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October Optimism

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    Late check in folks,

    Lav, I have never taken a flu shot, but lots of my teacher friends did/do. My doctor used to pressure me about it but she has given up! LOL! I've heard of Airborne but never tried it. I feel lucky that I rarely get upper respiratory infections. But when I do, I am a complete basket case!

    Papmom, I truly appreciate your words and offer. I will PM you soon so we can exchange emails. Lav, I'll do that with you, too, if you don't mind. I actually thought I already had yours, but I couldn't find it the other day when I was looking for it. Anyway, Papmom, that is fantastic aout the wardrobe upgrade! Size 10? Woo-hoo!!!!! It's hard throwing out old favorites, isn't it. After reading your post it helped me let go of a couple of really dog-eared pairs of shoes that needed to go. (Star and I both have a thing for shoes goin' on!)

    I started my new crochet project. I'll include a link tomorrow so you can see it. If I do it right now, I'm afraid switching screens on the ePad will make me lose this post.

    Have a peaceful AF night.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Dill - I heard on the radio today that flu (complications) kill 20,000 people (both young & old) every year! Every year!!!!
      That's more death than Ebola has ever caused. GO GET A FLU SHOT, please
      Papmom, you go get one too if you haven't already.
      You can go just about anywhere (CVS, Walgreens, etc). You don't even need to see a doc.

      Rain, rain & more rain here this week but it's better than that violent weather in the Midwest that I've seen on the news.

      Hey there SnoopStar!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        No worries Lav. I'm meeting my new doc tomorrow and will request the flu shot. They offered it to me in Aug but it just seemed too early! A lot of people at work have a respiratory thing going on and it was so hot and stuffy in the office. No way to open windows. Why oh why did I have to go back????

        Dill, get thee to a pharmacy or clinic and get thy flu shot!! I've had one every year for many years. The only flu I ever got was the Norovirus a few years ago. I haven't had a really bad case of bronchitis in a while. But I'm a little nervous to get the flu shot tomorrow tho as I don't want it to affect my race on Saturday. maybe I'll hold off and go to CVS next week.
        Also, go ahead and PM me so I can give you my email. Can't wait to see your project! I will be finishing up my memory wall hanging tomorrow nite probably and will post a pic.

        Lav-you had a 2 week break from the Gkids right? -breaks over LOL! How is the tasmanian devil today?

        Dill-what happened to your son that he ended up in the hospital? Glad he's better and back home with the kids.

        Somewhat busy day at work-boss got chatty near the end which was a good diversion. Haven't told her about the goof yet. Wogged 3.2 miles in 47.25 minutes followed by 30 min of upper body weight lifting. The kids are snoozing on the bed with me. I have to wake them up to feed them LOL! I can sleep in 30 min more tomorrow. Life is good!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Good morning...

          I always get the flu shot, it seems to help me. The only side affect for me are a slightly sore arm from the shot. I do not care to get sick, so always get it. Scheduled the 27th at my new job, they have clinics and I am looking forward to getting it done.

          Dill, I cleaned my stuff out when I moved, and STILL have things to go through. I swear, we keep so much stuff and accumulate so much. That may be a project this weekend but hoping to babysit a bit this Saturday. Want to recommend a book I finished last night. A Well Tempered Heart by Jan-Phillip Sendker. It was really good. Some parts were hard to read, but it was a lovely story about love, finding ourselves, discovering our values, and how people make it through tragedy and trauma. I have never read anything like it. Alot for me to think about.

          Pap, you really work out hard, you deserve a size 10! Your staycation really refreshed you, so happy to hear it. Your story about raiding a closet made me miss my mom who was always generous in sharing her stuff, and she had good taste no matter her age.

          Lav, thanks for the health encouragement to all of us. I have used airborne in the past, I think it did help. I find that juicing a few times a week keeps my immune system up, my main defense. That and lots of rest, regular schedule, and lots of hand washing. I am getting tired of the Ebola scare. The media is just scaring people. I just ignore alot of the negativity on the news, but it is hard when it is on radio and TV. We have had rain all week and it continues. That's OK, I am working inside anyway. I need to find a new picture for my name. Who knows what I'll come up with.


            Good morning friends!

            Still no sun but I heard a rumor it may show up later
            A week of ugly skies is quite enough for me.

            Papmom, I am off kid duty, not watching them nearly as much as I did in the past. Everyone's schedules have changed, the regular babysitter gets the boys more than I do these days!!! EB is in school full time so it's just a matter of keeping Will out of trouble & getting him to keep his pants on, LOL
            Get that flu shot lady - we need them!

