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Feisty Feb
Re: Feisty Feb
Wow, what a lot of typos! Too tired to correct them - I hope you get th ideas, ha ha!
Re: Feisty Feb
Hi all - happy Fat Tuesday, and end of this crazy month...
I am super-tired, so will not say much tonight, but wanted to check in.
SK, gosh your dental thing sounds terrible, but probably good that you didn't have general anaesthesia. Good luck healing! Have you tried a thunder shirt on your dog ? Sometimes it helps. Poor thing.
Pauly, Lav, Star, sending you love. I was to go back to NY C tomorrow, but we put it off a day. Lav, the cough seems to go hand in hand w/ this bug - they swabbed him and gave it a name, said 3-4 weeks, yikes. I will return the little poodle tomorrow 2 that will be enough diving for me. I jus
T walked in the door for a 2 hour Steerign Committee meeting for my Action network - I am co-chair of Wome's Issues. We learned from a legislative assist
Ant how bills work getting through our state legislature. Lots of intellectual,power in the t room, sheesh. Even on a state level the stakes are so high. I'm crossing fingers that our sister district will swing tonight - I guess the race was even discussed in R Maddow... hoping to wake up to some good news.
Nite nite all - sweet AF dreams.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good Fat Tuesday evening friends!
After breaking records for warmth here now it's chilly & raining tonight, geez. Grateful for the fireplace as usual.
SK, I thought about pancakes but decided to skip them. All that white flour & sugar drives my nighttime hot flashes, not worth it to me, ha ha!
I had a dog who used to hide in a stall shower during thunder storms. Now the two dogs I have couldn't seem to care less about thunder. They're all different I guess. Geez, I hope you heal soon, your dental procedure sounds rather horrific.
Star, I was a teenager the last time I slept 10 hours, no kidding!!! Good for you & I hope you had a good day.
Pauly, I don't take fish oil, just never agreed with me. I try to incorporate flax seeds into my diet instead.
You can bake them into your breads & muffins. You can grind the seeds & sprinkle them over your cereal & salads.
Cyn, you are working way too hard woman!!!
Please don't run yourself down & risk getting sick too. I'm wondering if your husband possibly has bronchitis? That harsh lingering cough sounds familiar. My daughter has had bronchitis a few times over the years. I hope he feels better soon.
About tonight's presidential address to the joint session of Congress - I am NOT watching.
All I have to do is 'think' about what he's probably going to say & I feel angry. I need to look after my own health & sanity
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
How about MINDFUL or MOVEON March???Last edited by Lavande; February 28, 2017, 08:28 PM.
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Re: Feisty Feb
P.S. Is anybody doing pancakes or crepes today? When I lived in the U.K. the pancakes were thinner but bigger (dinner plate size) and we sprinkled them with sugar (uh oh) squeezed them with lemon juice and rolled them up. After all these years I still remember the taste.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Everyone seems B&I (busy and important). My granddaughter was a little shocked to see my bruised and swollen face. It is hard to explain without giving her the "fear of dentists". When my husband had this a long time ago, he had a general anaesthesia and Percocet to recover. I had local anaesthesia and a mild, non-narcotic pain reliever. To get some of my old crowns off, they used a small hammer and some of them broke, so I wished I could have slept thru that!
My doggy music for Peggy has run it's course for the thunderstorms. I still play it for relaxation, but we're back to the shaking/panting behaviour. In TX I think all rain is accompanied by a thunderstorm. In WA I think we had 2 in the 14 yrs. I lived there.
Have a great day.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Morning friends, Star 10 hours?!? You must have needed it bad,March Meditation, Mystic March,I honestly can't think of anything cool,I'll be fine with any name as long as it's positive, definitely NOT Moody March hahaha,feeling much better today,posted on steppers that I tried fish oils and had the worst anxiety I've had in a loooong time!you know I used to take those daily now I'm wondering if that's why I always had anxiety I always just assumed it was just me but now after not having it like that in awhile makes me wonder,hellos to Lav and Can,wishing us all a happy AF Tuesday
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good morning, just time to say hi, woke up late. I slept 10 hours straight, I must have needed it. Working hard at my job, very busy time. Hey, any ideas for March names for tomorrow? Thanks.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Hi all -
So sorry to be awol yesterday. If you can believe it, the day was full to the brim, and I didn't realize that I hadn't posted until I crawled into bed exhausted... I just couldn't get up again, sorry!
