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AF April Abundance

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    Good morning...

    I thought I posted yesterday, but no post. Hello to all, spring and warm weather for all!!!!

    Dill, I forgot the book you mentioned, and the eggplant will be even better today. Isn't it alot of work though? But so worth it. I downloaded a Michener book the Drifter's, about the 1960s and it is good! This new library is mostly downloads, very disappointing, but I have to go with the flow and read. How great to have a pond with Koi, and to have grandchilden feed the fish. Fun. You sound good, and I want to listen to the Bubble Hour soon, I loved the subject matter and personal stories.

    Cyn, there is hope, spring is trying. I also say great job on the taxes, such a relief to get therm done, you had more than your share this year.

    Lav, there is alcohol everywhere, grocery store, drug store, gas station, liquor store, you name it, they sell it. Plus, even in the grocery store there are two or three aisles devoted to all types of booze. I don't remember it being like that in the past. Alcohol is really getting pushed, encouraged, made to seem a normal part of life. And it isn't.....not for most people. Wow, 30 bushes, it is going to look beautiful. Bet it was fun cooking out. We bought a grill yesterday, and had steak, it was sooooo delicious. We had to put the grill together and it took us three hours, but it was worth it and is now done. I wanted to mention an issue I had with an old friend, and the decision I made to not hang out with her. It was hard to make that decision, but our relationship had become one where she made all the decisions on what to do, and I had to do them, or be disapproved. What, I am an adult and friendship is about what do WE want to do, not this is what I am doing and you can come along. You can tell I am still annoyed, but part of being healthy is making good decision for myself. Have you ever had a similar experience?

    Paulywogg, I bet Las Vegas does sell more booze than Utah in a short time. The city is in a beautiful setting, but to me, the inside of casinos all look the same! It would be tough to live there I suppose, but if you avoid the main strip, would it just be normal life? Whatever I mean by that. Your walk sounded wonderful, I want to do the same this week. Just to be able to be outside, get a little exercise. AF, we want to take walks, be outside, because we don't feel like we were run over by a truck. I have been really trying to focus on feeling healthy, and celebrating making good choices. It helps me.

    Hello to Pap, bet you were busy this weekend.

    Have a great Monday!!!!


      Good Monday morning friends!

      No sun at the moment but it is supposed to show up later along with 72 degree weather - yay!!

      Star, I have walked away from my oldest friends over the years for the same reason you mentioned. I'm talking about the people I grew up with & went to school with, it's sad. We've all grown & changed & have different priorities. I suppose that's normal. I don't want to feel bossed around or pressured by anyone. I need to be true to myself to stay centered

      We just did burgers on the grill yesterday & I made some Italian style potato salad with green beans, no mayo. My DIL & kids didn't get here until 7 pm - long story. My son was working so he never made it over at all, oh well.

      Greetings Dill, Cyn, Pauly & Papmom.
      I'm heading to Curves soon then will figure out the rest of the day.
      Have a terrific AF Monday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Morning ladies, suffering from Mondayitis this morning, just can't get with it, plus I have a doctor's appointment after work so I won't be able to squeeze in a quick lie down before Louie comes over usually I need a quick 20 minute rest after work just to give my brain a break, I've skipped it before and felt groggy, drained, not good when you're watching a 2 year old, he was a monster yesterday, wouldn't take a nap,was grouchy as heck,tried taking him for a ride to get him asleep, no go! Hope he's nice today, living in Vegas is really just like living anywhere else, we avoid the strip like the plague, too much traffic, people, expensive and you gotta park your car and walk forever just to get where you wanna go, and they do all look the same inside, I haven't been in 4 years, even though I work maybe 3 miles from it haha,hope everyone has a lovely Monday, I'm working on mine
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Late check in here.
          Pauly, I hope you got your 20 minute nap and that Louie was good for you.
          Star, the book is the one you mentioned about women meeting Jesus and you mentioned that the book helped you process some of your recent upset feelings. The eggplant was really delicious! Mr. D liked it too.
          Lav, when you mentioned in your post that you try to be true to yourself it reminded me of something. For years and years my standard new year's resolution was "To thine own self be true." I remember that it seemed so simple, but often, it was not.
          Cyn, your grass is not as far along as ours. Sorry! It will happen quickly now. BTW, my daffodils finally bloomed!
          Have a peaceful AF Monday evening all.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Good morning...

