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June 2~2019

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    Re: June 2~2019 turn to miss read that. Of course it was the boys' dad, what was I thinking. LOL


      Re: June 2~2019

      Happy Tuesday eve ABeroooodles!!

      let's see what we have... feisty chickens, pretty flowers, cold weather up north, blazing heat down here, 'just right' at Lav's place, epic hikes for charity... fun mixed bag all 'round it appears.

      Things are still super pleasant in pleasant-land happy to say. My lady friend just departed after having a nice evening with me and I had fun making a romantic dinner.

      There's a gay man at work that i think likes me and yesterday he heard me talking about my passion for cooking and he just blurted out in front of everyone 'if you ever think about going gay
      just call me first ok?" it was too funny and well all cracked up laughing. it was actually charming.

      Had to console a stressed-out coworker today and i think he'll be ok. It's nice that i have the internal fortitude these days to not only take care of myself but be able to offer compassion
      to those experiencing suffering.

      Well, have to be a quickie tonight, plumb tired-out from all manner of good things and I've been enjoying getting up extra early to workout before my shift starts.
      It's also a very quiet time at the gym and super peaceful.

      I bid thee loves a fantabulous eve
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Re: June 2~2019

        Hiya all at Julie's dads
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: June 2~2019

          Mae everybody,Mick hope everything is ok? Det you sound good quick post just to say hi,much love and wishes for a great BF Wednesday!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: June 2~2019

            how do all
            taking a break from looking at one computer screen to another, putting finishing touches on a plat. Felt like I got into a fight with a wildcat yesterday, lots of greenbrier. Sometimes I think I'm getting too old to hack through all that crap..... NAH!!

            well, back to it...
            hope everyone is doing marvey
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Re: June 2~2019

              MAE ALL...

              Det...sounds like things are still humming along. Nice. I thinks it's great that everyone laughed when the gay guy said that. And being able to console a fellow coworker is great. I think you finally found the right job to settle into. How did the internet videos go the other day?

              Mick...hiya back. hope all is well.

              Pauly...hope you had a great BF Wednesday.

              Sam...always a good idea to take a screen break. Ouch, don't let any of those scratches get infected, I speak from experience. LOL

              Lav...leg a little sore and swollen today but the red splotches seem to be getting smaller. Decided not to take my biologic today especially as I'm supposed to inject it into the sore leg. Decided I'd call my rheumatologist tomorrow and see what she says.

              Very frustrating day today as my computer crashed/froze every hour on the hour. Decided F this and did get in some card playing. Tried to do a system restore before leaving and it just froze again. Looks like it's time for a new computer. Fine by me! Positive for today...nobody was parked in my spot when I got home. LOL

              Have a good evening all...:smile:PPQP


                Re: June 2~2019

                Good evening friends,

                Nice day but waiting on the rain now. At least it will be clear & pleasant this weekend when my daughter takes her GS troop camping. I always hated taking kids camping in the rain, LOL. I’m glad they won’t have to deal with that.

                Mick, thinking about you & Julie & her Dad :hug:

                PQ, glad your new neighbors sound like they may be OK.
                I’m wishing you continued healing so you don’t need any more doc visits
                Have you ever made won tons at home? They’re kinda fun, you can put anything you want in them.

                Det, you sound like a happy, busy guy! That’s perfect in my book

                Pauly, what’s new with you? Have you come up with any new brain games to keep you from getting bored? If I don’t feel like reading I do any number of games on my ipad - keeps me interested!!

                Sam, since you are somewhere near my age I would have to agree - yuo are getting too old to be wrestling thorny bushes, haha!!
                I like to keep my skin intact whenever possible!

                Hello to the missing folks & wishing everyone a nice night.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: June 2~2019

                  morning all..5.55am just on my wayb out ..40ks here I come.. 6 June44 07.26,,,the first troops hit the beaches of Normandy...they gave a lot for our way of life today..please remember that .
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: June 2~2019

                    Mae everybody Mick good luck! Lav, Romeo has yet another ear infection and the antibiotics they gave him caused his face to break out in a horrible rash! His doc gave him something else but it's freaking me out,what do you think? Allergy? PQ,yay a new computer sounds good much love to all and wishes for a great BF Thursday!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: June 2~2019

                      got back at 7pm ...weary, seized tendon and blisters ...but 47.73ks done..thelast 10ks were sheer guts the pain from the blisters and leg gave me a bit of grief.. but hey job done..forget the time we stopped etc..

