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    Re: oct27th

    X-post Pauly!! Wishing you a sneeze-free day!!
    PS Lav, I have loved Amy Myers for years... thx for the reminder, I will check out that product...


      Re: oct27th

      hiya all howare we today then? good I hope ...just got back from my friends house ...had a great day..we went to the British commercial vehicle museum.

      British Commercial Vehicle Museum - Photos | Facebook

      British Commercial Vehicle Museum - LEYLAND - LANCASHIRE

      it was a really good day out..lots of old lorries and buses /fire engines wooo I hear you say.

      lav hope it all went well for yb today doubt he will be in reciept of that nursing bedside manner from your good self....

      hiya ppqp...had to take the hutch apart in the garage...I made the mistake of not putting as door on it so that they had access to it all the time ..Jeeves went in first ,peed all over the place ,thus making it has ..when she went to go in siree this is my gaff .and wouldnt let her in ..really they should have gone in together...hope you had a good day..

      hiya teegee hows you then? good I hope,,so you never hadto go travelling ....Yes it would have been someone of wealth that had a spoon like that..all hallows een...tim to get the laxative sweets and the chocolate covered onions out for the trick or treat gang...

      hiya pauly hows yoo doing then? hope all is well .

      I'm not suggesting I live in an afluent area but I've just passed some kids sat outside my local Waitrose and they asked me for 'a Bitcoin for the Guy'.

      I sat down at one of the many tables for the speed-dating session I'd signed up for.

      As soon as she started talking, she asked me, "Why do you look so miserable and unhappy ?"

      "I didn't fcking know this was going to be done at a grannys' home."

      My mate says an Australian shark ate this guys complete foot, shoe and all.
      e how big was it? I asked.

      Size - 9, he reckons.

      A Talent Scout walking down the street and comes across a man and his dog. The little dog is singing. He has a lovely voice and the talent scout says, "Come to my office. I want to sign you and this marvelous dog to a contract. This dog can make us both rich".

      The man brings his little dog to the talent scout's office. The little dog is just about to finish singing "La Donna E' Mobile," when a large dog runs into the room and grabs him by the scruff of the neck. She (it's a bitch) runs away with him in her mouth.

      The talent scout yells, "Stop her. She's taking away our fortune"!

      The man replies, sadly, "It's no use. That's his mother. She doesn't want him to be on stage. She wants him to be a doctor".

      A Young Boy, About Eight...

      ...years old, was at the store picking out a large box of laundry detergent. The grocer walked over and, trying to be friendly, asked the boy if he had a lot of laundry to do.

      "Oh, no laundry", the boy said. "I'm going to wash my dog".

      "But you shouldn't use this to wash your dog. It's very powerful and if you wash your dog in this, he'll get sick. In fact, it might even kill him".

      But the boy was not stopped by this and carried the detergent to the counter and paid for it, even as the grocer still tried to talk him out of washing his dog.

      About a week later the boy was back in the store doing some shopping. The grocer asked the boy how his dog was doing.

      "Oh, he died", the boy said.

      The grocer said, "I tried to tell you not to use that detergent on your dog".

      "Well," the boy replied, "I don't think it was the detergent that killed him".

      "Oh I'm sorry. How did he die"?

      "I think it was the spin cycle".

      I watched an ant climb a blade of grass this morning. When he reached the top, his weight bent the blade down to the ground. Then, twisting his thorax with insectile precision, he grabbed hold of the next blade. In this manner, he travelled across the lawn, covering as much distance vertically as he did horizontally, which amused and delighted me.

      And then, all at once, I had what is sometimes called an "epiphany", a moment of heightened awareness in which everything becomes clear. Yes, hunched over that ant on my hands and knees, I suddenly knew what I had to do...

      Quit drinking before noon.

      I got stuck in the snow on the way home the other night and had to sleep in the car. It was no fun, let me tell you - I was hungry, lonely and f*cking freezing. I barely slept a wink.

      In the morning the snow had melted a bit and I was able to continue on my way. Having had such a shit night, I decided to go round to my girlfriend's house.

      When I got there I parked outside, looked up and saw her at her bedroom window.

