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20th August

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    Re: 20th August

    MAE ALL…another quiet day with the boss away and the accountant busy in her office.

    Lav…we don’t do anything ? way here in AB. LOL It was 17C/F so the cool weather continues, I’ll send it down to you. The hair turned out as expected, I’ve learned to use the same product every time.

    Slo…yup, the thread is getting frustrating. Wonder how long it’ll be available. Nice that you had an easier drive home and was able to spend time with your daughter before she heads back to college.

    TG…I didn’t think chickens would eat tomatoes either. LOL Yes, things have settled down at work for now. This month will see our annual employee reviews, fingers crossed for a raise. I sure hope this new Doc can help sort out some of your issues.

    Pi…I love that you’re thinking of a part time position at Ikea. That’s right up your alley. Congrats on 4 months, look at you go.

    NS…your turn to relax now that all the guests have gone. Enjoy yourself.

    Mick…there’s just no stopping you Haha Looking forward to seeing the finished fireplace. Weather continues to be cool, it’ll be seasonal this weekend 21C, that’s hot enough for me. I think we’ll have an early fall/winter, feels like the season is already changing.

    Time to get dinner going, whatever that looks like. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all…:smile:PPQP


      Re: 20th August

      Back again with a screen shot of the design I put together to raise funds for Maui relief. I will be putting it on tote bags & hope it works.


      PQ, glad people are behaving at work Enjoy the cooler weather, I?m tired of sweating LOL

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 20th August

        Evening all,

        NS - I agree, appreciation is the key - and the feeling of freedom... Pi, good for you, congrats. I am on a live call organization (used to be Tempest, now is Monument) and one of my "mates" on those live calls is from Austin. She's a very cool young-ish girl, and keep thinking you two ought to meet! Not probable, but I enjoy thinking of A-F-ness growing in the same city as you. I would love to work at IKEA! I hope that works out for you!

        Mick, I am so sorry to hear of those difficulties from the inoculations... were they the early versions? I just haven't come across folks here that suffered like that. I hope at some point Amy's guy recovers. Very sad. That damn virus... keeps stealing health, one way or another. You are always "on the job"! I couldn't quite follow all that you are planning, but I'm sure it will turn out well!

        SLO - isn't it great when we see AL for what it is - a poison (and not at all appealing?) Good for you!

        PPQ - we could use some of that cool air here... heat index is over 100 degrees these days, and we will reach an actual temp of 104 tomorrow or the next day... I'm still walking up to my client's... we'll see about tomorrow and the next day. I hope your work is staying steady and you have a car finally!

        Lav, now I'm concerned about Wags too... I have family in Coronado, CA, and I was really concerned about them in the storm, but it turned out to be lots of rain and high winds, but manageable. But it changes for every town up the coast. And what about the people who also got an earthquake in the bargain? Geeeeeez! (I would LOVE a Maui bag! No Venmo bill yet from you, so pls put them together in a charge me for both. Thx!!)

        Time to figure out this little gadget and see what the night report is in the morning...

        Wishing all well -

        I have had difficult jaw pain ever since the morning I left on my little trip to NV. I keep thinking it's going away, but it doesn't. I've had TMJ issues before, so I know all the massages and have taken analgesics... nothing helps. Finally just called the dentist and got in right away (and they are in the same complex across the street as Trader Joe's... lucky me.) They believe that it is a problem with lack of oxygen during sleep, causing the big jaw muscles to contract, and then they don't let go. This is probably exacerbated by my low O2 from Long Covid as well, so... tonight I'll wear a small C-pap thing overnight, and it records all the oxygen readings. I hope it works, I'm really feeling done with this constant pain, kind of wears me down.

        But basically all okay here, just figuring out these refinements.


          Re: 20th August

          Good morning!

          I spent the day with Huxley yesterday. I make a good bridge on Mondays between his busy weekends with Mom & Dad, and then daycare later in the week. He looks like such a big boy with his new haircut! He was sick with a cold, and so was his cousin Andy over the weekend…I hope I don’t get either one of them.

          Grandkids are great, NS. But, Young Daughter & I are weary of babysitting kids…when Andy’s parents wanted us to pick him up early from daycare so we could “spend more time with him” while they worked -we really didn’t want to! We would see enough of him over the weekend, and not have to babysit.

          Chronic pain is wearying, TG. Oh, I hope the C-Pap thing worked.
          I like the idea of working at Trader Joe’s -especially if it is right across the street! I’m personally limited though, thanks to this dumb knee. I could work at Aldi’s though, since they let you sit down while you check people out at the cash register: the European way.

