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Feb 7th

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    Re: Feb 7th

    Good evening friends,

    Cloudier today & the temp is dropping below freezing. Supposed to get a little S___ tonight, tomorrow & then a bigger amount 5-8 inches on Saturday, ho hum.
    Guess I’ll get to the store tomorrow morning for a few things. I’m happy to cook up a few things then live on leftovers for several days, haha. I don’t mind cooking, just don’t want to start from scratch every day. IT takes away too much of my crafting time, Lol.

    Cyn, I think you’re getting more S___ than I am. I’m OK with that haha. As long as I can get over to the chicken house a few times each day I don’t really care how much we get.
    Do you put a sweater or coat on Zander when he goes out? I’ve never done that with any of my dogs but it may not be a bad idea. Don’t know if they really help.
    I wonder if one of those meal delivery services would work for you. I wouldn’t mind trying one just to see provided I could meet my weird dietary needs.

    Det, i hope your trip to Park City was enjoyable, sounds like fun!
    I let my daughter pick out the birthday gifts including a pair of funny looking animal slippers & two huge white fluffy throw pillows for granddaughter’s bed. I’m going to pick up a Roblox gift card locally so she she be happy

    Mick, how nice of you to build a new hutch for your fur friends. We actually have heat in our garage that’s always turned off unless I have some young chicks out there. We do a lot for our animal frineds!
    I’m not buying any kid an iPhone but I will buy a Hello Kitty, haha!!

    PQ, I know the arctic air is on the way so I’m just going to stay in my work shop & ignore it the best I can.
    The chickens have a red heat lamp to provide a little heat for them, not much more I can do out there. The younger chickens seem fine, the older ones are slowing down, it’s pretty obvious.
    Hope you got those work emails squared away.

    Hello to Sam & Pie.

    Pauly, how are you today?

    OK, heading back to my work for a bit,
    Have a good night all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Feb 7th

      hiya all are we today then? goodI hope.Lovely and sunny here today overnight temp of -6 it turned out glad I got that hutch made in the garage ...they both seemed to do ok in it last night .on the right hand side I made a big section with the wire mesh on it ..false floored it so that I can put hot water bottles in it for them ..but nope they turned that area into the toilet and sleep at the other end of the hutch ...also where they sleep I can put hot water bottles underneath and they cant get to them ...the heat will rise thru the floor .
      lots of arguing over here about the vaccine and should we help other countries now that we have done so many ..
      Snow still lying on the ground here .Julie worked it out ..she retires next May ..
      hiya Lav ,hows you then?hope all is well for the snow can have ours too then for the meal delivery services ..we do that ..a company called gousto.We make the meals but all the ingredients are provided .the variety and choice is brilliant ..I wasnt up for it to start with ,but in fairness cant complain at take care .

      hiya ppqp and me both ..its different seeing these 2 in a hutch in the garage as opposed to them being in a hutch can actually interact with them completely in the garage hutch..yes my mate certainly helped the Calgary revenue with booze ..he always did like a few .Each to their own ..hows work doing?

      hiya are you then? hope all is well.yes they are both at home enjoying life ....or being spoiled !!hows Zander today then?hope all is good . you take care .

      hiya pauly how are you then today? hope all is good with you today.

      hiya Sam ,Det Pie (where are you?)

      After building my new wardrobe outside the IKEA store, I couldn't fit the thing in my car.
      I'm not sure their "Assembly Point" is such a good idea.

      I'm not having my pet on the bed again.

      It took half an hour for my goldfish to settle down and go to sleep.

      Asked my neighbour if he would help me find out what DIY means.
      He said "do it yourself"
      What an unhelpful!

      Just my luck... I went on that programme A Place In The Sun and they shipped me off to North Korea

      I don't think my wife loves me anymore. I walked in to the kitchen this morning and said "is that coffee I smell". She said " it is and you do."


      If you should receive an email from the NHS Direct warning of catching swine flu from eating tinned pork.

      Ignore it.

      Its just spam

      At a high school in Montana a group of students played a prank on the school.

      They let three goats loose in the school.