      She looked so happy to see me. Suddenly I was overcome with emotion because I was so pleased to see her too. We've been together for three years so far and had some wonderful times.

      I know it may sound soppy and over-the-top but, at that moment in time, there was no-one else on Earth that I wanted to be with. She was the one.

      I got out of the car and made my way towards her front door. The front lawn was a blanket of untouched snow and, with my girlfriend still watching me, an idea crossed my mind. Giddy with emotion, I stepped onto the lawn, got down on one knee and began to carve a message in the snow, letter by letter...


      I looked up and could see her starting to breathe heavily, trying to smile as her eyes welled up with tears...


      That was 4 days ago, and she still isn't speaking to me!!!

      Lav engines




      an old Fowlers steam engine


      and guess what I saw on the way home...yep its a Spitfire ..that iconic plane from ww2

      Last edited by Mick; October 30, 2019, 03:20 PM.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: oct27th

        Happy humpday ABerooooos!!

        Mick, whacking up your finger sounds like something I'd do mate.. all spiffy again?
        super good macro pics of the ancient it.
        where did you find the fire engines?

        Pauly, not freezing too bad? i must say I'm so grateful to have this cold front blowing through

        Tree, so glad you have some downtime to recoup a tad.

        PPQ, very best on the doc's visit.

        Lav, hows YB and you holding up? I've never had a colonoscopy and can't say I'm looking forward to one...

        well, getting my gear packed up for a very technical twighlight and blue-hour architectural photoshoot tonight... going to take
        a couple of challenging hours and you never know what you get until the shots are downloaded....some nervous anxiety here but
        also looking forward to it as it allows me to be creative and employ some new techniques.

        did I share pics of the fancy kitchen I shot that has 3 ovens?

        bonkers busy here but still making the time for my meditation group which is so helpful. Wonderful time there yesterday.

        no dinner plans tonight as I'm working so the girls are going out to eat someplace. Back soon with after-action report!

        be well loves
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Re: oct27th

          oh duh.... the vehicle museum! that's likely where you found vintage fire trucks
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: oct27th

            Greetings all Abbers,

            I survived the day, haha & so did YB . I have to admit I was a bit surprised to hear the doc say that he had to remove 2 polys, they will be biopsied. Then there was 4 more areas that concerned him a bit so he biopsied them as well - geez. Not going to get over excited here until the results are back. I am staying positive & YB better too or he will be receiving the wrath of Lav. So far he’s fine & is actually out running an errand for one of his Amish customers.

            Mick, I don’t know how I missed your post yesterday. The coins & spoon pics are great! LOve the old time fire trucks. They were built well!!!

            PQ, I don’t envy your cold weather but I actually don’t mind it all that much when it gets here. Keep yourself safe. Hope that CXR is clear & you can resume normal activities soon. Good that your iron supp is helping too
            Speaking of healthcare jobs, my daughter informed me today that her hospital is eliminating her job & that of others like her. She’s pissed but already has a plan in place. I can’t stand the way they treat nurses & therapists - almost like afterthoughts. So who is actually going to take care of the patients?????

            Pauly, I still wish you would go get yourself some training in another job field. You deserve to be appreciated & treated well at work :hug:

            Cyn, that’s good that you didn’t have to travel after all. Sounds like the older folks are being taken care of nicely.
            Definitely check out the Gut Revive, it has helped me so much. Her Collagen protein agrees with me as well. I mix a scoop of each in my 16 oz travel cup & fill it with hot tea.

            Det, congrats on the photo assignment - sounds really cool!!

            Hello to Sam & Pie - check in you guys

            Time to rest my weary brain. Have a nice night everyone.
            Last edited by Lavande; October 30, 2019, 06:26 PM.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: oct27th

              MAE ALL...

              Pauly...16 years! Wow that's a long time. Bet you've gone through quite a fee coworkers. I hear Vegas is pretty cold these days. I used to laugh at all the people in coats and gloves when I'd go down in November. Are you taking the g/kids out trick or treating tomorrow?