                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: June 2~2019

                        MAE ALL...

                        Mick...I watched the History Channel documentary The Presidents at War, it was fascinating seeing them all as kids and growing up to become what they did. I'm glad I saw it. Ouch, you take care of those blisters. Oh oh...Banff is now under a snowfall warning!

                        Pauly...Sorry to hear Romeo reacted to those antibiotics. When the clinic Doc gave me my oral antibiotics to take home he said to watch for any allergic reactions, i.e. rash. Yes, I wasn't going to settle for anything less than a new computer. Got a quote from my IT guy for a Custom Built or Off the Shelf, I went for the custom built. Went into my boss and said I know you've got lots going on but my computer is a priority, I'm approving the custom built and he said I agree. Will be installing it early Tuesday morning.

                        Lav...leg check in. LOL Very little swelling today and one of the red splotches is gone. I think I'm on the mend.

                        I was in early this morning so left early this afternoon. Beat the rain. Ha! I was hoping the weather forecast was wrong but with the snowfall warning in Banff they might be right. Going to be zero in the morning! Hope everyone has a peaceful night....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: June 2~2019

                          Greetings Abbers,

                          Mick, wow, Congrats to you on that epic walk!!!!!
                          Take care of those blisters & soak yourself in a warm tub to loosen up the tendons. I don’t have enough umpf left in me to attempt something like that, LOL

                          Pauly, allergic reactions can appear in many different forms. As long as Romeo doesn’t have any tongue or throat swelling I wouldn’t get hysterical but I would report the rash. The rash could be viral in nature & not even related to the antibiotic. It’s always safest to report it to the doc though.

                          PQ, the new computer is for work I assume? I hope you end up with a good one.
                          YB got into building computers with a friend of his years ago, we’ve had many like that. Glad to hear the leg continues to improve.

                          Hello to Det, Cyn, Sam & everyone!

                          We went to our local township building for a meeting at 6:30 tonight only to find the meeting has been rescheduled. The topic of concern is a property (large) just down the road that has been purchased by a natural lands trust. They want to build walking trails there which actually sounds good. We’re a bit concerned about parking & lighting there. We have no street lights out here in cow country & if someone installs big bright lights they might wake up the cows, you know? Ha ha! I’m concerned also that we have no local police dept & if there was some funny activity to be found going on there, if you know what I MEAN. So, we wait another month until we have our concerns addressed.

                          Have a nice night everyone1
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: June 2~2019

                            Hiya are we..good I the moment doing this on my phone..internet down atm..bit aching this morning ha ha
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: June 2~2019

                              managed to get on are we then?...its pouring down with rain here ,just as well Im not going anywhere...poets day so hopefully everyone has a good weekend

                              Brighton cat killer: Man arrested after death of 25 cats.

                              The suspect has been released on bail, a legal expert says if found guity he may face 9 life sentences.

                              My Dad never gave anyone any shit.

                              Lovely bloke, rubbish manure salesman.

                              My Tippex dried up the other day so I asked the blonde in reception if she'd got any thinner.

                              "Ah thanks babe," she replied, "But I just think this blouse is really flattering."

                              After an unsuccessful first attempt, I was carrying out my second armed robbery when a store clerk wrapped me up in a thin sheet of metal.

                              Foiled again!

                              What's the last thing that goes through a fly’s mind before it hits the car windscreen?
                              Its bum
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Re: June 2~2019

                                Mae everybody,Mick wow! Very impressive yesterday hope you're healing up today,Lav,yup they gave him a different antibiotic and his rash cleared up,funny how I had to worry about my kids when they we're little and sick and now I hafta worry again PQ,glad the leg is continuing to improve,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Friday!
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

