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May Movers & Shakers

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    Re: May Movers & Shakers

    Good evening friends

    Hot & humid just like summer, ugh.
    Looks like we are prime for T storms all week long too, swell. I've picked a quart or more of strawberries the past two days. They're mostly small but tasty. The blueberries are all set, just waiting for them to ripen so we can pick them too, yum.

    Star, I wouldn't mind having my oldest grandson any time, he's pleasant & easy going, helpful, etc. The other one has improved quite a bit over the past year & a half but he still has his moments, Lol
    I'm glad that the grandkids appreciate me & hope they always do. It should be interesting to see when the DIL remerges again.

    Cyn, you are still busy but it sounds like you're kicking butt
    I happen to have 3 FB friends with birthdays today & noticed one of them turned 69 today. Geez, we worked together for so many years it's hard to understand how we've gotten so old. Her husband passed away probably 20 or so years ago. We all lined up to donate blood when he needed it, sad memory. Anyway, I just want to say that I hope we are all still friends when we are pushing the big seven oh!!!!

    Pauly, I'm glad you are right back with us & glad to hear that you did plan to survive the trip AF.
    Let me share one thing that I had to learn & accept when I first got here. Feelings & emotions can be rough but they won't kill us. It's OK to let those feelings surround us & not attempt to drink them away. The more you practice just sitting with the feelings, letting them wash over you without attempting to control them - the easier it gets, honestly :hug:

    Hello to SK, bet you're dealing with all this mugginess too, yuck! Keep yourself cool & Peggy too.

    Have a nice night everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: May Movers & Shakers

      Good morning...

      Lav, how true about our strong uncomfortable feelings and not drinking over them. I have been having a really rough time with my feelings regarding my son and his unemployment situation, and have tons of anxiety and stress over it. I have wanted to drink to make the feelings go away, but have chosen not to drink, no matter what, period. That is the difference. I am still struggling with strong uncomfortable emotions, but will exercise today, try and keep busy and just make it through my day. What else can I do?

      Pauly, having said that, I also do not have people drinking around me either. I would have to leave if that were the situation I think. Very glad you are back and giving yourself time to recover physically, mentally, emotionally.

      Cyn, what a busy time for you, hope you get completed what you need to. We are finally supposed to get some rain today, that would be nice.

      Hello to Skendall.

      Have a great AF Hump Day.


        Re: May Movers & Shakers

        Afternoon, 97 deg. today.

        Went gift shopping early to buy something for the leasing manager who is leaving, Peggy had a manicure and I had a frappacino (sp).

        It's been hot enough in the evenings to have fireflies.

        Lav, I grew strawberries for Viv and the birds got them, should I be putting wire mesh or something?

        Star, I do sympathize with you re you son's situation, I hope it resolves itself.

        Pauly, I hope you are doing better.

        Cyn, glad you are making it happen for so many. No TX isn't all storms and heat. But when it does rain thunder and lightening come also.

        I overdid it yesterday with Peggy, we ended up being out for a long time an she slept from 5:00 pm to 8:00 a.m.
        She is 70 in dog years, so I'll keep our outings smaller.
        Last edited by SKendall; May 30, 2018, 01:48 PM.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: May Movers & Shakers

          Good evening friends,

          Took advantage of a dry day to run to the outlets to get some new summer clothes. There is literally no where around here to shop so it always involves a trip somewhere. Today I chose to head north into Lancaster county. More Amish folks there than anywhere
          Tomorrow afternoon we will be taking the 'bridge' that YB built to my granddaughter's Daisy scout meeting. They are 'flying up' to the Brownie level, haha! That was nice of YB, he painted it too.

          Star, I have survived all this family BS AF these past 9+ years simply by not taking on anyone else's problems. I just can't do that anymore because it gives away my strength & power. I need to be selfish & keep my power for myself. I know dealing with your son is a real emotional pull on you so please think about keeping your power for yourself. Dr Christianne Northrup had a whole series on FB about Emotional Vampires & what they do to us. I completely agree with her. Some people keep taking & taking from us as long as we allow them to do so. What do you think would happen if you left him figure this stuff out on his own? He is an educated adult, he should be able to figure out what he needs to do. We firmly announced the Bank of Mom & Dad is closed many years ago, Lol. They figured it out, I'm sure your son will as well.
          Not as hot here today but super humid so I imagine the rain will follow shortly.