          Glad things have calmed down at work, PQ. Everyone is staying in their corners and getting work done.
          I tried not dying my hair, when it grew out during COVID times; but I faced too much ageism with grey hair. So now I’ve started having a toner put in, and feel better that way -more like myself.

          Well I hope [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION] is just off the grid and enjoying her vacation. Her vacation was supposed to happen around this time.

          Lav, I often wonder how your son manages to put up with his wife.

          I like the plasma TV joke, Mick; and the Constable one.

          Alcohol really was holding us hostage. We no longer have to worry about how we will procure it!
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: 20th August

            hiya are we doing today then? hope all is well with everyone .Finished the fire surround last night ,but the first coat of wax on this morning ...a superb match between surround and mantle.tbh Im quite chuffed with it ..had to make some fiddly insets when I levelled the mantle up .it drank about half a tin of polish already ,but looks good.Pouring down with rain here ,and the guy is supposed to be coming tomorrow to do the van,but looking at the weather it doesnt look too promising .We shall see .

            hiya Slo ,how are we dfoing?hope all is well how are the gkids?Whats trader Hoes? I am guessing a one stop shop?Fine and dandy working at aldi...the wages are excellent ,but you earn every penny of it .the cashiers are probably the fastest ther is .So far AAldi over here havent given in to the self service style yet

            hiya teegee how are we today? hows the jaw?did the c pap machine work ok for you?Its funny ..we all think of a mouth as a mouth if that makes sense ..but its not that easy ..I keep snapping an implant and it took the dentist a long time to work it out ..When I eat my my lower jaw has a sideways movement on it ..not noticeable ,but enough to create the pressure against the upper implant .Yes they were the first innoculations

            hiya Lav ,nice design...Hope Wags is ok ,perhaps they are on jolliday now and cant get tinternet. hopefully thats the case .I love seeing wood coming good ..Julie said to me that Ive got a real clever nack ,but tbh I lack confidence ,and yet things turn out ok .I lost a lot of confidence at one stage of life ,never used to be like that at all.oh well.Ive got a few more wood jobs linedup plus I really do have to get back into my railways .

            hiya ppqp are you doing?again this morning it was easy to see the seasons are changing .definitely autumnal.So a quiet day at work again?Enjoy it ...are you still playing the online bridge?hows the car scenario going ?hope you have a good day ...

            right peeps time to go...take care all....
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 20th August

              MAE everyone! Sorry for my prolonged absence - things have been a bit crazy here. I didn't get to start my vacation time until yesterday but I finally have some days off from work. The test I was helping students prep for was originally held Aug 11-12. Unfortunately, the company providing the remote proctoring failed miserably and thousands of test takers sat for hours unable to connect with a proctor so they could take their tests. That co had to scramble to get their sh1t together and provide new dates this past weekend and I had to do a lot of extra hand-holding and nerves-calming with students who had to gear up again for a very stressful test day. So yesterday was my first day officially on vacation. We also have horrible air here right now due to wildfires near and far, which has been a challenge on top of some extremely hot weather.

              Needless to say, I'm ready for my days off. The week delay through a wrench in our plans to leave town so I'm having more of a staycation, but it's ok.

              I have not yet read back to see how you all are doing but that's where I'm heading next. Sorry if I worried you at all! I should be back to posting regularly once I read back through the past few weeks of posts.

              Take care and have great days/eves!


                Re: 20th August

                Greetings friends,

                This forum is confusing anymore. I see Wags posted this morning but I can’t read the post for some reason. I felt relief when she texted me this morning saying they were OK.

                Nice day here, pleasant temps in the 70’s & no humidity, yay!
                Trying to get started on those tote bags but running into difficulties - will figure it out, Lol

                Cyn, you’ll be getting the first bag done & I’ll get a Venmo request to you - thank you.
                Sorry to hear about the chronic jaw pain, ugh. I hope you get relief asap. Did you ever get a pulse oximeter? A lot of us did when Covid hit but haven’t had any reason to use it, luckily. Keeping an eye on those O2 levels might be a good idea for you. Hope the C Pap was helpful. Take good care :hug:

                Slo, being on constant child care duty is exhausting, I know what you mean. You may have to put limits on babysitting time just to keep your sanity Lol
                Wags did mention to me that they had a lot of wildfire smoke in their area so no vacation I guess.
                I often wonder too how my son puts up with his wife. What happens if he decides he’s had enough of her? I don’t want to be around to witness that disaster.

