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    Re: 27th

    MAE ALL...:yay: It's the Weekend :yay: Well, I didn't think my post took yesterday and was too tired to figure it out. Thursday and today were nice quiet days with no drama so was able to slide into the weekend with no frustrations. Phone is off, boss can deal with anything that comes up., you were lucky with that idiot SUV driver. That was pretty close! Your site looks lovely and I'm so glad you've got good weather. Looking forward to more pics.

    Pi...nice job on getting out of jury duty. Wonder if that means your name goes to the bottom of the list again. We're also under water restrictions except for the community garden, we're exempt. Great job for the condo association, that'll help you get to know a lot of your neighbours. I hope your temps start coming down soon.

    NS...glad to see you're back home safe and sound. It did sound like things went well but I bet you're glad to be home.

    Slo...good for you stepping up to host the meet & greet. The neighbours you've told us about sound lovely, I think it'll be a smashing success. Yes, you can do this. Have a great time on your trip.

    Lav...glad you're feeling much better and didn't have to call the dentist. Sorry YB is suffering but you're right you'll be able to handle things. Just sounds like it might be a long haul for you. I am so looking forward to this long weekend. Going to get a few chores done to get ready for winter, it could be here any day, you never know. Hopefully son will get the new tires for the car and I can check it out. May have wheels for the beginning of next week and be able to get back into my routine.

    Waves to everyone else stopping in. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 27th

      posting on my phone so this might not be formatted super well.

      glad to hear Lav and Slo are having less pain, but sorry your husband is hurting so bad Lav.

      Mick it looks like you're in a wonderful beautiful place!

      NS it must be nice to be back home, even with yard work waiting for you.

      Pie that sounds like a nice short jury duty!

      PQ I hope that accountant retires soon!

      TG hows the job going?

      Had a few rainy days here and now the heat is coming back - ugh! Looking forward to a good weekend. I have a few classes to teach but lots of free time too.

      Take care everyone!


        Re: 27th

        Mae are you doing today then?hopefully all doing good and the weekend is being kind weather over here yesterday was lovely we had booked a trip around the Farne Islands and onto Holy Island .we saw Lindisfarne Abbey, the Longstone lighthouse where Grace Darling and her dad rescued the crew from a ship called the Forfarshire, we saw the seals,and also Bamburgh Castle from the sea. A brilliant day. Did 19.5 ksteps today we are off to Beadnell and Bamburgh. Tomorrow onto Edinburgh. Its a pity i cant download videos on here have a great day everyone.




        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