              TG...sounds like your friends are in good hands and I'm glad you didn't have to travel. I hope everything goes good for them. It looks like Montreal (and some other cities) are going to postpone Halloween till Friday Nov 1st due to freezing rain warnings. Wonder how that would go over in Calgary. I remember trick or treating in -20F weather.

     could you not put a door on the hutch? Scratching my head. How dare Jeeves claim the new space for himself. Serves him right for you dismantling it. LOL Sounds like you had a good day out with your friend. Like Lav says, they don't make them like that anymore.

              Det....can't pull anything over on you eh? LOL Your technical twilight photoshoot sounds cool. Are you going by yourself? You'll do great, no need for any anxiety. Make sure you bundle up, I hear it's cold down there.

              Lav...glad you survived the day. Surprised about the pulps? I'm surprised if they don't find any and they're always benign. LOL Sorry to hear about your daughter's job, that's got to be unsettling. Sounds like she's got a positive attitude with a plan in place already. We had a healthcare worker murdered by her client in Calgary yesterday. Apparently he had multiple mental health issues and there was supposed to be two workers at all times. Due to cutbacks that didn't happen. What are people thinking. Hope your weary brain gets a good rest.

              Pi...I'm wondering how you're doing as well and miss seeing your posts.

              Sam...are you all ready for winter?

              It's fettuccine alfredo for dinner tonight so must get at it. Have a restful evening all...:smile:PPQP


                Re: oct27th

                Mae everybody and Happy Halloween! PQ, we'll take the boys for a bit but it's too damn cold to be out for long brrr,Lav, yikes hope YB is ok and they're just benign growths,Mick excellent finds Det I think men love the cold weather cuz hubs is loving it too-i hate it! Much love to all and wishes for a great BF Thursday!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: oct27th

                  Mae all -

                  Mick, what fun pics of the museum - I particularly like the "Come to the Fair" - looks so jolly. I remember the video shots of the spitfires coming in to save the day in the movie Dunkirk - about the little boats going to help the evacuation. I still think that is one of the most heartening events of recent decades... I wish that we could have pride in country and solidarity like that now, sigh.

                  Lav, crossing fingers here that all tests turn out to be benign. So sorry to hear about your daughter's position being eliminated, so frustrating. Will she still be able to work in her chosen field? Hope so. Our healthcare system is really a convoluted wreck... I wonder how/if it can be changed... I just am going to try to be as healthy as possible, and have AAA super-duper accident/hospital/home stay insurance on top of my useless, expensive Blue Cross insurance, which covers next to nothing. Hoping that will see me through! I've learned a lot about what Medicare does and doesn't pay for while helping my friends...

                  Pauly, OK, I'll head over to FB to see the costumes - I bet the boys are excited! Terrible weather here - gale winds and rain, poor kids. I remember one year when I dressed as a playing card - Queen of Hearts - with big placards... every time a wind came up, I was practically flying down the street... went home in tears!

                  PPQ, hope the alfredo was good. I have to avoid, gluten and dairy, so I can only dream about that! But I made a great beef stew with kale and sweet potatoes... that will see me through on this blustery day. Did you get your X-RAY results? Hope they were good.

                  Det - sounds like you have landed a perfect job for yourself! Creative and challenging - good luck with the nite-shoot.

                  Hello to Sam and all others.

                  May we be well --


                    Re: oct27th

                    MAE ALL....

                    Neighbour came over ringing the doorbell and banging on the door at 11:45pm last night. I thought the condo was on fire!! Turns out he couldn't get his car started and wanted to borrow one of the boys' battery charger. FFS...what an a$$hole. He parks beside me and backed out enough to block my car but that doesn't give him the right to come and disturb us! One of the boys went out and gave him a boost, that wouldn't have been my choice. So then I couldn't get back to sleep until about 2am and was awake again at 5am. Things were really slow at work so at noon I told the boss I was going home. Hence the early post. LOL

           least you won't have any snow to deal with tonight will you? It was snowing today but has stopped now. Hope it stays away.

                    TG...the Queen of Hearts flying down the street would have been something to see. LOL The alfredo hit the spot, quick and easy. Xray isn't till Monday and I get the results right away. The trauma doc goes over it with me.