                Mick, glad your woodworking skills are coming in handy. Sorry about the rain, it’s been dry here for a few days while the west coast of the US is dealing with their first tropical storm in many decades. And just so you know Trader Joe’s is a very hip market, fun place to shop for healthyish food
                About losing self confidence - I think it’s something we all go thru from time to time. I like to think of it as The Human Condition. We can always bounce back, right?

                PQ, hope your day was fab!
                Hi Pie, hope you are well. I see a storm heading towards the TX coast now, geez!

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 20th August

                  MAE ALL…nice quiet day again. I think we should make it a rule that the boss and accountant take alternating days off during the week. It sure makes a difference when one or the other isn’t in. LOL Left early to get some blood work done prior to my annual Rheumatologist appointment next month. The previous government privatized lab services and it’s been horrendous. Months to book an appointment and the same for results to get to the doctor. I booked this lab appointment in May and wouldn’t you know it, yesterday the current government cancelled the private lab contract and all I thought was What does that mean for my appointment??? Showed up and the place was packed but I was seen only 20 minutes past my time, so I consider myself lucky. Also got a letter from my doctor today saying she was leaving the clinic. Luckily for me she was a locum (partner) for my original doctor and she will keep me as a patient.

                  Lav…I love the design you came up with. You can put me down for a tote as well. The forum has gotten confusing, good thing we don’t drink! Haha I saw that Wags had posted and when I read through the current post I couldn’t get to page 2. I clicked on “Go Advanced” and both her and you showed up. I think from now on I’ll read through the post and click on advanced and see if there’s anything else. LOL Glad you had pleasant temps today, we were cool and drizzly all day. Apparently, we’re supposed to jump back into the high 80’s next week.

                  TG…wish I could share the love (cooler weather) with everyone, except maybe Mick. LOL You take it easy in that heat. I don’t quite have my car back yet, but it’s looking like there may be a resolution sooner rather than later. The son that is driving my car submitted an expense report at work the other day, he’d used the car to travel to a couple of sites. Since he’s a new employee they needed some documents including his drivers license which he discovered had expired in July! I hope the C-pap showed positive results. I’ve been very cognizant of my O2 levels since my 2nd lung collapse. Haven’t invested in an pulse oximeter yet but that’s next on my to do list.

                  Slo…I think you are right about making a good bridge on Mondays for Huxley. Seems to be working out great. I had to snicker when you said Andy’s parents wanted you to pick him up early so you could spend more time with him. Really!! Don’t let the kids take advantage of you, they’re raising their kids, not you. The directors have decided they need to figure out a positive way to move forward and resolve some of the issues at work. Hat’s off to them for taking the high road.

                  Mick…I love it when you’re chuffed with your work, can hardly wait to see the finished product. I think Julie is correct about you having a clever nack. I’m hoping we get some kind of an autumn but with the heat wave expected next week I could see a snowfall warning the week after. LOL A lot of people have seasonal wardrobes, I have all seasons all the time. LOL Haven’t played online bridge forever. It was more being able to connect with my SIL and resurrect the bond we had.

                  Wags…I was hoping the “No news is good news” theory was the case, and it was. Too bad about the failed proctoring, that must have put your students in a real tailspin. No wonder things got crazy. Glad you were able to start your vacation, a staycation can be very de-stressing especially in the garden you described but have yet to post a pic. Hint..hint. LOL

                  Shout out to anyone I missed. Have a good night all….:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 20th August

                    Mae all,

                    Well for once, I am having no problems with the site! I DON'T log in, and I read through everyone's posts. Then I log in and answer... that's my only trick... if I post quickly enough it doesn't bump me off. But I still copy each post just in case... then log out, log back in ( to a blank screen) and press the "Back" arrow twice and I get back to my post. Press post, and it finally goes. Sheesh! But it works.

                    Wags, what a nightmare for your students and for you as hand-holder. I hope that the test finally came off well, and I"m sure that everyone was grateful for your coaching. Wishing you some beautiful time off for your stay-cation.

                    Lav, NO HURRY on the bag or anything else... just always so happy to see your beautiful work.

                    Mick, good job on be chuffed with yourself... you deserve it! You are a creative soul...

                    SLO - so glad you took some time for yourself... that's a MUST!

                    PPQ - thx for catching us up on all that is going on in your world... so grateful that you were able to get in to be seen without too much delay. I hope a car is in yourvery near future!

                    Did I miss anyone? Sorry if so... My thinking is quite muddy today - I was trying to gift money to my Coronado great-nieces and nephew - money to buy ice cream cones at Cold Stone Creamery in their town. But somehow I Venmo'd the amount to the company Cold Stone, not to that shop. OY! Not sure what to do - it's $60, ( 6 kids) so it's worth fighting for, but it really happened because of brain fog... why didn't I just call the shop and get a Gift Certificate. I'm hoping that this is just a foggy day, not the way of the future...