      Before they let them go they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2 and 4.

      Local school administrators spent most of the day looking for #3.

      A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students. 'Human Beings are the only animals that stutter', she says.

      Little Johnny raises his hand. 'I had a kitty-cat who stuttered'.

      The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked little Johnny to describe the incident.

      'Well', he began, 'I was in the back yard with my kitty and the Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard'!

      'That must've been scary', said the teacher.

      'It sure was,' said little Johnny. 'My kitty raised his back, went Sssss, Sssss, Sssss' and before he could say "Shit", the Rottweiler ate him'!

      The teacher wet her pants laughing.

      Two Priests Decide to go to Hawaii for a Vacation...

      They were determined to make this a real vacation by not wearing anything that would identify them as clergy.

      As soon as the plane landed they headed for a store and bought some really outrageous shorts, shirts, sandals, sunglasses, etc.

      The next morning they went to the beach dressed in their 'tourist' garb. They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine and the scenery when a 'drop dead gorgeous' blonde in a topless bikini came walking straight toward them, They couldn't help but stare.

      As the blonde passed them she smiled and said 'Good Morning, Father ~ Good Morning, Father', nodding and addressing each of them individually, then she passed on by. They were both stunned. How in the world did she know they were priests? So the next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageous outfits.

      These were so loud you could hear them before you even saw them! Once again, in their new attire, they settled down in their chairs to enjoy the sunshine. After a little while, the same gorgeous blonde, wearing a different coloured topless bikini, taking her sweet time, came walking toward them.

      Again she nodded at each of them, and said 'Good morning, Father ~ Good morning, Father,' and started to walk away.

      One of the priests couldn't stand it any longer and said, 'Just a minute, young lady'.

      'Yes, Father'?

      'We are priests and proud of it, but I have to know, how in the world do you know we are priests, dressed as we are'?

      She replied, 'Father, it's me, Sister Kathleen'.

      A lady and her dog were enjoying a stroll in the park when her dog was mounted from behind by a large Rotweiler. The Rot was really humping away and the lady was frantically trying to break them up, to no avail.

      A small boy walked up and stuck his finger in the Rot's butt, and the action immediately stopped.

      The lady was amazed. "How did you do that?" she asked.

      The little boy said, "That's my dog! He can dish it out, but he can't take it!"
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: Feb 7th

        Mae all -

        Whew, sigh of relief for Jeeves. Well done Mick, making them a lovely new house and taking away all the strange things to eat. One of my dogs was like Jeeves and eating... she was small, so I assume she was the runt and had to fight for her food. Mealtime was always interesting, she seemed as if she was going to die of anticipation! Loved the proctologist joke!

        Det, so great to hear from you - you took a big chance, followed you inner guidance, and are living in a beautiful place. Congrats! Some day all the "putting together" will be done... Park City might be mobbed with skiers.. hope it is fun.

        Pauly, how's things? I hope Vegas is staying safe for you... everything changing daily...

        PPQ, you take the cold, I'll keep the snow! I really am having such a good time, watching the snow, shoveling the snow, brushing the snow, whatever. In the early morning light the crystals look like diamonds... makes me feel rich! I am slowly carving out a path around my Tree (from the 2-ft accumulation) got pretty close this morning... close enough to see fresh deer paths right close to the tree... they are probably looking for food, but they just seem to keep walking - there were several sets before the last storm. Company.

        Lav, yes, I think I am getting some more snow than you, but it's okay by me! I've had a coat for Zander for years (same coat... I looked carefully, and it's time for its yearly washing ��... I have leg supports, foot grippy pads, harness, his coat... it's quite the scene when we go outside! But he's shedding terribly, so we went out without his coat this morning so I could use the "hair remover strap" and get some of it of outside instead of inside. There's only so much vacuuming that I'm willing to do...

        Sam and all, hope your days are becoming more light-filled...

        I send grateful memos to the Universe today especially... one dear friend has disc problems in her back, and is looking at surgery... another has a mysterious Vasculitis that has landed her in a University medical ward - locked, because she is exhibiting some signs of psychosis. She had an angiogram yesterday, I am waiting to hear results. Always so much to be grateful for.
        Grateful to you all --- feel the Light-- and PS, big deal new moon tonight... powerful...