            Dill, yes, I did recently read that book and it was very meaningful and beautiful. Sorry, I am on here early in the morning and sometimes not with it. It showed Jesus in the bible stories with women, then talked about how radical he was as he treated women with respect and love. Not usual in that time and place. It was an easy read and had questions and comments at the end of each chapter. Something I needed as I navigated the hate towards LGBTQ individuals by misinformed religious people. Just found out my father has stage four cancer and is getting radiation and medicine. So, having a crisis. Been there before, now I live really far away and how will I be there for him? I know, one step at a time.

            Lav, we hope to grill out tonight too. I made regular potato salad the other day. It was really good tasing, but heavy. Temps in the 60s and 70s all week. So, is it useful to radiate a person in their 80s? I have my doubts. It will make him sick for sure. Weaken him. But shrink the tumor that is not even bothering him? Who knows. Feeling hopeless and angry. Not nice feelings to have. When I found out last night, all I could do was sleep. I probably slept 12 hours yesterday till this morning. I have to make sure to take really good care of myself from this point on. It is going to be a journey. Thanks for letting me share ladies.

            Pauly, hope you had a better evening, and had time to take a nap. Two year olds are so cute, but so busy. Exhausting. I was going to exercise this week, but did not yesterday. Oh well, one day at a time. I am having a struggle with my weight since two moves in the last year. Kind of just went out all the time, not a good idea, now the repair has to start.

            Cyn and Pap, have a good one.


              Star, I am so sorry to hear the news about your father. Stay strong and take it a day at a time. I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning ladies, I'm so sorry about your dad's cancer, do you know yet what the course of treatment will be?yes,take care of yourself, for me exercise has been a good thing, it's gotten to where if I don't, I'm a grouch,well grouchier than my usual haha,ok Snoopy is Stargazer,and Tree girl is Cyntree right? I remember when the forum changed you guys changed your names but I still get confused haha,Louie was a doll last night, we sat and watched "walker texas ranger" reruns, but he kept saying he was tired poor baby, now I have a tooth that's crumbling!always something with me it's my fault cuz 11 years ago I got a crown put on the one next to it and the dentist told me that this tooth was bad too but after 2,000 bux plus $900 out of pocket I was not in a hurry to get it crowned too,but I guess I should have listened, at least it doesn't hurt.......yet,Lav,you once said that my hormonal changes seemed similar to yours a few years back, how did you feel and how did you remedy it? This is great we can talk about this stuff cuz there's no men around this thread off for more coffee and a Advil, hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Good morning friends on this rain soaked Tuesday.
                  No outside activities today so I guess I'll focus on getting my workspace in order.

                  Star, I am sorry about your Dad!
                  Honestly, I don't know if radiation & chemo at that age is a good idea. I have to say it likely depends on the individual, his wants & desires & his overall health status. I just hope that his providers have given him a complete explanation of possible side effects & that he has access to local support services. Distance has to make this difficult for you but we are 'here' to provide online support for you :hug:
                  Maybe you can set your Dad up with email & Skype accounts when you visit - just a thought.

                  Greetings Dill!
                  Being true to ourselves does sound like a simple & wise concept. Turns out that our gender's role as care givers & nurturers get in the way, don't you think? Taking care of our families takes so much time & energy not to mention having to be at work at 7 am bright-eyed & bushy-tailed......we are only human. No wonder so many of us lose our footing along this life's path. None of us ever planned to become problem drinkers, did we?
                  I am never going to let anything or anyone throw me off balance ever again.

                  pauly, I hope Louie was a nice little man yesterday
                  I ended up with my grandsons here for dinner again last night & it was nearly 10 pm when they were picked up. The younger one got tired aka grumpy/nasty toward the end, he was obviously over-tired.