                    Yes, I have about 3 pulse-ox in my possession... it was impossible to get one in April of 202 in the east coast - I mean NONE available anywhere in the east... if I had found one, I could have assessed my husband's O2 levels much sooner and could have acted more quickly... So, I now have them and use them. So far, my 02 is okay during the day. This contraption I used last night measured 02 through a finger monitor through the night. I gave them back the machine this morning... haven't heard anything yet. We'll see. Health can be a mystery a lot of times... Thx all for your concern, very sweet. I will be having a brain MRI in a couple of weeks... I'm anxious about what that will show - my blood test was fine, my EKG was fine. Probably all will be fine... then I guess I'll just go into a monastery or something!!

                    This evening I recommended a book to a friend that called who was low (a recent widow)... "Perestroika in Paris"... has anyone read it? By Jane Smiley (1,000 Acres) but this is a slim volume, incredibly delightful, and like a trip to Paris. If you are an animal lover you will love this book.

                    OK all, too much work on the computer today, my neck is complaining.
                    Wishing all well -


                      Re: 20th August

                      Great to actually see posts today! Yesterday I logged on and it looked like no one had been here!

                      What a weird situation, Wags! So stressful for the students and disruptive for you. I hope your dad is doing well.

                      About a year ago something happened to me with a couple episodes of very high heart rate. After a couple days in the hospital and many tests, nothing was diagnosed. I now think it may have been a type of panic attack given concurrent life events. Anyway, I ended up getting an Apple Watch which can be set to alert you to a high heart rate and it has a pulse oximeter, too. Another feature that can be helpful, esp to people on their own, is an emergency fall alert. I still have occasional tachycardia ( that seems to be unrelated to circumstances) so something is up but I no longer overreact to it and I?ve learned a couple techniques to bring it back down to at least under 100 if not to normal. They are $$ but after a year of wearing it, I highly recommend the watch.

                      Please add me to your tote list. Lav!


                        Re: 20th August

                        mae all are we today then? hope all is well.the guy came up to do the van today ....and guess soon as he got here it started raining it isnt done .3rd time lucky maybe.put another coat of wax polish on the fireplace last night and polished it this has come up well methinks ..I am after a victorian flat iron to put at the side of the fire ...give it that oldy worldy look.



                        hiya Wags ..glad to see all is well with you ...sorry about the faux pas with your holiday.hope you have a good is your dad doing?

                        hiya NS , how are you doing?I dont know what is happening to the posts on the site ...does anyone actually look after it any more?breathing exercises to lower your heart beat?Ive got a Samsung great ..but if you sit down for any length of time ,it tells you to move !

                        hiya teegee,how are things with you today then? hope all is good .that sounds like some performance to get into the site.hope your mri scan goes ok ...Im sure it will be .

                        hiya ppqp,how are you doing ?hope all is good ...perhaps chuck a suggestion to the 2 of them to take alternate days....forever .I've got my blood letting session next week.hope the car situation is fixed for you soon .

                        hiya Lav ,how are you today?hope all is good .Trader Joes sounds interesting to me .Saw the pic of the cats ...youve got yourself a bit of a business going now with the totes..well done you .

                        right peeps have a great day.

                        A genie granted me one wish!
                        I said “I just want to be happy!”
                        Now I’m living in a cottage with 6 dwarfs working down a mine!!

                        A wealthy Arab Sheikh was admitted to hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his type of blood in case the need arose:
                        As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab.
                        After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman in appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW, 5 carats of diamonds, and $50,000 dollars.
                        A couple of days later, once again, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery.
                        The hospital telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate more of his blood again.
                        After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Black Magic chocolates.
                        The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had before.
                        He phoned the Arab and asked him. "I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another BMW, diamonds and money ... but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of chocolates."
                        To this the Arab replied. "Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in ma veins."



                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: 20th August

                          Greetings friends,

                          Now I can see Wag’s post from yesterday haha! It doesn’t take much to confuse me these days, honestly!!
                          Mostly cloudy today but that kept things cooler at only 79 degrees, yay.

                          Wags, sorry about the mix ups, sad for your students already feeling stressed I’m sure.
                          Actually a staycation is not bad as long as you toss in a few fun things like a movie or a zoo trip or something. Hope the week is relaxing & so glad you are safe from the fires.