          Re: Feb 7th

          Good evening Abbers,

          Cyn, I sure hope your friend is OK, sounds serious.
          Will the new moon bring me some sleep? I sure hope so, the last few nights have been kinda crappy.
          When you mentioned Zander shedding it made me think of Maxie, good lord that girl shed some hair, haha! Those heavy double coated girls start early to get the shedding done before the heat arrives.
          I haven’t seen any deer for a few weeks but they’re always around. Something is wandering around out back that drives Matilda nuts when it’s dark.

          Mick, sounds like the bunnies are making themselves right at home in the new hutch ~ nice
          Having a retirement date on the calendar is the best, Congrats to Julie!
          We did have another 3” or more of fresh snow overnight so my neighbor came over & plowed the driveway & I made him a dozen donuts. I’m sure his boys are happy haha!!

          Hello to PQ, hope your day was good.

          Hello to Pauly & Det too!

          Sam & Pie, time to check in with your old friends.

          Just took a batch of sourdough donuts out of the oven, good with a cuppa tea
          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Feb 7th

            Hope all are well... something fun (from across the pond of course) to share with all... perfection... it's all about the jab...

            "Have The New Jab" - "Hallelujah" adapted by the Marsh Family - YouTube


              Re: Feb 7th

              hiya all how are we today then ? hope all is well...cold day but not snowing or raining ..both rabbits did ok in the hutch last night ..Ive put the false floor in it this morning ,and tested it out good ...keeps them warm and they cant get to it .he is doing ok too ...
              Julie just got notification ...she gets her covid injection tomorrow ..

              hiya teegee how are you then? Hope all is well ..Ive heard the Marsh family before they are pretty good and harmonise well .you take care

              hiya Lav ..still not sleeping? Hope the full moon brings some respite. These 2 are moulting as well..I saw the deer again this morning ..there are 4 of them ..last year was 3 ....they cant half jump!Yes Julie has had enough now ..she will have done 38 years in the system ..time to go .

              hiya ppqp are you then today? all ok? same with you Pauly..hope all is well..

              It costs tax payers £350,000 a year to school Harvey Price, whilst Katie Price's last boob job was £22,000 and incidentally, Vincent Price earnt a mere £5,000 for his last movie.

              I found all this out on a price comparison website..

              Is it pronounced either or either?

              Two housewives were discussing their home lives over shopping. One said, "It seems like all Alfred and I do anymore is fight. I've been so
              upset over our last fight I've lost 20 pounds."

              "Why don't you just leave him then?" asked her friend.

              "Oh! Not yet." the first replied, "I'd like to lose at least another 10 pounds."

              When little Johnny was in the fifth grade he looked downcast, so her teacher asked, "What's the problem, Johnny, I hope it's not homework again"?

              "Well, uh, yes it is", replied Johnny. "I was stupid and made my homework paper into a paper airplane".

              "Johnny, you're right that wasn't a very bright thing to do", said the teacher, "but this once I'll let you just unfold the paper and hand it in".

              "Oh, but that won't work", said Johnny, looking even sadder. "You see, the plane was hijacked".

              Despite warnings from her guide, Vickie skiing in Switzerland got separated from her group and fell into a deep crevasse.

              Several hours later, a rescue party found the hole, and to reassure the

              stranded skier shouted down to her, "We're from the Red Cross"

              "Sorry," Vickie echoed back, "I already gave at the office!"

              Computer Dependency Test

              Here's a quick test for you to take. This just proves that we
              have become too dependent on our computers.

              Q: Are you male or female?

              To find out the answer, look down...















              Look down, not scroll down, dummy!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: Feb 7th

                MAE ALL...

                I ended up taking the day off yesterday and just curled up on the couch, under many blankets, and read. Wind chill was close to -56F in parts of the city and it just blew through my condo. They have listed the extreme cold warning today, it's only -22F. LOL So it's a work day for me today.

