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October Optimism

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    Hi Everyone, great to read all your posts!

    :welcome: Roadside, nice to have you join us as we all find our ways forward and away from old habits. Tell us a bit about yourself if you like. I'd be glad to tell you my story but perhaps you have been reading here for a while and already know it. Well, briefly, my wine drinking started out innocently but consumption increased over the years. I became a daily drinker of wine in my 40's. I have two adult children and now 3 grandchildren. When my children left home, and even before that, my drinking was problematic. I am pretty sure it was only to me. I don't think as teenagers they even noticed. But after they left home I really got bad and was drinking nearly a full bottle a night and I mean the 1.5 litre size. I joined MWO in '09. I didn't find my way without a lot of fits and starts, but here I am. AF is best for me.

    Star, I'm very need the end of the Well Tempered Heart. I know it sounds ridiculous to a voracious reader like you that I am still on that book, but listening takes longer and finding the time to listen lately has been hard. However, I wanted to tell you I truly enjoyed this book. It is one that transports the reader to a far away place and time and is filled with humanity and wisdom. Love it!

    Lav, I hope you are on the mend. I just think it is so amazing the things they can do in dentristry now-a-days. We are so blessed! I had the Millet Spinach Souffle for breakfast this morning. Yummy! Mr. D liked it too but of course suggested that the next time I make it I add sausage. Men! LOL!

    Papmom, Have fun at the play. Wow! Voluntarily wearing a skirt! I haven't done that in years! Last time I remember wearing a dress was at my daughter's wedding some 6 years ago now. Good for you tho. Put on the dog and have a fab time!

    CynTree, It's always so nice when you post. I hope girl dog is mending quickly. About dieting, it is just so hard especially at this time of year. There is something seasonal about appetite, I'm convinced. I get voraciously hungry in the fall and I crave, crave, crave carbs. Mashed potatoes, mac&cheese, gravies.....Even sitting here right now my stomach is telling me I'm still hungry, but I just had a nice breakfast! Anyway, I went walking with a friend yesterday who lost 11 lbs since August. I asked her why/how. She said her knees were hurting and her doctor told her there was general inflammation in her body affecting her joints. Recommended cutting back on sugar and gluten. She opted to cut back on just one to see what happened. She cut back on sweets. Still eats whatever breads she wants. She dropped 11 lbs. Pretty nice. I hope to follow her lead. I need to drop at LEAST 5 but probably more as we are heading into Thanksgiving, Pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies season! LOL! PS- oh, yes, my friend's knees stopped hurting, too.

    Have a great AF Thursday all.
    Last edited by dill; October 30, 2014, 08:58 AM.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Evening all -

      Dill - what an inspiring story about your friend! Yep, sugar really is one of the big enemies. I rarely have it anymore, and I notice lots of things when I do have it- increased pain for one, but also I get pretty 'cranky'. Hmmmm, good to know, I guess! Good luck with your efforts. I use Brown Rice Syrup as a substitute, and find that I like it more than refined sugar at this point.

      Lav - so glad the swelling has gone down - poor you! Sorry this just appeared out of nowhere, but I guess that happens to us more these days, eh?

      Star - have a good halloween, glad that you have a 3 day weekend. We have a traditional 'fireplace', but it just seems to suck the heat right out of the rooms and out the chimney. I tried a few fires when the weather was in the 50s, but it just leaves the house feeling cold! (of course, I didn't have the heat on). I think I'm just going to buy a mass of candles and put them there - at least it will be cheery, and give the impression of a fire,

      Pap - Hope you have a great time at the show, it will be interesting to hear about it all. Thanks for the support for my pup...yes, both tumors were sent for path reports. The vet thought one was a lypoma, and the other 'acted' like a benign mass, but we'll see. In the meantime, things are a little testy here - boy dog is scared/defensive of seeing her in the collar, and I had to break up a fight this morning as I was getting breakfast ready for them. Separate rooms for feeding are in order until we all get calmed down, and I'll have to crate him when I leave the house - nerves are kind of raw.

      Fly - hope you are well. Roadside, welcome. Hope all have a good Friday --


        Welcome Road! Just to clear everything up, the Fish Meatloaf is for my little dog who is in kidney failure. I've started home cooking for him since he crashed a month ago. He's doing awesome and really likes my cooking!! Glad someone does LOL!! Also, the Ambien actually knocks me out and to my knowledge i don't sleepwalk or have any side effects. My dreams aren't that wierd either thank god!! Please tell us more about yourself!

        Cyn-I feel your pain- been there done that a few times. I really hope everything settles down soon for you and the pups and that both reports come back negative. Positive thoughts winging their way to the NW corner!!

        Lav-glad you are feeling better! thanks for the link-will definitely check it out. Talked to the vet today-she said not to refrigerate the fluids and 20 days of use is OK as long as I keep everything as asceptic as possible.

        Star-lucky you getting a day off so soon after starting a new job! When I started mine in Jan 2013, I didn't take a day off except for holidays for almost a year. Probably didn't have to be this extreme but I wanted to build up as much as possible. Now I feel comfortable taking a day every so often as well as a few vacation weeks.

