            Good morning Abbers,

            The list of 'what's not wrong with my foot' continues to grow :H
            Maybe I'll get some answers when I see the Podiatrist on Monday. I'm thinking this is going to end up being an arthritis issue, we shall see.

            TT, every Mom ends up being a nurse
            Always good to keep a well stocked first aid kit Hope your patient heals quickly!

            Greetings Patrice, enjoy the rain!

            Mick, my plan for the day is to do as little as possible :H
            My daughter & granddaughter are here to distract me & keep me company this week. I am grateful

            Bear, take lots of deep breaths & try to step back & be an observer of things. Sounds a little weird but it has helped me a lot

            Greetings to SL, Det, PQ, pauly, Sam & everyone!
            Sam. I hope your back is OK!

            Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              WED AF 6 AUGUST

              Mae everybody,TT,quite the opposite it's rained here at least a little almost everyday since Mick's anniversary,flooding the works! Mick,i don't drink anymore,that's just the way it is gonna be,Lav,what did the x-ray show?hello to Sam,SL,SF,Patrice,PPQ,Det,bear,let's have a good Wednesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                WED AF 6 AUGUST

                MAE ALL....

                TT...thanks for kicking us off. BTW they do make Thunder Jackets for cats. Enjoy your DVD we'll see you tomorrow.

                Patrice...enjoy the rest of your break.

                Mick...thanks for the brew. I only think of my 2 year anni when you bring it up. :H

                Bear...good to see you got your thinking cap on straight. Sounds like you've got a supportive boss. Sorry about the lack of sleep but I gotta say I had the best sleep in a long time last night.

                Sam...sounds like your plate is full today. Knock wood but I've been mosquito free this season.

                Lav...while I'm still trying to figure out Mick's Mysteries I'll spend some time on your foot mystery. Did look for a funny pick but all the swollen feet looked gross! Enjoy your visitors and take it easy.

                Off to make bacon and eggs...any takers? Have a great AF Wednesday all.....PPQP

                X-post :hallo: Pauly


                  WED AF 6 AUGUST

                  PPQ - iI'll take bacon and eggs! Yes please! Girls are enjoying pastries for breakfast, not doing my weight loss any good!
                  TT - sorry about your daughters leg, that does not sound good
                  Mick - G&T was the only cocktail I liked, but the fruity drinks that are free at this sort of thing in the sun and palm trees are just part of the whole shenanigans - so be be able to join in feels good!
                  Bear - came to realization this holiday that I have to learn to relax - I can talk of planning to relax, but doing - oh no!! It is something we will have to work out for self preservation I think!
                  Morning (well here it is!) Sam, Lav, Pat, Pauly and Det - and any visitors!! Heard of a fun farmers market - so off to try to work out bus system and see if we can find it, shower first though!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    WED AF 6 AUGUST

                    hey all,

                    Back from rollerderby training - felt anxious so left sesh half hour early,also shattered from lack of sleep and need to drive for hour on my own to get home.Made excuse that had to be in for OH.White lie - pleased I went though rather than stayed at home which is what I was going to be doing.

                    Lav - I love the just watching idea,that was one of the CBT techniques that I had forgotten recently to manage anxiety - watching worries float past like leaves on a river but not engaging with them.Thanks for reminder

                    Feeling a bit better after chat with the boss, I have one day a week either working from home a week or at another office for the next few months to manage my stress levels.Still working to get her out by the end of September,some differing advice from HR on that but fingers crossed.

                    In other news one more day in office this week with difficult woman,and have meeting with boss to go through my workload and re-prioritise it.

                    Thanks everyone for input re anxiety - some breathing exercises and a hot lavender bath may just be in order.

                    I don't drink and this will end at some point and I will be stronger and have learnt from it,hell already learnt that I'm persistent even when it's rough going and that I'm a people pleaser and will be working on that.Night night,sleep tight or morning TT!
                    one day at a time


                      WED AF 6 AUGUST

                      heyo ABerooos!

                      pop quiz: did you know A.G. Bell suggested that the proper greeting for answering the new invention of the telephone should be: 'ahoy-hoy' wtf?

                      TTops, thanks for getting us launched today. what movie did you see?

                      Bear, lavender bath does sound nice.

                      feeling pleasantly sore from some new exercises last night.

                      happy to say I seem to have knocked out this cold before it got a good hold of me. whew!

                      be well everyone!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

