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friday fred

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    friday fred

    well where do you go from there then...2 days ago digging out the rain ...yesterday ...burnt to a crisp!!
    how is you all folks ..?hope all is well ...yep out again today...yesterday we finished diggin out and put the hardcore in ...the wogon couldnt get up the lane do tipped and then we dumper trucked it up ..

    put some pics up...Lav got it right ..boys n toys!!

    the stabe block is 15 m x 13m L shaped ..wher the pile of hardcore is..thats where the hard standing will go in ....anyways hope you all have a great weekend ...and heres a brew to be going on with....
    20170518_081044 (1).jpg this is where it is

    20170518_081038 (1).jpg roughing out

    20170518_094940.jpg playing

    20170518_152910.jpg nearly done...

    I can't wait until I retire so I can get up early on a morning and drive around really slowly making everyone late for work.

    Whoever said technology will replace paper has obviously never tried wiping their ass with an iPad.

    What's Batman's favorite fruit?

    BA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA BA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA................................................ .... grapefruit

    Accordion to scientific studies...

    95% of people do not realise that I replaced the beginning of this joke with a musical instrument.

    At any given moment the urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is just a whim-away...
    A whim-away, a whim-away, a whim-away...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: friday fred

    morn all
    yeaH, that looks like a fun toy,Mick! can I borrow it for a bit.
    'veying today, muzac tonight, hope all is well with folks
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Re: friday fred

      Mae everyone, its freezing here! Can't wait for it to just get hot and stay hot! Looks like fun Mick hi Sam! TT,I hardly ever want ice cream but seen a commercial for Sonic and had hubs get us some to split last night, man that cup was so big I split it between hubs,Brady and me! Kell caught Louie's bug poor thing barely left the bathroom last night Norovirus has been going around some of the schools here,I hope its not that,my sickness only lasted one day hope its the same for her,PQ,you just take care of yourself, you do sound better though much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful AF Friday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: friday fred

        Hi folks. I am leaving tomorrow. Got some disappointing news that I missed out on a job I was after and I also missed out on a project I had put a huge amount of effort into applying for. Determined to soldier on. Just can't believe how. much my career has changed in the past year. It's hard not to be demoralised as I put so much into it. Very low on self confidence at the moment.
        Still I will make sure I enjoy my last day. Just can't spend much money as the exchange rate is lousy for me and I find it expensive here. I don't know how very low wage workers can get by in the US.
        It's cold out here too Pauly but today is supposed to be hot.
        Like Mick I had better make sure my pale skin does not get frazzled.
        Hi there Sam. And all you lovely humans who once loved AL. No more.


          Re: friday fred

          Frizzled. Not frazzled. That was auto correct but probably equally applicable


            Re: friday fred

            MAE ALL....Start of the long weekend here and looking forward to it. Potluck BBQ at nephew's tomorrow and planning on putting my garden in. Not waiting any longer.

            Mick...thanks for kicking us off before heading out. Great pics, things are coming together quickly.

   still working the soil job? Enjoy the tunes tonight.

            Pauly...I'll do my best. Hope you had a wonderful Friday as well.

            TT....well that's disappointing indeed. Glad you're determined to soldier on, that's all we can do as the alternative isn't for us anymore. Hope you enjoyed your last day in SoCal and have a safe trip home.

            Shout out to all else.....:smile:PPQP


              Re: friday fred

              Evening greetings Abbers!

              Well it was hot here again today - 93 degrees!!!
              Looking forward to much cooler weather this weekend. You know it's hot out when your chickens are digging holes in the yard then flopping down in them to feel the cooler earth. They just lie there panting, sad.

              Mick, I just knew you would end up burning your noggin, ouch! Great pics, thanks for sharing. Take care now & don't over due, OK?

              Hi Sam, have you gotten any of the storms that we were supposed to get but didn't? I don't care as long as it cools off, geez. I hope you are having fun tonight with your tunes

              Pauly, sounds like you are going to have to disinfect your house with all the sickness around. I hope everyone is feeling better very soon. Easy on that ice cream girl

              TT, sorry the job did not work out. something else is bound to open up for you very soon! Keep your thoughts positive, it really helps! Have a very safe trip home!

              Today is my 8 year smoke free anniversary. I am proud of that accomplishment & still can't believe how difficult it was to quit. Just one smoke would throw me right back to where I was, that I know for sure & I don't ever want to go back there again.

              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
              Hello to Det, Pie, SF, SK & all the missing.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: friday fred

                8 years, that is great, my wife went a year but back at it again, it is a hard I know
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Re: friday fred

                  Aloooha Friday ABerooos!

                  Mick, thanks for the cool pics. What a beautiful area. So different from the high desert.

                  Lav, mega kudos! tremendous thing you have done.

                  TTops, hang in there, I'm a big believer in karma and serendipity.

                  well, had a good positive work day, feeling well and just putzing around doing chores and super glad to
                  be able to sleep in tomorrow. It's the little things in life that are most grand. Except for a grand piano. they
                  really aren't little.

                  here's to a kickass AF Sat everyone

                  be well and gnight
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

