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Sunday AF 12 October

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    Sunday AF 12 October

    MAE everyone and it's a sunny Sunday here at the “right” end of the world. Hey it will rain later but promiscuous weather has its advantages. The garden sure likes it – what a mess! I see its getting cold for the upside down folks on the others side (that not me and DTD in South Africa!).

    Hope you enjoyed your meal Mick and the show. We are off to the theatre next Friday –its described as a black comedy. I have been able to catch up on some sleep lately but the coming weeks will see me back on sleep rations. Daughter is back to school (so that means I have to get up fairly early) and I have a lot on at work (which tends to disrupt my sleep patterns).

    Hope the market went well Sam. Glad you didn’t buy any fat pigs! Our house is a pork free zone. Hope you get some rest this weekend.

    How’s our Amish MWOer! Just kidding Lav. At least you talk to and know your neighbours.

    Hope the visit with your Dad went well PPQP. We can trade being the boss stories this week – cos that's what I do too.

    Hope you are feeling better soon Det. Log on here when you need to mate.

    Hiya SL – thanks so much for the congratulations thread – and to everyone else. I was pretty chuffed. Although we can tell non-alkies about our sobriety – they never quite understand – it means so much to get the cheers from our lot. I couldn't log on a bit this weekend so missed some of other folks’ anniversaries. Thanks for the popcakes Lav (well umm???). They look ‘interesting……’!!!!

    Been catching upon bits and pieces this weekend. Spent some time with my daughter yesterday – we went on a protest type march together (it was for rape awareness). I was probably the oldest person there.

    Have a great weekend and a big hello to everyone else (Pie, DTD, SF). I might be not posting that much this week with my erratic schedule but you never know. We have ways of watching you!

    Mae y'all,

    Morning Treetops!

    I love a good march in the streets too. We have a similar regular march here called 'reclaim the night'. Indeed!

    Have a bewdy out there everyone. Work day for me today, but with the weekend penalty rates, it also means i don't need to work during the week so much. :welldone:

    L8tr g8tr's.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Ok...I am going to give this a whirl....even with no word on the edge

      I am at a yoga training...and of course everyone wanted to go for drinks tonight. Sometimes I feel ok about it.....but, tonight I thought just coming back the hotel was best for me.

      I did want to share with everyone a great video I watched. "Leaders Eat Last"....its about 20 minutes and make sure you watch the 99up version. I gave me a great "ahahh" moment. He talks a bit about addiction in the video and "why certain people stay sober". Pretty interesting stuff. I realized the ones who stay sober are the ones who stick around and "help other people"....and how powerful our brain chemicals are. I don't think someone needs a 12 program....but, I certainly understood why people stay sober here.

      I got so self involved...that I forgot...logging in isn't just about me. I know....great revelation

      I will be here more often...and I am working to actually schedule it into my day.

      Hugs to everyone....I am so glad to see so much sobriety here. And some days I feel lucky to finally be in the 5% that makes it. But, I guess that remains to be seen. I have seen so many people relapse after numerous years.....I guess I don't actually get that award until I am dead. Which is fine....that is how long I have keep my eyes open.

      Teaching at an addiction really is amazing how far down this thing can take you. It really is life or death. And I don't really mean "dead".....I know lived many years "dead".

      Thank you so much to everyone here....I truly appreciate everyone here.


        hi folks ...quick jump in...jeez tired this morn....didnt get in till gone midnight...cinderella eat yer heart out!!its now 4.03 so reckon Ive had a grand 2 hours of sleep..its a 2hr drive so Ill get a bit more

        ppqp.....thanks for the link...its a pretty big project that but looks good...was looking for you ..are you in it at all?

        hiya sl....Im sure daughter will be ok...we are all with you on that one

        SF...nice know sometimes it is good to just take time and think of the support that others have given to us...and yep you are defo 1 of the 5%.

        yo Mr G ..Hows you my man ?all good in down under land?

        hiya Lav ..busy weekend? did the market go?buy anything?when I go to anything like that..or even car boots ..been told to keep my hands in my pockets..otherwise buy all sorts of junk..aka just come in handies!!

        hiya tt ..hows you then?glad you caught up on some shut eye

        offski now ..apologies to any Ive missed cyall
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good morning Abbers!

          Sunny & chilly this morning - normalish for almost mid-October!

          Greetings TT & G! What day is it now in your neighborhoods? LOL

          Great to see you SF! We are fortunate to be happy, healthy & enjoying life
          I cannot & will not ever take this gift for granted either! I plan to stay out of that 'dead zone' too!!!!

          CONGRATS to Det on 90 AF days - yay!!!!
          Stick with us, you won't be sorry!

          SL, you sound like you need a little downtime - don't overdue it, OK? Your girls will be just fine - keep the faith

          Mick, two hours of sleep doesn't cut it for me. Treat yourself to a good nap later!