                Everyone seems to be doing ok and shout out to the rest of the gang.

                Have a good day and stay warm...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: Feb 7th

                  Good evening all,

                  Chilly here but nothing like Canadia. -56 wind chill PQ? That’s insane!!!
                  I think I’d zip up in a sleeping bag & just stay there all day, wow. I hope today was a bit better for you

                  Mick, your bunnies are looking so good, hope they stay that way
                  I’m listening to the news now - we’re getting freezing rain & ice tomorrow, another storm on Tuesday & again on Thursday. Good thing I don’t have to go anywhere haha!!
                  Good for Julie, 38 years in any job is more than enough!! My sleep is still messed up & I read about mercury being in retrograde for another 10 days so I guess I’ll just have to wait it out, lucky me.

                  Hello Cyn, hope your day was good & not too cold. It’s currently 28 degrees here, Brr.

                  Hello to Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie. Hope are are doing well.

                  Guess I’ll get a little more work in before I wear out.
                  Have a decent night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Feb 7th

                    Mae all - making progress on the packing things up here to send to folks... I figure whatever I can do to get things out the door is a good use of the first wave. Almost everything is I am sending is from my husband's wardrobe... he had beautiful clothes, and lots of them. Fortunately my brother and a best friend of hubs wear the same size, so coats and sweaters are going to them... sometimes heartbreaking, but they have to go, and it's nice that they will be used and appreciated. A few times I have yanked out something from the Send Pile, I just can't let a few favorites go... that's okay... I figure some day I will be able to...

                    Lav, I do 't see a storm for us until Monday... hmmm, we'll see. 8 degrees this morning, but it was briefly sunny, so that was a good tradeoff. Good luck with sleep... I am sleeping, but with wild dreams...

                    Pauly, what's up!?

                    PPQ, 56 below? OMG... that is just way beyond. My brother in NE was complaining about hanging around 0... but it has been many days, so I sympathize. Doesn't look like it is coming this way... we are lucky. You stay warm.

                    Det, hope all those spice racks got put together!!! Hope Park City is fun. Take care.

                    Mick, it sounds like you have made quite a nice home for the peskies... hope it all helps keep them healthy.

                    Nothing much here but slogging theough the evidence of my life... in honor of the Chinese New Year, I may watch "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... I love that movie, and happen to have a DVD here, and a computer to play it on... still can't bring myself to turn on the TV... not sure why... but this movie might be nice...

                    Wishing all well, some sleep, and some sun...


                      Re: Feb 7th

                      hiya all ...been a hectic day here

                      Cyn ..stay strong ...its heartbreaking I know ,thinking of you x

                      Told my boss I would leave my job because they weren't giving me sufficient training.

                      "Well, you know where the door is," he spat.

                      I said, "No, I don't."

                      what country has the nosiest people going?...


                      What's the highest score you can get with 3 darts?

                      I jammed them in a millionaire's testicles and got away with £700,000.

                      I look more like my mother than my father.

                      He doesn't look like her at all.

                      A man answers the 'phone and has the following conversation:

                      "Yes, mother, I've had a hard day. Nancy has been most difficult - I know I ought to be more firm, but it is hard. Well, you know how she is".

                      "Yes, I remember you warned me. I remember you told me that she was a vile creature who would make my life miserable and you begged me not to marry her".

                      "You were perfectly right. You want to speak with her? All right".

                      He looks up from the telephone and calls to his wife in the next room, "Nancy, your mother wants to talk to you"!

                      A man decides to join the circus. He shows up to demonstrate his skills to the impresario.

                      "I have the most unusual act," he announces. "I'm sure it will amaze you."

                      He proceeds to climb a tall tower, and jumps off. He flaps his arms wildly, and finally his fall slows. He soars forward, then swoops upward, turns and swoops back again. Finally he stops in mid air and gently lowers himself to the ground.

                      The impresario stares blankly at him for a long time. Finally he says, "Is that all you've got? Bird imitations?"