                          PQ, sorry yo have to jump through so many hoops just to get bloodwork done, geez. Sounds like the government needs to get it’s sh*t together.
                          The alternate days for the boss & accountant sounds like a great idea LOL. `we’re heading into 2 days of rain but the weekend is supposed to be nice.
                          AndI totally agree - good thing we don’t drink!!

                          Cyn, glad you’re OK. Having all the testing done with no answers is frustrating. Hang in there & take good care of YOU!
                          Hope your weather improves soon so you can at least enjoy some walks in fresh air. Give Cold Stone Creamery a call & explain the situation. Yo never know, they have probably dealt with stuff like this before. That was nice to think about an ice cream gift for the kids.

                          NS, my brother (4 years younger) told me recently he’s been diagnosed with A fib & has periodic episodes. He’s learned some techniques to slow his rate when necessary (Valsalva maneuver). It’s scary when your heart rate elevates like that. The Apple watch sounds like a good idea.

                          Mick, sorry the van has to wait while the rain continues. Your fireplace looks marvelous good job
                          The cats are a constant source of entertainment & I’m constantly feeding them haha.

                          Hello to Slo & Pie & anyone else dropping by tonight.
                          I don’t want to get in trouble for selling these totes -against the rules here i think. Please, if anyone wants to make a ($15) donation to the Maui Fire relief effort please message me here or on Messenger. Thanks friend!

                          Have a good night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 20th August

                            MAE ALL....the employee review went very well. He bumped most of my "meets" expectations to "exceeds". I still get frustrated with "stupid" renters but have been working on my reactions, usually starts with taking a deep breath. LOL He said he has noticed the changes I've been making. All in all sounds like a raise to me.

                            Mick...your fireplace looks fabulous, well done.

                            TG...if you go into a monastery will you still have internet?

                            NS...seems like you've had a few health issues to deal with, glad you're coping.

                            Lav...yes, the government need to do some work. I have to keep remembering that the premier is my bosses sister. No more talk of the totes, will message you later.

                            Shout out to the rest of the gang. Fish & chips for supper tonight, easy meal. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 20th August

                              PQ - Glad the employee review went so well. Fingers crossed for a decent raise! And thanks for the reminder - let me try attaching a pic of our backyard oasis here.


                              Mick - your fireplace looks awesome!

                              TG - I'm sorry to hear of your on-going health mysteries. I hope the test overnight and the MRI help point you in the right direction toward healing.

                              NS - I finally broke down and got an Apple watch a few months ago and as much as I hate to admit it, I really do like having it. That's great you've learned techniques to bring heart rate down so effectively!

                              Lav - thanks again for texting me and checking in. I love that you're making totes to help fundraise for Maui Fire Relief.

                              I feel like the past 2 weeks just disappeared. I worked so many hours I earned about 10% of my full year's income in just those 2 weeks. Even though the out-of-town vacay didn't work out, I'm definitely enjoying the staycay. We went to see the Barbie movie and we're going to see Oppenheimer tomorrow as a way to escape the heat for a few hours. Has anyone seen either of those? I thought Barbie was fun and also thought-provoking.

                              My dad is doing pretty well - some ups and downs but more good days than hard ones. I bought him a few jigsaw puzzles with 50-60 pieces, plus a book of crosswords and word searches and other brain games. He's extremely intelligent and still has a lot of his capacities for words and numbers etc. He has sped through the half dozen crosswords I've printed from the LA Times so I'm hoping the book will give him plenty of material.

                              Hellos and waves to everyone I missed, and Happy Thursdays to you all!


                                Re: 20th August

                                Hello, all:

                                I spent yesterday up with D1 and the three grandkids. Oh, that 6-month-old Cooper is irresistible! He has so much long dark hair that sticks up tousled all over! I hope I don’t get his cold though…

                                Wags, your backyard is an oasis indeed! My old backyard was such an oasis too…I didn’t appreciate what I had! It was painful to see it today when I picked up my old neighbor’s keys for cat-sitting duties. Although, I was so busy in those years that I didn’t have time to sit and enjoy my yard. Now that I could, it’s no longer mine.

                                At least your busy two weeks were profitable, Wags.
                                A staycation might be best this week anyways, due to the extreme heat and the wildfires. I saw the Barbie movie and really enjoyed it.

                                I’m excited that your well- deserved raise is imminent, PQ!
                                Yeah, you can’t carelessly yammer on about politics at work, what with the boss’s relationship to the Queen Bee! At least not if you want a raise! Haha

                                There doesn’t seem to be anyone running the ship here anymore, Lav; so you can go ahead and sell all the bags you want on here!
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