                    Shout out to everyone else stopping by, I'll pop back later....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: oct27th

                      hiya all howare we today then?all good I hope...not a bad day today,been doing a bit in the garden,and then guess what ...making toys for the rabbits !dont laff kept them amused all day ..cardboard tubes filled with hay and treats.talking about treats..all the kidz are round trick or treating..Julie has bought a shed full of sweets if Ichase the kidz..then the sweets are mine!or a cunning plan ...make a sign "kids ..stop here "..and put an arrow pointing next door....

                      ok ...late brew

                      hiya det did it all go today then?hope the whole thing went well for you mate.

                      Hiya Lav ...hows you then today? hope all is well how is yb today?is he doing ok ?Do you do a lot of trade with the Amish community ?

                      hiya tree how are you then?all good with you?our health service is pretty good ...despite what people say about it would be worse if trump gets his hands on it like he wants to.yes that museum was a blast from the past for me ..

                      hiya ppqp how are you today then?good I is a pic of their hutch


                      no door because it was inside ...but he decided ta thats mine...

                      hiya pauly hows you then today?hope allis swell with you ...

                      right peeps its 21.10

                      I managed to contact the spirit of our window cleaner who died recently.
                      I used a Squeegee board.

                      So let me get this straight; its ok for 10 year old kids to come to my house begging me for sweets.

                      But as soon as I stop outside the school with my van and offer the sweets to them, I'm suddenly a "Pervert"

                      HAPPY BREXIT DAY! EVERYBO... Oh wait!

                      A spokesperson for Labour has confirmed that all interviews given by Dianne Abbott over the forthcoming election campaign will be shown live on Comedy Central.

                      I did my first stand up performance at an open mic gig last night.

                      I was so bad, the audience set up a crowdfunding page for my retirement.
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: oct27th

                        Good evening Abbers & Happy Halloween,

                        I haven’t had a trick-or-treater at my door since I moved here 16 years ago. Kinda miss the fun & the excited little faces.
                        YB was fine today, he went out & met a friend for lunch. I hit the supermarket & came home & put together a vegan lentil shepherds pie which was very tasty. YB is going to have to get used to more meatless meals. I have preached the wonders of a high fiber diet for decades but he prefers meat & dairy which have no fiber. Maybe he’ll start listening & complying a bit.

                        PQ, that’s terrible about the murdered healthcare worker. I hope the family sues the employer’s ass off
                        I only ever did a little home care work because I was leery of the dangers of being alone in some areas. You generally feel safer in a hospital setting but there’s no guarantees.
                        It’s 72 degrees here right now with 76% humidity - feels like a yucky summer’s day.

                        Pauly, how cold is it in Vegas? Ha ha! I hope you & the boys enjoy some trick or treating tonight

                        Mick, we actually do buy quite a bit from the Amish. There’s few stores around here & if they have what you want, why not? It’s just weird going into their shops with no lighting. They run their cash registers on battery or propane power. Everything is closed up tight in Sundays of course. The ones that are most interested in making money buy prepaid cell phones & call people like YB when they need rides or need their products transported from one place to another. They leave the cell phone out in little outhouse looking structures, never carry them or take them in their houses. I might hire youto make some chicken toys for my girls - they get bored too, Lol

                        Cyn, I’ve been on Medicare since last Dec 1 & we have a Blue Cross supplemental plan & I’ve already been ripped off for routine blood work. I really don’t know what to do about it, just deal I guess. I’ve informed my NP to hold off on ‘routine’ stuff until I can find out more. What a pain.
                        We’ve had a good bit of rain, it’s windy now & there’s a tornado warning just north of us in Lancaster County tonight, geez. Supposed to be cold tomorrow morning.

                        Hello to Det & Sam & Pie.

                        Have a good night everyone.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: oct27th

                          arf! Happy Halloween ABerooodles!

                          PPQ, I had a crap night's sleep also..ugh. just couldn't get my brain to shut off after a very interesting and exciting... and long... photoshoot.
                          Editing pics off and on all day. about 1/3 of the way done. ack! it's the slow part for me but great to be learning so much and my clients so far
                          have had nothing but raves. whew!