                      On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded:

                      - Two Italian men and one Italian woman

                      - Two French men and one French woman

                      - Two German men and one German woman

                      - Two Greek men and one Greek woman

                      - Two English men and one English woman

                      - Two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman

                      - Two Japanese men and one Japanese woman

                      - Two Chinese men and one Chinese woman

                      - Two Irish men and one Irish woman

                      - Two American men and one American woman

                      One month later, on these absolutely stunning deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:

                      * One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.

                      * The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in a menage a trois.

                      * The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman.

                      * The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.

                      * The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman.

                      * The two Bulgarian men took one look at the Bulgarian woman and started swimming to another island.

                      * The two Japanese have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.

                      * The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy/liquor store/restaurant/laundry, and have gotten the woman pregnant in order to supply employees for their store.

                      * The two Irish men divided the island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few liters of coconut whiskey. However, they're satisfied because the English aren't having any fun.

                      * The two American men are contemplating suicide, because the American woman will not shut up and complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her nicer than they do, and how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all her problems, and why didn't they bring a goddamn cell phone so they could call 911 and get rescued off this god-forsaken deserted island in the middle of freaking nowhere so she can get her nails done and go shopping...

                      While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, a man came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree. Seeing this he inquired, "Just out of curiosity, what the hell are you doing?"

                      "I'm listening to the music of the tree," the other man replied.

                      "You've gotta be kiddin' me."

                      "No, would you like to give it a try?"

                      Understandably curious, the man says, "Well, OK..." So he wrapped his arms around the tree and pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, and then stripped him naked and left.

                      Two hours later another nature lover strolled by, saw this guy handcuffed to the tree stark naked, and asked, "What the hell happened to you?"

                      He told the guy the whole terrible story about how he got there. When he finished telling his story, the other guy shook his head in sympathy, walked around behind him, kissed him gently behind the ear and said:

                      "This just ain't gonna be your day, darling"!
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: Feb 7th

                        Good evening friends,

                        Such a weird day here. Cold & now icy after a brief rain shower. Locked up the chickens at 2pm & told them their day was over, I’m not going back out & risk slipping on ice.
                        Spent the afternoon making a dairy free cauliflower mac & cheese, yum.

                        Cyn, I feel for you. I had to clear out my parent’s things after they departed, it was hard to do :hug:
                        Some people really appreciate the hand me downs so that’s a good thing to keep in mind.
                        Still crappy sleep for me, not sure why. Maybe tonight?

                        Mick, I hope everything is OK with your family & of course with you as well. There’s always many mini emergencies when dealing with the older folks but it’s so good to be there to lend a hand.
                        Glad your bunnies are enjoying their new & improved digs

                        Hello to everyone else, hope everyone is OK. Thinking of you all!
                        Have a nice night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Feb 7th

                          MAE ALL...

                          TG...I hope you enjoyed your movie.

                          Mick...sorry to hear you're having a hectic day. Hang in there. :hug:

                          Lav...hope your sleep turns around for you tonight.

                          Not much happening here, just waiting for things to warm up a bit.

                          Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: Feb 7th

                            Mae all -

                            PPQ, no movie last night. I'm always a big talker about taking time off... I just do 't usually do it. Must make an effort, I'm sure it makes everything easier if one has had a break, hope it warms up,for you soon!

                            Lav, eeek, ice. Glad you put the chickens In and closed the door. Stay safe. I finally talked myself into making an IP Chicken Marbella... I've had all,the ingredients for several days, but just couldn't get up the gumption. Hope it is tasty! Also made a big batch of Zan's homemade renal diet. Done cooking now for a few days. Wow, those sourdough donuts you make sound so good!! I might have to drop by for a visit... ��

                            Det, hope the trip is going well.

                            Pauly, funny videos in FB, the dog being jealous... hope you are okay and hanging I .

                            Mick, how are the bunnies, still "thumbs up" on the ne digs? How did Julie do with her first dose of vaccine? And when will you get yours? Take care - how is your concussion?..,,

                            Having very vivid dreams in this new moon time... it feels like a powerful time... I hope all is well with all...

                            I love the early morning side-light, long beams across the snow... be well all...