          SK, maybe I need you to take me for a long walk so I can sleep. I get one half way decent night's sleep in a week, ugh.
          I have bunny rabbits & groundhogs steal my strawberries but the birds go after the blueberries. We actually throw netting over the blueberry bushes to discourage the bird thieves. Depending onhow big your strawberry patch is maybe you can use an old window screen or tack down some netting you can find in the home stores & hardware stores. I don't mind the wildlife having a taste but I'm not giving it all to them.

          Cyn, the busy lady of the thread. Hope your day is going superbly

          Pauly, how are you today?

          Have a decent night everyone. Tomorrow is the last day of the month so we will need a June thread - any ideas????

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: May Movers & Shakers

            Morning all --

            I was on the thread last night, trying to post a "hello, and see you in the morning", but fell asleep as I was typing. The result was hysterical, I almost posted it, just for laughs. Anyway, good morning all.

            May is over... wow. I just can't believe it... I feel like this month just evaporated. Sorry, Lav, I am coming up totally blank for names.

            SK, so nice to hear how things are going for you and Peggy. Any news on the Viv front? Darn those birds for stealing the strawberries that you were growing for her!
            Star, I know that your son has special needs, it's hard to balance all of that - wishing you well. I have a new client - she is super-bright, but off-the-charts ADD, and I honestly just keep gently reminding her to finish what ever is in her hands at that moment. She thinks I'm a miracle worker! Ha! People struggle with a lot of different things.
            Pauly, now is the time to love yourself, big time. Sending you lots of love -- I have been thinking lately how important it is to love ourselves more than we love any kind of escape. I support you efforts.
            Lav, your land sounds idyllic! Chickens, strawberries, blueberries, herbs... I love the picture in my mind's eye. I have contacted - get this - a RentaGoat company -- I can't see how our land can be cleared of all the invasive s and other overgrowth without a herd of goats! Seriously, they are a company that does this... but after I described our project, he didn't get back to me... we'll see if he wants to take it on. It is for some reason an explosive year for overgrowth - Probably because I didn't do as much last year as normally, and practically nothing this year. There is more garlic mustard than I have ever seen year - droves and droves -- and it is all about to go to seed. If this guy doesn't call, I may have to just buy a goat -- I always wanted one -- !

            OK, 2 affirmations today, since I have been a little AWOL.
            "Beautiful things are coming into my life" and "I LOVE and APPROVE of myself"


              Re: May Movers & Shakers

              Good evening Cyn,

              Just us today? OK then....
              Honestly, 15 years ago this July, when we moved in our next door neighbor offered us the services of her goats, ha ha! We said thanks, we'll let you know but never did have them here. Now the goats are long gone & I sure wish I had one or two - if they eat poison ivy then it would be worth having them

              We just got back from our granddaughter's scout meeting. The kids were thrilled with the foot bridge YB built for them. They are now full fledged Brownies, ha ha!!

              Star, thinking of you & hope everything is going as well as possible.

              Pauly, c'mon back now, we are missing you.

              SK, how was your day? I hope you are not being pestered by T storms. Super damp here but no thunder.

              Have a nice night everyone & I'll think of a June thread for us - I hope

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: May Movers & Shakers

                Lav, that's a lot of rain. I hope your family is as well as can be expected. How old is the baby?

                Bitten by fire ants again. Horrible things. There was a hill outside my patio and the landscaper mowed it, so they are on the patio and living room rug now.

                Just stinking hot and humid today. It's 9:30 and I just took Peggy out for potty and came back soaked in perspiration, it is just plain miserable because it's humid too.

                Oh well. Had cold salmon on greens, it was so good.

                See you later.
                Enlightened by MWO