                          Lav, glad YB survived the ordeal...hope the tests come back A OK. i have zero health insurance as usual. Must try to not get my ass injured that's for sure.

                          Pauly, I dunno... lot of guys shivering around here too. Bundle up!

                          Tree, that sounds like an awesome stew!

                          speaking of food... time to serve homemade chili and salad...

                          be well loves!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Re: oct27th

                            Mae everybody, Halloween was kind of "meh" Romeo was whiny and wouldn't wear his costume,think he's getting sick again,they took off and took the boys to another neighborhood while hubs and I just sat and have out candy, didn't go to the trunk or treat thingie we were gonna go to cuz it was a little ways away, worried about parking and Romeo's whining was stressing us all out but it was still a fun night,I was supposed to be Marie Antoinette but everyone kept calling me George Washington cuz of the white wig oh well,PQ,I have Kell make the chicken Alfredo cuz she makes it perfect! Lav,glad YB is ok and not too stressed out about it,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Fryday!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: oct27th

                              morn are we then?good I hope .Julie bought a load of packets of haribos and lollies for the kids coming round..about 7 turned up so I had a gutful of cola bottles and tangy terrors !!was going for a walk today but its pouring down with rain..Im out detecting at the weekend.Pauly ..your outfit looked pretty smart.
                              hiya Lav....I remember seeing that about the amish leaving their phones in the outhouse ...why?lentils are a pretty smart pulse to use ..they can be used for lots of foods.have a good day.

                              hiya Det, hows you then? tired?hope you get a decent sleep.

                              hiya teegee how are you doing?hope all is well

                              hiya ok?no more middle of the night call outs?

                              big shout to everyone else


                              I just had a WKD with ice in it.
                              It was Wicked.

                              A delivery man knocked on my door today and said, "I have a parcel for your next door neighbour."
                              I said, "you've got the wrong house then mate! "

                              A grasshopper goes into a bar, hops up on the counter and says to the bartender, "give me a drink."
                              The bartender says, "hey, there's a cocktail named after you!"
                              The grasshopper says, "you mean there's a drink called Bob?"

                              Where do Abba eat their dinner?
                              They go Fer Nando's.

                              Everyone's blaming me for the animal noises on the video conference at work. Seems I've been made into a Skypegoat

                              After years of research scientists have identified the biggest cause of dry skin...

                              There was a group of women gathered at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with their husband.

                              The women were asked, "How many of you love your husbands?"

                              All the women raised their hands.

                              Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?"

                              Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn't remember.

                              The women were then told to take their cell phones and send the following text to their respective husbands: I love you, sweetheart.

                              Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages.

                              Here are some of the replies:

                              1. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?
                              2. What now? Did you crash the car again?
                              3. I don't understand. What do you mean?
                              4. What did you do now? I won't forgive you this time!!!
                              5. ??!!??
                              6. Don't beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?
                              7. Am I dreaming??????
                              8. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today!
                              9. I asked you not to drink anymore!!

                              And the best one:
                              10. Who is THIS???
                              Last edited by Mick; November 1, 2019, 04:40 PM.
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Re: oct27th

                                Greetings Abbers,

                                We had some wicked storms last evening but nothing damaged. An area about halfway between here & where my daughter lives had an EF-2 tornado touch down & it damaged several houses, took out trees & power lines but no one was hurt, thankfully!
                                Today it’s dry & much colder, my kind of weather

                                Det, I imagine it would be hard to wind down after a day like that, haha! Good luck with the pics & hope your client is happy with them.
                                I made a big pot of vegetable cabbage soup with white beans today. Can you say High Fiber????? Lol

                                Pauly, sorry Romeo wasn’t up for Halloween this year. There’s always next year for him.
                                I liked your costume, you looked great!

                                Mick, the Amish are committed to living off the grid so anything that doesn’t make the grade stays outside including their cell phones. It’s weird but that’s what they do. I laugh when they call YB after dark because you know they are sitting in their little outhouses with a flashlight or candle, haha!

                                Hello to PQ, hope you are doing well.

                                Cyn, how did your day go?

                                Wishing everyone a nice night!
                                Last edited by Lavande; November 1, 2019, 06:16 PM.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

