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Wednesday Oct 5

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    Wednesday Oct 5

    MAE ALL....something to go with our morning coffee

    Mae everybody, PPQP, I seen that on fb and I don't get it but I'll have a slice Det,more than likely a sugar and shit overload, I know darn well that eating junk makes me feel rubbish and yet I still do it,as a matter of fact there's Foodie fest going on this weekend in Henderson and we'll probably go,I'll just nibble(yeah right) I didn't watch the vice-president debates,both of those guys are creepy looking to me,meh,got up early to exercise and hubs soon followed me downstairs so I'll hafta squeeze something in this afternoon which I don't like doing, I'd rather get it over in the morning, much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful Wednesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      hi dudes and dudettes,been pretty busy this morning so far ..still not finished the side border was bugging me in the front garden ,so this morning ,timbered it out,put presrver on itand dug it all out .the stones I got out are on the fron t border by the wall..Ive also re-edged that lot too..vgot to dig some drainage in now and the topsoil that border ..about a ton of it .. oh and on top of that ordered 2 photos to canvas a message from dhl the courier to say I owed them £17 for customs..the prints were £19..aint happening..they can whistle ..waiting for a message from the company think its seattle to see whats hapning..
      thanks for starting the show ppqp.. brews all round with some 3.142 recurring!



      have a great day peeps
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Pie? 3.142 slices for me, please. Brewed up some Arabica coffee this morning; lovely stuff.

        Mick, your lawn looks lush and healthy. Foodie fest sounds like fun, Pauly. How's it going for our east-coasters, Sam, Lav, Byrdie? That's a mighty big storm heading your way.

        I've started studying to take the real estate license exam, so that I can do more work here at my condos. My agent friend is looking to off load some of her property management work, so i want to be in a position to pick those up when she's ready.


          That sounds great Pie I've thought of getting a real estate license but we shall see
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
            That sounds great Pie I've thought of getting a real estate license but we shall see
            Hey Pauly, Now with online courses, it's easy to get the education credits needed. Certainly there are plenty of people making very good money buying and selling real estate. The property management I'm aiming for will be far less lucrative, but significant and interesting to me.


              Greetings Abbers!

              PQ, you are my perogie buddy
              Nice loooking pie too!!

              Pauly & Pie, my SIL has been selling homes for years & doing quite well. You really have to be able to motivate people though, good luck! Think positively

              Mick, you certainly do nice work! When you finish your place will you come here & give me a hand? I stayed out long enough today to clear out my herb garden then lost interest, ha ha. There is SO much that needs to be done.

              Det, I'm glad to hear things have calmed down at your new job, phew!!

              It's getting dark so early & I am having trouble getting up in the morning. No wonder I'm falling behind in everything, geez.
              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Wow...feeling really stressed today. Of course it's Thanksgiving long weekend coming up, all about family...and the guilt comes to the forefront! Guilt, don't know why I used that word but that's what it feels like. I come from a family of 10 and holiday's were always the BEST! Don't know how my parents did it. As Thanksgiving and Christmas rolls around I feel I've let my boys down as far as not giving them what I had growing up. I know they have maintained relationships with their many cousins and I'm grateful for that. It just kinda hurts that things couldn't be different. On top of that co-workers have become very dysfunctional. Lots of b*tching and complaining about non-support from boss and are looking for direction from me. Would someone please send me a red fireman's hat as I feel I spend all day putting out fires, let alone trying to keep up with my own workload. I know I have a lot to be grateful for, and have come a long way, but for right now I just had to get that out. Thanks for listening.

                Now it's off to make homemade hamburgers, they're the best! Appreciate having this thread to "let it go".....:smile:PPQP


                  top o the evening ABeroooskies!

                  PPQ, thanks for the pi for brekkie. Also dealing with guilt and inadequacy issues here... it's no fun but keeping mostly positive as i realize looking back won't do any good. We press on and vow for better days.

                  Pauly, hopefully the foodie fest will have some yummy and yet decent food to offer

                  Lav, yes the shorter days are upon us and I have to keep vigilant to avoid depression.

                  Mick, you are a handyman machine! well done once again.

                  Pie, best of luck on the real estate plan, sounds good.

                  well, time to chill out a bit so I can get some sleep

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

