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fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

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    fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

    yo nbk howz weyall today thern?all doin goodly I hope..well the weekend is here that is unless you live in on your head land then youve already started..welll its a lovely day today ,got quite a bit to do today,got to split the garden,sort the hutch out etc..on top of that Ive got a party to go to tonight,its one of to go and show thats what one will do...

    ok so lets have a brew shall we...

    hi snooopster,how are you then?hope all is well with you for the van..yep you can sleep in it,cook ,wash,watch telly etc..even a porta potti..!!as for where we are going ..local then the idea is go round Britain bit by bit..

    hiya ppqp...hows you then...I get the feeling Panda is going to be a handful! but that is immaterial...the priority is Jeeves ,its kind of hard to remember at times when you are holding a cute rabbit...its about quality of life,as it was for Sam and Sandy and Zeuss..
    I have got a fair few toms on the go now...peppers havent done too well so far tho to be fair,Ive been a wee bit busy..

    Det brill pictography mate!!really smart picsta for sharing ...and youve got the water on too?wow life is doin the extra mile for ya!!you are doin good friend ...keep at it..

    morning lavender...(like that?) how are you? yes need to get the aul joss sticks and burner out man....singing songs like the answer my friend is blowin in the wind and matthew southern comfort..

    anyway heres a cup of normal coffee uppers, purple hearts nuffink in it!! did you get the promised rain?

    hey pauly ...where are you?

    hi sf...jist seen you pop in hope all ok with you|?

    big shout to everyone

    "What are your strengths?"

    Me: I fall in love easily.

    "OK...what are your weaknesses?"

    Me: Those blue eyes of yours

    Another downside of being a bomb disposal technician?..

    It takes me six hours to open my birthday presents.

    My cat was just sick on the carpet.

    I really don’t think it’s feline well.

    How many ears does Captain Kirk have?


    A left ear, a right ear and a final front ear.

    My son suggested I register for a donor card.

    He's a man after my own heart.

    I've got a new job working shift work making chess sets.

    I'm on Knights next week.

    I got thrown out of a strip club last night for using Monopoly money.

    I don't see why I should use real money to see fake boobs.

    What cheese is made backwards?


    Dad: There's an easy way to find out if you have American Indian blood in you.
    Son: How?
    Dad: See you have it too.

    What’s the difference between bird flu and swine flu?

    One requires tweetment, and the other requires oinkment.

    3.14% of sailors...

    are πrates

    You know you're ugly when a boiling kettle won't even give you a whistle.

    The government says that smoking weed causes memory loss.

    That's nonsense, next thing they'll say smoking weed causes memory loss.

    The local farmer has grown the first ever field of lady’s toys!

    He’s now having a problem with squatters.

    I just saw on the news
    'Missing girl found safe'
    What I want to know is..
    Could she crack it?

    Once I caught a fish alive...

    Just been banned from Sea World again.

    My ex-girlfriend tried to humiliate me by telling all her friends I was terrible in bed.

    Imagine her surprise when they all disagreed.

    Dentist: This will hurt.
    Patient: OK.
    Dentist: I've been having an affair with your wife since last year.

    Pirate: The cannons be ready, captain.

    Captain: Are

    I went for a job interview today and was asked to describe myself in three words.

    "Violent when disappointed"

    I hope to get hired tomorrow
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

    Aloooha Friday ABerooos!

    Mick, Panda? I must have missed something... new bunny? very nice. and I missed pictures... waaaaa!

    loving the funnies also. Must say the're a good way to wake my sleepy head. Didn't sleep so great as the
    house was too hot last night but certainly cool this morn with rain and wind now. Darn desert can't make
    up its mind.

    was really looking forward to my hike/shoot Sat but will just have to monitor the weather and see.
    At any rate it will be something AF and healthy

    Pauly.....calling Pauly

    Dx is out camping so I'll be in solo mode. Plenty of projects to tackle so no boredom here.

    what's everyone up to then?

    be well loves
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Re: fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

      Hi folks. Here I am standing on my head! Had my ultrasound yesterday and have to wait on the analysis but so far it's not showing any organic abnormalities. I am still worried of course but relieved there are no big tumours or scarring.
      Have a great weekend bonding with the bunny Mick.
      Stay strong Det. Get out of the house in the weekend and connect with humans.
      I am off to Southern California next week. It sounds like I am going surfing but it's work related and much of my time will be indoors. Still a nice change. Wish me luck with LA airport!
      It's not good when Pauly doesn't check in. Has anyone been in contact with her?
      Catch you later


        Re: fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

        MAE ALL...

        Mick...thanks for the kickstart and the jokes. Not sure about 1. 2. 3. etc we're those meant for other answers? Agree that Panda is going to be a handful and I think Jeeves will love her. You are absolutely right, it's about quality of life. Can't wait to see new bunny pictures.

        Det...Panda's Mick's new rescue bunny to keep Jeeves company. He shared a short video but there'll be lots of pics coming. He's picking her up on Saturday. Hope the weather improves so you can get out but glad to hear you've got plans to keep busy. You're sounding good so please stay strong. :hug:

        TT...Good Luck with LAX. Couldn't figure out why you were standing on your head and then I remembered Mick's opening remarks. LOL Glad to hear the ultrasound didn't reveal anything drastic and fingers crossed nothing serious with the analysis. Hope the work in California is positive.'ve got us worried. Please check in.

        We're holding a Community Clean Up tomorrow, it's where the City partners with Communities to supply Garbage and Recycling Trucks for residents to drop off there unwanteds. It'll be an early start for me but it's so appreciated that it's worth it. Hoping everyone has a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


          Re: fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaay

          Good evening Abbers,

          Happy Friday to all - there's about an hour left until it's Saturday

          Mick, we did get a lot of rain but no flooding like in other parts of the country, grateful for that!
          I had my grandsons here for the evening while their parents went out. This was the first time I've watched the kids since my DIL's blowup last September. It was nice but also odd. Both boys have grown much & matured too so there were no tantrums.

          Det, it was chilly here this morning but now it's warm & humid after all the rain, yuck.
          I know you'll find something healthy to do this weekend despite the weather

          TT, great news about your ultrasound. Maybe this has been all about a viral illness after all. I hope your trip to LA goes well. I have never been there myself although I have been to San Francisco & north of there a few times. You should be able to find some good food there

          PQ, I am concerned about Pauly too, I hope she makes an appearance soon.
          Have fun at the Community clean up tomorrow. My daughter just took her girl scout troop to one last weekend & the kids had a ball

          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