I was on a big writing deadline yesterday, which I managed to meet. Also was shopping and then cooking things to take down to HB today... I seriously need a sous-chef or someone to do cleanup for me! When I start that at the end of the evening, it feels endless. So between all of that and taking the dogs for a run and household chores, I was sunk.
This morning I left on an early train to NYC. I met with a client there and then got to HB's apartment, unloaded the food, did a little cleaning, and then got back on the train home. Thank goodness for our wonderful pet sitter who was able to handle the 3 dogs just fine. HB is not so good... I'm bringing him home on Wednesday or Thursday and he'll have a chest X-ray here. He doesn't have a hi temp, but has continuing night sweats, and since he's had so many weird lung issues it seems like the right thing to do. At least it will set his mind at rest - he worries so much that sometimes I think he's literally making himself sick.
Sounds like all need some SelfCare! Star and Pauly, please take good care of yourselves in all this! NOTHING is worth sacrificing our sobriety, nothing. Take action where you can and then let it go - bless the others who are able to pick up the baton and run with it. I am just overwhelmed with the hard work that this sister-district campaign is pumping out - just unbelievable. They are really trying to make it happen for all working people. Flipping this seat would be a major deal in this state, just like Delaware. Election is tomorrow, cross fingers.
Lav, so glad to hear that you have some good work. That's a blessing right now, right? I Often see Nothing on a menu that I can eat... I just have to be more ready. I am taking a zero-tolerance approach to the foods that are bad for me, just like AL... it's too easy to do ourselves harm. I need my snack toolkit updated!
Take care all - sending blessings and wishes for a great AF Tuesday.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good evening friends!
All this talk of mood swings - I'm there too, to be honest.
I think it probably has something to do with the seasons nearing a change. I have found myself on the verge of snapping snarky remarks to YB but I have been able to stop myself, ha ha. I think if there was AL in the mix I probably would just be mouthing off & I don't want to be like that. I think these are the times we really need to dust off the old meditation CDs & put some fresh batteries in the CD player
On a positive note I received another positive response from the newly elected Republican Congressman from this area. He seems to agree with me on the issues I've contacted him about - so far. Let's hope he keeps the good attitude!
On the other hand I saw today that #45 claims he didn't know health insurance was SO COMPLICATED - really?
Star, doing absolutely anything we need to do to stay positive is #1 on my to do list.
Some days I need to be more active, some days I need to focus more on healthier cooking & eating. Everyday I need to remind myself to choose the good thoughts & let the rest float away
Pauly, I was concerned about my son re the military, He considered the Coast Guard at one point then decided no, college first then straight into the fire academy. YB did 30 years in the PD & is still active with the FD administration. Two of my brothers & their sons did enlist in the military & not one of them came out with anything positive, not even any decent job skills. I would strongly encourage Brady to look into trade schools if he is not going to college. The trade schools around here are great & the kids graduate with an Associate degree in addition to their chosen trade skills. This one is very popular around here: Williamson College of the Trades – Building Men of Character for Over 125 Years
Hello to Cyn who is probably as busy as ever today
Got some good work done today, will do the same tomorrow!
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
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Re: Feisty Feb
Morning friends,Star,the last time I drank I got super drunk-super fast,sick but of course I kept goingI agree that our bodies are balking at alcohol, absolutely hating it! No reason to go back moods been low too,I think mine is hormones and also a melancholy from these birthdays,just hard to see these kids growing up and wishing it hadn't gone so fast,told hubs that when you're raising the kids you kind of just take for granted that they'll always be there,little needing you then poof they're grown! Brady was talking about going into the military yesterday, I'm not sure how I feel about that,I have such pride for our military and the people who serve but oh my God I think I'd be a bundle of nerves,especially with DT in office!!!!! See what happens, Lav,glad the celebration went well PFChangs for a 6 year old is adorable haha,Cyn,how's hubs feeling? Have you been back to the drum meditation circle lately? I've been slacking on my meditation lately,TV seems to be my meditation of choice lately haha no bueno! I need to get out of my funk,I can always tell cuz my stomach feels hollow,its such an empty feeling, oh well this shall pass,wishing us all a happy AF Monday
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good morning...
Had a good day yesterday for the most part, darn its Monday!Just kidding, I need a place to go.
Lav, so happy you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your granddaughter, and now have lots of work to keep busy. I am trying to take your advice and focus on the positive, lately I haven't been doing that as much and it has taken its toll. Everyday had both the good and the bad, I get to choose what I focus on, right? Working on that this week.