        Good thingI'm not a betting person as our problem child did show up for work today after storming out a week ago. She is being watched very carefully. it was quite obvious she was not happy to be there and everyone was kind of on edge. My boss kept me an hour after work so I missed water boot camp once again. grrrr.. She was complaining about everything, especially all she has to do. But she only gives me small things to take off her plate. I think I'm going ask her to turn the supervision of the staff over to me. Not sure I can do any better than she has with them but I don't think I could do worse!! She won't do it tho I'm quite sure.

        I'll let you all know how the nite out goes!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Good morning...

          Slept in an hour later and if feels GOOD! Weather here today is going to be awful, rain, sleet, and cold temps. I don't care, I am off. And, sometimes Halloween is like that, I remember as a kid and we had to suck it up. They don't let kids deal with frustration too much anymore. Hopefully next year nicer weather will prevail.

          Dill, I totally understand listening to a good book, enjoying and taking your time. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes my library due date is coming up so I have to hurry. The new food book I bought talks about avoiding or limiting gluten and sugar, all carby processed foods. I feel better when I do. Also, trying to eat a salad or veggie based lunch feels good too. Lots more energy then eating processed or lots of heavy carbs.

          Lav, yay, you are better. Dental problems hurt and I am happy to hear you look yourself for Halloween. Did your husband get back OK? Hope so.

          Cyntree, a real fireplace is just too much work on a daily basis and you shouldn't leave. So, no fires for us until we know we are going to be home. I loved the gas light because it was a real fire, real warmth, just easy to turn off and on. We used iit all the time, morning and evening. Loved it. Speaking of sugar, I notice immediate pain, swelling, it is really weird. I was not allowed to have much of it as a kid, and good thing too. We were all slim and no cavities. I did have some candy corn and it was soooo tasty. No more, well maybe tonight a little bit.

          Pap, I get a ridiculous amount of time off, so I will soon have weeks. Our office shuts down at Christmas so have to use hours then, but honestly, I rarely call off, so I hope to take off a Friday every so often. It IS nice and I plan on enjoying myself. Your boss sounds like a boss my friend had, complains she is busy, but won't delegate or do the work herself. Spends so much time complaining, expecting you to be her personal therapist. Was that in the job description? If she quit talking, delegating and doing her job, life would be easier. Don't you wonder how incompetent people end up managers? I do.

          Well, another leisurely cup of coffee, then breakfast. Have a good one.


            Good morning all, happy Friday & happy Halloween

            39 degrees here but the sun popped out so it will warm up I'm sure!

            Dill, I haven't worn a skirt either since my kid's weddings back in '06, LOL
            I'm glad you like the millet dishes too. YB wants meat to go with all the healthy dishes I make too. I'm happier without a lot of meat consumption. It really is amazing how seemingly easy some people lose weight, don't you think? I never dropped an ounce when I quit AL. I do a lot of baking for the family but eat very, very little. I don't sweeten coffee & tea with anything. I've cut way back on gluten containing food, get out for exercise as often as possible & my weight remain unchanged I will not get frustrated or give up but - GEEZ!

            Papmom, the hospitals require all IV fluids to be refrigerated once they've been mixed (vitamins, medications), so that's what I am used to dealing with. I hope your vet can help you save some $$. Have fun!

            Cyn, I'm glad your dog is OK. My dogs get irritated with each other once in a while but it's not bad. I do have to feed them in separate areas. The small dog gets into trouble pestering the cat & you can guess who always wins that battle.

            Star, I hope your weather isn't too awful for the trick- or- treaters tonight. I'll have to drive over to my son's tonight to see the boys on their costumes. They actually go out trick-or -treating where they live.

            My face looks pretty normal now after a few days on the Amoxicillin. Doesn't feel fabulous but oh well.
            YB did return Wednesday evening from his trip to Orlando, all went well.
            I am going to get back to Curves today, like it or not!!!!

            Have a great AF day everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hello AF friends,

              Star, I finally finished the book. It was a good read, for sure. Thanks. I went to a used book store with my friend today. She needed a book and didn't have a clue what to get. I suggested The Good House by Ann Leary. She's going to give it a go. Recommending books is a tricky business. I hope she likes it. She and I don't generally have the same taste in books, but I think that one will work well.

              Lav, I know what you mean about how easy it is for some and hard for others to lose weight. I find it difficult for sure! Saying I'll cut back on the sweets is a lot easier than actually doing it! LOL

              And what did I do for entertainment on this cold and wet day? Took a field trip with my gf to Trader Joe's! What do I do when I decide to cut back on calories? Go food shopping! LOL!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning...

                What a Halloween, we had snow. Yes, snow. It was so cold and wet, crazy. Too cold for me. I hope it is not an omen for the upcoming winter season.

                Had fun, nice to have a day off.

                Lav, glad you are getting better, wish it was faster.

                Dill, it is tricky recommending books, I have to go back to the library today, got a few books and just did not like them. So back to find some good ones.

                I have to work on my winter clothes, getting them out and putting away the summer stuff. Whew, lots to do today, plus clean, pay bills, and either cook or get take out. Football tonight too. Hope everyone had a good Halloween, officially November. New thread, I just thought of it.