            SnoopStar, the Ebola news is just ridiculous. The media doesn't seem to understand the huge difference between our health care systems & that of western African nations. We will get a handle on this mess, I am confident of that.
            I think any source of vitamin C during these germy months can help us. I gave up buying fruit juices many years ago. You all know the story about the benefits of eating whole fruits, right?
            Reminds me, I need to stop at the store after Curves to pick up a few oranges!

            I'm going to hunt for Cyn on Facebook - haven't seen her for a while.
            Greetings to Dill, Fly & anyone stopping by today.
            Have a wonderful AF Thursday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hello All, just a quick fly by for me.

              Star, Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I'll get right on it! It sounds like my kind of book.

              Papmom, my son had a bout of pancreatitis. It flares up every once in awhile and is very painful. I worry about him. He tries to eat right but I'm not sure he succeeds all the time. I wish he had a good lady in his life to look after him! (besides just me, LOL!) Here's the link to the project I'm taking on: Let me know what you think.

              Lav, do you enjoy the increased free time? Do you have a hard time keeping busy? You don't strike me as the type to get bored! I bet you're always in action. How's work going these days? Have things picked up ahead of the holidays?

              As far the the Ebola, I'm not one bit as confident as you Lav. Like you Star, I am tired of hearing about it on the news, but I think things may get out of control and we need to keep ourselves as informed about it as possible. That's just me. I am not buying a hazmat suit or anything, but I'm keeping a wary eye on things.

              The sun did finally come out and that has been a blessing! So many gloomy days in a row! I hear tomorrow will be nice around these parts too so I'm going to try to get some windows cleaned. I have 5 left to go!

              Have a peaceful AF night.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Dill-love the pattern and the colors! Can't wait to see the finished product.

                Lav-talked to my new doc (I like her!) about the flu shot today. She laughed at my concern about getting sick before the 5K but said as long as I promise to get one next week I could pass today.

                Star-You sound like you are in a good place these days. Hope it continues! The book does look interesting.

                Not much to report. managed to keep busy at work then dragged myself to water bootcamp. She didn't beat us up too hard tonite and I feel better. Tomorrow is a meeting off campus and one I am looking forward to. On the way home I get to stop at Joanne's and Trader Joes. its the little things....

                Benedryl starting to take effect so I'll say good nite.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Good morning...

                  How do you get an avatar on the new forum? I tried yesterday and got nowhere. Help!Do

                  Dill, hope you like the book. Our apartment complex is having a book club, Lisette's List, another good find I bet. I just could not get it right now from the library and don't want to buy it. I am on the waiting list at the library. I heard on the radio that hospital administration or workers messed up and now a few people are sick with ebola. That is scarey, but nothing we can do.

                  Lav, are you enjoying more free time? Things with kids change all the time as they change. I bet you will be asked to babysit more in the summer. Aren't the fall colors beautiful right now? I really enjoy them on my drive to work.

                  Pap, do you get time off at Christmas since you work in an educational setting? Just wondered. You really loved having time off.

                  Where is Cyn, hope she is OK. Have a great Friday.


                    Good morning all & happy Friday!
                    The sun is back, thank the gods

                    SnoopStar, I am enjoying more free time with less kid watching BUT a lot of it is now being taken up cleaning up after YB. I can see that he is trying to be less sloppy than usual but he still leaves a trail. I am not a clean freak but I do have certain standards, LOL
                    You can click on the Settings tab at the top of any page then click on Edit Avatar to add a pic
                    I am kind of looking forward to the coolish weather that's been promised. Hope it brings more leaf colors.

                    Hi there Papmom & Dill!
                    I always get plenty of work this time of year which leaves me a bit short of time for personal stuff - what can you do??
                    The one day at a time attitude helps a lot.

                    Time to go to Curves & get this day started off right
                    Have a great AF Friday everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Hello All,

                      Lav, I looked for millet at my local Kroger but they didn't have it. Thanks to you and your mention of millet that spurred me to seek it out, I discovered a local gem right here in my little town. A bulk food store openned up here a year ago. I checked it out then but their stock was very limited and I didn't go back. But since I was searching for millet I thought I'd take a chance on it. Well! They have really matured and carry lots of great items that I haven't been able to find elsewhere! I got my millet, some nutritional yeast, and several other items. I can't believe I've had this sitting here near by! Wouldn't have gone in there if not for you tho so thanks. I'll let you know how I get on with the millet.

                      Star, thanks to your mention of the book I found yet another frontier. Our library has a service called "hoopla" that is new. You can download ebooks and audio books right to your Iphone! So, I have The Well-Tempered Heart on my phone and I have start listening to it. I really like it! Thanks.