Pauly, sounds like you had a lovely birthday celebration too, with lots of fun. Louie sounds so cute and funny. He thought he wanted steak, right? My grandson eats next to nothing except sweets when we get together, he gets too excited. They are so sweet when they are little. I agree with you about worrying about missing MWO members, we know they are have probably relapsed and it is scary. I am telling you the last time I drank I was SO SICK, I just cannot every drink again or maybe I will have a stroke, heart attack, or some other bad thing happen. My body protested so strongly, and I lost control so excessively, it took days to recover and the GSR is still there. I am trying so hard to remain AF, and I can tell you, sometimes the low moods are hard take. Saturday night I sank to a low mood and could not shake it off, just went to sleep early. Nothing bad had happened, actually it was a good day, so I don't know where these moods come from. Glad I chose to stay AF. Nothing is worth drinking for me anymore.
Shout out to Cyn, hope your Sunday was good.
Busy week at work and home, so going to do my best to get in exercise in 15-20 minute intervals, 2-3 times a day to keep up my energy. The weather is supposed to warm up so good. Hey, I saw a forsythia starting to bloom on a walk last night. Those are some tough spring bushes. Have a good one.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good evening friends!
The birthday celebration went well
Can you imagine a 6 year old asking to go to PF Changs for lunch? Ha ha, that's what we did. I had some chicken dish with brown rice so I came home feeling OK. I also had a pot of some herbal citrus tea that was really nice.
Star, these are the times we need to remember to be mindful, focus on our breathing & push all the BS right out of our heads. I won't let anything sit there & fester anymore, just won't!!! I hope March is a much better month for you & everyone!
Cyn, I hope you recover quickly from your day of iffy food choices. I know the feeling, believe me. It is hard to eat when you're away from home & not prepared. Sometimes it makes me mad but mostly I am grateful that at least I have figured out what foods make me feel the worst. Did you ever look at a menu & think there is absolutely NOTHING agreeable for me?
Pauly, we can at least start a new week now with healthier food choices, right?
I am already looking for non-dairy dark chocolate Easter bunnies for my granddaughter. I have candy molds so I may end up making a fewI don't want to make her sick giving her something made with milk chocolate, ugh.
I am glad we all had good family birthday celebrations this weekend.
I suddenly have a bunch of work piling up so I should be busy this week - that's a good thing!
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
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Re: Feisty Feb
Morning friends, Cyn,I went off the eating plan yesterday with a chicken sandwich, fries and Bradys birthday cheesecake I can tell too cuz I woke up a crab! I just figure once I awhile, I'm certainly not gonna go to Lou's party next week and not have a little slice of cake,luckily I truly only like a few bites then I'm done though, ooh I also cheated and drank a diet coke with dinner but again its just gonna be here and there,Star,I worry about people who relapse too,especially when they take awhile to come backI always tend to imagine really bad things cuz by drinking we never know, I've had relapses where I felt on the verge of death,blood in my vomit,absolute pounding heart,we just never know.... for some reason none of those extremes ever stopped me for long,I just hope that the missing come back soon,Lav,I hope you have a wonderful day with your little granddaughter
can't believe that they're getting so big,makes me sad but last night at dinner there was a 3 month old baby right behind us and she was crying throughout, I whispered to Kell"that baby's driving me nuts" made me kinda grateful that Lou's almost 4 haha,also he's a turd cuz he ordered a steak and ate one bite! Most expensive thing on the kids menu and Winslow ended up with it..wishing us all a fully happy AF Sunday
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good morning...
Pauly, I think I have seen that brand of flour, hope your Saturday was better than you expected. I have noticed a few people are missing or have relapsed and are sick. I have had a few cravings but not close to actually drinking. I am worried for a few MWO members. Despite the stress I have been feeling, drinking would be such a negative experience for me, a disaster. Any thoughts?
Lav, I have been overwhelmed lately, another busy day today, then work tomorrow. Next weekend a workshop on Saturday and Sunday, so a little escape from reality. We were unable to finish with the apartment, it needed more cleaning, so that is not finished. I left and told my son to clean it, and he said he did, but I have to go over today and check and wash windows. It is in my name, so I am responsible. Then having family over so in a little while I will start preparing a crockpot meal and a little baking. Hopefully within a few weeks, things will settle down and I have a vacation to look forward to in March.
Cyn, what an interesting thing to do, canvass. You are really getting involved, very cool, I am impressed. I understand about the bad food choices, you get hungry, nothing good around and bam, choices that effect you for a few days. I did that with Mexican food, twice this year, no more for me. I did not feel well for three days, it is just not worth it. But, it happens. Glad you are back on a healthy plan.
Have a great AF Sunday.
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