                  Greetings Cyn, how's the grass growing in your yard? Ha ha! YB cut grass for the first time on Sunday, looks pretty darn good now. Allergy season is going strong here, lots of sneezing & sniffling in our area. Oh & the farmers are fertilizing the corn fields so it's getting stinky out there & causes a lot of eye burning for a week or two, ugh.

                  Papmom, I know you have been busy - hope all is going well for you!

                  Have a great AF day everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Hi all -

                    Went to SD's to do some initial packing yesterday, didn't get home until late, and absolutely crashed - couldn't get myself to open the computer.

                    Star!!!! Oh my gosh, what news, just as you are settling into a new routine. Please know I am sending you tons of support and super-healing thoughts for your dad. Yes, sleep is good, and taking care of yourself is crucial. I know we will all be here for you for whatever help we can render. Big hugs :hug::hug::hug:


                      Hi all-just a quick and late checkin for me. I have been super busy and today kind of crashed and burned (although I did manage to make it to quilting). Nice day on Saturday with me former colleague-went to lunch after my demo which was super slow. Then Sunday was a very early and long day of agility about an hour and a half away. Totally worth it tho-we went 4 for 4 with all first places. We've never had a totally perfect day before!! Work is busy as we head towards graduation. Loving the warm weather too. The snow is totally gone from my yard and I was able to clean up the dog yard fairly well. So much more to do outside!! I'd love to restart a veggie garden this year. Have lost 3 of my 5 lbs gained over the past month but feeling very fat and doughy for some reason. Clothes aren't fitting as well. I'm getting about 12K steps every day (20K+ on Sunday!!!) but it doesn't seem to make a difference. When I track I'm under all my guidelines. Hmmmm.....
                      Star-I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I can't even imagine how tough this is for you. Lots of love and hugs being sent your way.
                      Cyn-has the vet ruled out congestive heart failure for girl dog? The coughing is a big symptom for that isn't it? Congrats on getting those pesky taxes done!!
                      Lav-reading your flat bread recipe exhausted me! I''m just not that great with cooking/baking. I want instant gratification!!
                      Dill-the description of your pond and koi was awesome!! Do you have peepers?
                      Polly-thanks for giving us a peek into your life!! I've never been to Vegas but not sure I ever want to. Is that bad?
                      Nephew seems to be doing ok. saw a counselor yesterday. No news on how that went.
                      No other news for now. Hope everyone gets some sleep tonite!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Good morning ladies...

                        Thanks for all your support and positive energy. I am beginning to process the bad news. My Dad is from the generation that just does whatever the doctor says. He wants to live, and if they give him any kind of chance, he is going to do it. No alcohol this time. When my Mom had cancer, I drank more to cope. Never during the week, but on the weekends. I scared my son, I know. I was not there for my kids back then. I just had no energy and alcohol took what little I had left. I am going to do it differently this time around. I truly believe in the afterlife, know my mom is waiting for him, and when his work is done, he will go. So, I am not angry, just afraid of seeing someone I love suffer. I know alcohol in the mix will make everything worse, much worse. So, like Lav, I will let nothing interfere with my AFness.

                        Lav, kind of hard on you to watch little ones till ten. Why would their parents be out that late on a week night? I'm all about a regular schedule, but realize that sometimes it is just not possible. We are supposed to have a beautiful day weatherwise today and I am going to get out at lunch at walk. Love spring.

                        Dill, Pap, Cyn and Polly, have a good day.


                          Morning ladies, Papmom,fat and doughy sums up how I've been feeling I'm losing weight on the scale, but my body feels bloated, do you use a fitbit or something similar?when I check my stats the calories burned seem to be the same regardless if I workout or sit around all day,Snoop, I agree that alcohol won't help a darn thing, it will be hard to watch him suffer but at least af you can be there completely for him when he needs you the most, I've often thought of a tragedy happening to a family member and how I'd deal and of course booze pops up,but then I think it through and realize that if I drank through the whole thing and they passed, how could I live with myself knowing their last days I was in oblivion?too much thinking so early in the morning haha,anyone cooking anything interesting this week? Lav,I watch Louie until 8 pm and THAT feels late, can't imagine 10,think I'd just keep him overnight and go to bed haha,he was good yesterday but kept wanting to go outside and it was too windy! I guess the whole west is having wind and dust storms, lots of wrecks on the highways cuz of it,hello to all and hope we all have a good Wednesday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Good morning friends!

