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    mae good folks ..and everyone else..hows things today?all good I hope..Amy is at our house,came down last night..she had obviously left a few morsels in our cupboard..Julie is off today so I think its dont go to bargain times ,poundland or the charity shops so I wont be on that trip..they are going on holiday next month to Dubai ..first holiday..Amys b/f is going to propse to her up that big tower restaurant there..he asked me at the weekend which was pretty cool..

    anyways what been happening owt or nowt...

    hiya ppqp..hope you are having some you time too..hope it all works out with your ex without the court thingy,you never know..

    hiya tt..hey you aint that old!!how was today?better than yesterday I hope..appreciate that it isnt prudent to go into detail,but hang on in there..old cliche I know but things will get better once you are out of limboland..and there is no reason why you shouldnt be on the screen ..we are here to listen too...

    hi pauly that food is pretty expensive..and sunburnt are you today?feeling any better ?has the cherubs attychewed changed at all?hope so..

    hiya lav hows you today then?happy birthday yb..ok thats that done now get on with the greenhouse...hope your son turns up or calls..:hug:bet its a sight with the horse drawns all over the place..starting to winterise everything here...thats a good made up word!so here you go a big brew ...stay cool

    hiya det hows you today?watch your fingers in the lathe!!hope you are doing of mate ..what is it you are making?

    right peeps offski..big hiya to all not here..

    Two London businessmen were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store. As yet, the store wasn't ready, with only a few shelves set up.
    One said to the other, "I bet any minute now some thick tourist is going to walk by, put his face to the window and ask what we're selling."..........No sooner were the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, a curious Yorkshire lad walked to the window, had a peek, and in a broad Yorkshire accent asked "What's tha sellin' ere lad?"
    ......One of the men replied sarcastically, "We're selling arse-holes."
    Without skipping a beat, the Yorkshire lad said, "Tha's doing well then
    .........................................Only two left!!..

    Don't know if this is a wind up but I just received a text saying I'd won £250 cash or two tickets to an Elvis tribute night. It says Press 1 for the money or 2 for the show.

    you have to feel sorry for midget parents.
    No matter how hard they work, they still struggle to put food on the table...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Mae everybody, Mick congrats on Amy getting engaged that's pretty cool that he asked you first, sounds like a great guy,Det,you'll get the hang of it fast I think, actually hubs went to college for machining when we lived in Utah,got his certificate but never used it,took us 15 years to pay off the damn student loan too! I have the blues again today, I'm not in the mood for this, sleep was pitiful sort of a half awake state,plus I forgot to turn my phone down and my night owl coworker text me and I woke up panicky,meh,gonna get through work and come home and lay down before Louie comes over cuz yesterday I had him and felt like zombie Nanny! Also have to get us some new play doh,even the big pile of poop brown is gone,much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful AF Tuesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Congrats mick. We all want our kids to be happy and this sounds like it's right fir Amy.
      Pauly a friend just reminded me that ' this too will pass' so play that in your head. When we are tired we tend to see things in a much darker light.
      Me, I am off to my work now. Be well all.


        Mick, that's great Amy will be engaged, sounds like a great guy.
        Enlightened by MWO


          MAE ALL....

          Mick...way cool, Amy will be ecstatic when she finds out he asked you for her hand first! Soon it'll be Papa Mick! Reminds me of a Smurf. LOL I'm hoping I don't have to go the court route either. I have tried calling him a couple of times now but not getting an answer. My deadline was the sale was done and money paid by September 30th so I think he's now playing the "I'm not answering my phone" card. I will find out if title has changed hands and if not will put the caveats back on. Just not looking forward to stirring that sh*t pot up again.

          Pauly...the blues just suck don't they! When they hit I DO mentally tell myself look for a positive, which I can usually find, and it does help. I think I had the same kind of nights' sleep as you, except I turn my phone off. Poop Brown LOL

 reminded me of something my Dad always said..."Get some sleep, everything will look better in the morning." Thanks for the memory and I hope you have a better day today.

          SK...WAVE...Why can't I find a wave smilee???

          Det...if you came home with all 10 digits it was a good day. One day at a time my man...things will sort themselves out a work.

 name was never on Title. He bought the property under one of his company names. It's still considered the matrimonial home though so the Matrimonial Property Act applies.

          Feeling a bit peckish tonight so it's ham steak, perogies and peas from the garden. Hope we all get some rest tonight.....:smile:PPQP


            Good evening Abbers,

            Wonderful news about Amy Mick, I hope she says YES! Then I can embroider you a father of the bride suit - HA HA!!!
            Can't believe both of my kids are celebrating 10 year anniversaries this year. YB did receive a Happy birthday text message from our son this morning, so that's a start I guess.

            Greetings Pauly, TT & SK!
            Det, take lots of deep breaths & one day at a time thinking, OK? You can only do the best you can do

            PQ, I sure hope that stuff gets straightened out very soon for you. What a pain in the a$$
            Take good care of yourself, OK?

            Hello to the others & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              ahoy hoy ABerooos!

              Mick, what a cool proposal and an exotic place to boot... very neat. My job is manufacturing AR15 rifles so it's just politically incorrect enough to appeal to me Did you figure out the pedigree of that lead seal you 'tected?

              thankfully the bossman realized he was stressing me out and he's going to hire a full time machinist. So today i got to build guns which is what I was hired to do in the first place and I'm good at it. Busy, productive but much less stressful day. whew!

              Pauly, I'm guessing all those sugar carbs from Sunday are contributing to your blues.... I know they affect me like that strongly. I'm at my best eating meat and veggies and fruit for dessert. It should clear soon I hope. Zombie nanny... LOL!

              well my tomatoes froze too hard and they are over with, so I picked a crapload of green tomatoes and I'll be making the classic southern treat 'fried green tomatoes' tomorrow night.

              PPQ, are you Eastern European by heritage? perogies are a tasty treat.

              well, better take a shower, pack a lunch and watch the latest episode of Gotham

              be well loves
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