                      Papmom, you have used the word "wogged" in your last two posts and at first I though you had made a typo. But when you used it the second time I knew it was intentional so I had to scratch my head. But eureka! I got it! Walk+jog=Wog :happy2:

                      Got lots done today, making hay while the sun shone. We got the boat winterized and stored in the barn and power-washed the deck furniture and stored it. Washed a bunch of windows, too. I'm tired but feeling quite accomplished.

                      Hey Fly, hope your enjoying your get-away.
                      Cyn, hope you check in soon.
                      Have a peaceful evening all!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Good morning...

                        Excited it is Saturday and I am off. Yay!!! Rainy weather today, but the fall colors are beautiful. I am going to do a little cleaning, library, shopping. Not sure if I am going to have company or not, but no matter. I am going to keep busy and do fun things.

                        Dill, so cool you found another library resource. Yes, the book you are reading is beautifully written. I was so touched and took my time to really think about its messages. Good story too. Some of it I skimmed through though and you will know what I mean. Great you found the new store, that is an advantage of moving. I am constantly finding new places.

                        Lav, I finally found settings and attempted to put in an avatar. We'll see if it works. Have a good Saturday. I am lucky, my husband is a clean guy and cleans for both of us sometimes. I encourage that type of behavior.

                        Pap, I admire you so much with all the exercise. I am starting a little today. I have not been using it and will soon lose it.

                        Have a great Saturday.


                          Hi all - Cyntree here, now Treegirl. I had posted under the other username earlier this AM, but hopefully will be able to delete that one -- read below to see the text I posted earlier. I can't access my old/original name, as I no longer have that email address, which is how they give you your login -- oh well! At least I am back in a little more recognizable fashion. Wishing all well -
                          Hi everybody - sorry to be away. I have had a ton of work to do that required both train-riding and computer work, and it's left me in a painful state. I had to keep personal screen time to an absolute minimum. Work, plus running around trying to do the house winterizing that I can on my own (HB being AWOL in the city!) has been all that I can manage.

                          I've read back a bit and am glad to see that others are keeping on and walking the path. I am doing the same here.

                          I don't care for this new username - too many people could know the reference; I must have used it as a login sometime in the early days, and then forgot about it. I think all of this is because of the email address that they requested to send the new login info. I no longer have the email address that my old name is attached to, so, I'm trying to figure this all out. Also, I lost all my saved messages, etc. when I got moved to this new name, sigh. We'll see what happens!

                          In the meantime, I'm wishing all a great Saturday - hope the weather cooperates with you all.


                            Good morning friends,

                            Cool & clear here this morning - nice!

                            Dill, the supermarkets around here are kind of pathetic so I end up buying unusual grocery things like millet on Amazon. I have a Prime membership so everything is delivered free in two days. I get all of my gluten free flours & dairy free chocolate chips that way - you know - the essentials!!!! I think the secret with the millet is to be sure you cook it long enough so you can mash it like potatoes.

                            SnoopStar, your avatar looks good
                            Enjoy your weekend, hope you don't get too much rain!

                            SashaCyn, I've been looking around for you, glad you stopped in.
                            Sorry to hear you've been working so hard & are now feeling the effects. Does the extreme dampness bother you too? I've noticed some extra aches & pains, especially in my hands & knees this week after all the rain we had. I hope you can get some rest & relief this weekend.

                            I really haven't even started winterizing things around here. I guess today is a good day to start!
                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday. Good luck to papmom today on her run.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Hey - cross post Treegirl
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Hello all,

                                Lav, I tried millet today. I made it using this recipe:

                                I wanted to just taste it and know what it was like before I plunged in and made the croquettes. I had some serious doubts as to whether Mr. D would eat it, so I made rice for him at the same meal. I explained to him what the the millet was and that I was curious about it and trying it. He put some on his plate and guess what? He liked it! "hey, Mikey, he likes it!" LOL He said it was like quinoa. I completely agreed. Prepared by this method, (I used chicken boullion) it is very good. And much cheaper than quinoa!

                                Treegirl, I love the new name. I will probably still go back to my "default" of Cyn. But I used to call Mr. Cyn "Mr. Tree" by your example. So, now I may call you Mrs./Ms. Tree. Will that be OK? Thanks for checking in and please take good care of yourself. You are my guru of "boundaries". Don't forget them.:hug:

                                Star, I spent part of my day cleaning the last of my windows. I listened to the the Well-tempered Heart while working and appreciated your recommendation and thought of you. I like your new avatar! Thanks for taking the time to figure out how to do that. (Thanks Lav for giving the directions!)

                                Papmom, wishing you good luck! I've been working on my throw project and wanted to tell you that I am enjoying it. It is easy although it 'looks' hard.

                                Fly, see you soon. I hope you are enjoying.

                                Happy AF Saturday night.
                                Last edited by dill; October 18, 2014, 03:21 PM.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