                            Geez pauly, I just saw the news about the wind/dust storms in Vegas. That's some nasty stuff, take care!
                            Keeping the boys so late is a pain but their Mom has some clients she sees in the evening & has a bit of driving to do. My son works 12-24 hr shifts in a few different fire departments. Keeping the boys overnight during the week is difficult because that requires my delivering them to two different schools at 2 different times & a lot of driving. I want to have a life too, ha ha!!
                            pauly, I would (and did) do anything necessary to get those hormones balanced. I worked very closely with my nurse practitioner & tried any suggestion she had re HRT, eliminating certain foods, AL use, smoking, exercise, reducing stress. etc
                            Most of my friends & coworkers had little to none of the trouble I had, what can you do? I had to be proactive because I hate feeling like a victim.

                            Star, knowing what your Dad wants is good, you can support him & his choices. I really would look into hospice care for him though. At some point he may grow tired of the fight, hospice is will provide care & support. Take care of yourself, you know that AL never needs to be a part of our lives any more :hug:

                            Hi Cyn, I hope the warm-ish sunshine reaches your location today

                            Papmom, the end of the winter, flabby feeling is pretty typical I think. Last week I started up on my pea protein/almond milk/banana smoothies for breakfast & lunch. A complete meal, under 200 calories & after almost a week I've lost ONE POUND, ha ha ha!!! And that's with getting to Curves 4X/week. Hang in there & just keep moving
                            Congrats on your successful, award winning weekend.

                            Hi Dill, what's going on with you?

                            OK, time to get going. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Morning all -

                              Yes Pauly, I am the poster 'formerly known as' Cyntree. Were you really reading the thread for a long time now?! Good job on the exercising.

                              Star - my Dad was like your Dad - wanted to do whatever it took. He had semi-weekly blood transfusions for several months, but then as Lav said, he just grew tired of it all, and we set up Hospice. It's a good idea to have researched them in his area, and keep the idea in your back pocket; palliative care can be really a good 'in-between' time. Good luck -sending you hugs.

                              Dill - I see some daffodil leaves poking up in my forest! Woo Hoo!

                              Lav - I agree, stability/resilience is The Best. Not that I have that all figured out, but it's all clearer without AL in the picture. Hope you don't have to babysit so late tonight!

                              Pap - congrats on the prize-winning! I think I may have pegged the problem - with this new 'diet', she's gone a week with hardly any coughing, and no episodes. Crossing fingers...

                              Off to work a little late - I walked a mile this morning, just to move through space and feel the (chilly but nice) air. I hope to get back out to do some more bush-wacking... tick time must not be too far off...

                              Wishing all a great Hump Day (to Sooty, wherever you are...)


                                Late check in again. The day's have been getting away from me lately.

                                Star, I'm so glad you have vowed to stay AF thru this difficult period. I drank thru both my parent's illnesses/deaths and I regret it. I don't beat myself up over it because I was doing the best I could at the time. I'm just glad I'm doing so much better now and that you are too. I too believe in an after life or something beyond what we know here.

                                Pauly, good job on making the scale go in the right direction! I was making progress along those lines but hit a wall recently. I need to get back on track! I made some really delicious beef stew in the crockpot yesterday but the effort wore me out so that I decided to eat out tonight! LOL

                                Lav, not much going on with me but I did have a shock today. A gradeschool classmate of my son's died in a head on collision with a semi yesterday. The truly shocking thing was that witnesses say that it appeared to be an intentional act of suicide. So many of that generation have such stuggles and feel so hopeless, it is heartbreaking.

                                Cyn, I've been out bush whacking too! Very tiring but satisfying.

                                Papmom yes, we have Spring peepers. I love that sound. We also have toads which have just finished up their mating time. They make such a gorgeous trilling sound that lasts only for about a week. I look forward to it each spring.

                                Have a peaceful AF Hump Day night everyone.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