          Grandsons & DIL are coming for dinner today - fun times. Better go buy something to cook.
          Have a great AF day everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Morning all
            figure I better post before tomorrow comes whilst this day is still here. Fairly decent market even though it was pretty damp. Then off to play at my friends apple butter making. Had a good time, stayed sober, which is always a plus for me mentally and physically.

            TT, haven't figured out the time spread between where you are and us'uns over this way. Just know I can't tarry or tomorrow be here before I know it!

            G-Man, glad to see you popping in! hope you are doing well. Don't work too hard there, friend.

            SF, enjoyed your post, makes a person think. It is so easy to return to drinking again if one is not careful. We are a society that lives and breathes social drinking. Only there are those of us that don't drink socially.

            Mick, where's the sleep??! hope you get some soon. Don't know about you, but I can turn into a real crank without.

            Lav, morning to you, another dreary looking day. Chickens shutting down egg production? Mine are "laying off" rather than laying often.

            Det, well done on 90, hope you are feeling more up to par!

            waves to SL, PQ, et als!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Morning all - in my bed with my cuppa! Will be up and moving soon!

              Very well done on your 90 days Det - that crept up nice and steadily.

              Yep Lav - looking for some downtime for sure, hopefully soon

              TT - really so chuffed too about your 2yrs

              SF - there have been some good posts about long term sobriety and how to maintain - looks like you have good similar info too. I was chatting with Pav about having had the week break from MWO and somewhat enjoying in, but she reminded me of need to protect the quit. NS also posted in the LOAMERS thread recently about this - great reminders about how to hang onto what we manage to get! Good to see you.

              Having some anxiety about the meeting tomorrow with the educational specialist - wishing I had a partner to take this journey with...

              Hi Mick, Sam and all to come - see you later (maybe quick check in after horse show)
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                NS's post if you are interested

                The Reasons People Lose Motivation in Long-term Recovery

                There are many possible reasons for why people lose motivation after they have been sober for a few months or years. These are some of the most prominent:
                * Memory can be treacherous for people who are recovering from an addiction. This is because the memory of how painful things were in addiction can diminish over time, and the individual can start to spend a great deal of time thinking about the times they felt good because of alcohol or drugs. This is known as romancing the drug or drink, and it can cause people to lose their motivation to stay sober.
                * When people enter recovery with expectations that are unrealistic, it can lead to disappointment, and this saps motivation. The individual did not make a mess of their life overnight, so they will not be able to repair the damage overnight either. By giving up alcohol or drugs, they will be taking a significant step towards a better life, but there will be more work that needs to be done.
                * Those individuals who were highly enthusiastic in early recovery can run out of steam. This is particularly likely to happen if they the individual went through a period of pink cloud syndrome. This occurs when people become so high on life in recovery that they lose touch with reality. Staying sober becomes easy, and the individual begins to take their sobriety for granted. When the pink cloud ends, people can come back down to earth with a bang. They can become disillusioned with life in recovery.
                * Some people just lose their way in recovery. They get caught up in life and they forget to keep on doing the things that is helping them to build a successful recovery.
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  MAE ALL....

                  TT...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Visit with Dad didn't happen yesterday. Boss called to ask if I'd go help the wedding party hook up the sound for their power point presentation. Didn't finish in time to go down to Dads.
                  Being the boss sometimes just sucks. Hope your week is a good one.

                  Gman...good to see you popping in.

                  SF...good to see you survived living on the edge. Great post and I'll be checking out the video later today.

                  Mick...hope you got some more zzz's in during the drive. Wasn't going to admit it but yes I'm in the video. I'm the one waving with the kids at the end. Enjoy your day.

                  Lav...hope you got your meal sorted out. Enjoy the grandsons and DIL.

                  Sam...glad to hear the market was decent in-spite of the rain.

                  Det...:yay: CONGRATS ON 90 AF DAYS :yay:
                  How are things going? Get the house sold? How's Dx? Have a great day.

                  Day of chores today so must get on with it. Have a Safe and Sober Sunday all and all to come......:smug:PPQP

                  SL...must have Xposted with you. Thanks for sharing NS's post. I can definitely relate to the "pink cloud" syndrome.
                  Last edited by porqoui; October 12, 2014, 11:28 AM.


                    Congrats on 90 days Det. Thats fabulous!
                    Sam its nearly 8am here on Monday morning. Its nearly 3pm Sunday near where you live.
                    New Zealand is pretty much 12 hours ahead of GMT (where Mick lives). Thats why we are so smart here!!
                    Daylight saving can add an hour or so to the time difference.


                      good Monday eve to you, TT!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Hidy ho ABeroooos!

                        thanks all very much. I'm feeling well and resolved despite fighting off this darn cold/flue thing. better than yesterday and now just really exhausted so I'm grateful to be
                        home and relaxing today.

                        quick movie recommendations: 'the giver' and 'chef' are both winners

                        catch yoos all Monday

                        be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Just happy too be much as I love my yoga training....I love being home. Congrats Det on 90 days! Awesome!

