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Wed 18th July

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    Wed 18th July

    Good morning all,

    Just a quick post this morning as i gotta dash off to work..Just wanna say hi and day 4 today...I'm doing ok but i wish Saturday would hurry up and come around..LOL

    Also getting a tatto of an angel on Sat with Mrs Macks name underneath...Except it will say Lisa..LOL

    Have a great day all Love Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Wed 18th July

    Glad to see you back Macks. I have been away so am out of the loop so to say. Is Cameron ok? I have been gone so haven't read many posts but the last I heard he had surgery. I hope he is ok and that I am not bringing up something already done with as I have been gone over a week. Congrats on day 4. And I'm sure Lisa is an angel although I've never met her.


      Wed 18th July

      Good morning Macks and Louise,
      Cam is doing great thanks Louise...he is recovering very well and Macks can't wait for you to get my tatto.....:h
      Hope everyone on MWO has a good day love you all
      Lisa XX:l
      Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


        Wed 18th July

        I'm going to get a tatto of an angel that says Lisa? My husband will be most surprised but he has been going along with just about anything lately. I'm so glad to hear Cameron is recovering.


          Wed 18th July

          LOL Louise.....are you ok ? XX
          Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


            Wed 18th July

            I'm fine - just I've been gone for a week visiting a new grandniece and buying a VW camper. So I'm a bit out of the loop of what is happening. My husband has been most amused by my preoccupation with this site, given my previous aversion to technology, as well as my use of the internet to research camper vans. He seems to see all these changes (reduced drinking, increased internet use, insistence on returning to some form of a previous life) as a good thing so all is good.


              Wed 18th July

              Hey all,

              Welcome back Macks, both of you. I was just thinking last week of posting a photo of my son with a kingfish he shot while free diving. I thought you could appreciate that! It is almost as big as him and that's no fish story!!

              Louise dear glad to see you back. did you enjoy that grand niece? I hope so. How is your VW Camper?I am quite happy to hear your life is feeling so on track!!

              Been away for a couple days myself, getting my old digs all cleaned up and furniture taken back down there, the next guy in there is an engineer so he bought my biggest desk and drafting table. I am not completely settled but at least some of the furniture is not laying around the entry way, makes me feel a little less crazy. I lost it Saturday night, been so completely calm and patient with this move in move stuff back process and just couldn't take being put off for a moment longer. I went out and bought a fifth of rum drank three shots and decided to throw it away as I was in a dangerous space in my head. Woke up feeling like yuck on Sunday and that is about half of what I would normally have in a night, can not believe I did that to my body regularly.

              Went and watched my DIL to-be try on wedding gowns on Sunday. She invited me to share the day with her mom and her. I felt quite happy she included me. She looked so pretty.

              Just read yesterday's posts, Waves, we can't have you leave, we love you and Tawny what happened dear, you gotta come back. Been about a month that I have hardly ventured to general discussion section. Missed a few things eh?

              Beaches are you sure it was a bug? My dad did that a couple times in response to orange juice - years ago. Swelled so huge. Hope you are feeling better this morning.

              Cindi - welcome aboard, happy you are here!

              Sammys, yep I am up in the middle of the night, it started with dogs and then it was awfully warm in that room. . . sigh. Just took a calms fort, should kick in soon. Hope you got some better sleep tonight.

              Sophia, sounds excellent. Basically I was planning on doing a lot less face to face moving home and much more online. So far though, it hasn't totally worked like I expected!

              Lushy - do you have a generator now? Everything good? I hope so!

              Nancy, PP, BB, Amethyst. and Judie plus all to come, hope you have a great day!! I am going to try and go back to bed!

              Hugs and Love,


                Wed 18th July

                Good morning`s good to be back!!

                My daughter had a consultation with an eye specialist yesterday......eyes perfectly healthy, so currently being treated as migraine. Will take her to a neurologist if tabs. don`t work, but eye doc thinks there`s nothing amiss neurologically as he would normally be able to detect that in optic nerves at back of eye, which are fine. Have been worried sick, hence my `disappearance` from feeling such relief.

                Anyway.......amazing what a coupla days outta here can some catching up to do.

                Mackerel and Lisa, nice to see you here.

                Cindi............whey heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!.......glad you`ve came over here.........we`re fab. company!!! LOL

                Louise, only just read you got your camper van...........really tickled for you.

                Hi to Betty, Mary, Lushy and all of the gang.

                Been really good and not been drinking much at all.........had 1 glass of wine last night.......was tired and didn`t really feel like any more.

                Have a fab. day everyone!!!

                Much love,

                Starlight Impress


                  Wed 18th July

                  WOW, what a crowd! This is so great! Hello MOD's LAND.

                  It's so great to see the Mack's back around. Congrats on Day 4 and that's so nice you are getting a tatoo of with Lisa's name. What surgery did Cameron have. I am so sorry I missed that part but I am very happy he is doing well.

                  Louise very funny comment about getting a tattoo with Lisa's name and your husband just going along with it, that made me laugh. Glad you had a nice time with your grandneice and now you got VW camper, hope you get lots of travel time in.

                  MKR-Don't you hate waking up feeling so yucky? I know I do. BLAH. That's great your DIL is including you in the wedding plans and I loved the wedding dress part. You never realize how much planning there is until you right smack dab in the middle of it. To answer your question about the bug. No I am not sure at all a bug bit my lip. I don't know what it was but it freaked me out royally. Hey Macks.....maybe I will find a way to get the bottom lip to swell too HA HA HA that was a good one.

                  Star-That is such a relief for you and your daugther. It's scary when something is going on with your kid and you or the doctors can't figure it out. I hope the migraines go away for her!

                  Welcome Cindi-Glad you joined us.

                  Judie-I have never met a famous person that is so cool.

                  Yuck Sammy the smell of skunk coming through the window. Now did the alarm wake you or the skunk?

                  Fsophia good luck with your online tutoring business. I could have used that when I was trying to do my research papers...back in the day.

                  Hello to Lushy, PP, Soccermom, Amethyst, BB, Nancy, Hawk, Pebbles, Bear, Rachel, Ducky and anyone else I missed.
                  Have a great day!!!!!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Wed 18th July

                    Morning everyone!

                    Macks, I hope you will post a picture of your tatoo when it is done. I want a small one on my ankle (not of Lisa's name of course) but I am a scaredy-cat.

                    MKR, good for you for dumping that bottle down the drain. I will always consider you to be the best moderator I know. We need to buy a new generator it turns out but don't worry, I will hit you all up for donations later.

                    Beaches, I was wondering about the same thing with your lip, wondering if it was food related or something. Is it still swollen?

                    Star, so glad to hear all is well with your daughter. I am sorry you had to go through that.

                    Louise, I am so envious of your camper. I would love to travel around in one of those someday.

                    Wishing you all a happy day! I have a lot on my plate and don't know where to start. But at least I am up good and early this morning to get working on it all.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Wed 18th July

                      Hi all,
                      What a happy house today..Hello to everyone.

                      I cant beleive what Lisa wrote this morning..Laughing my head off here...I know..Why dont we all get tattoo's saying lisa..I'm not saying she's high maintanence, but if thats what the girl wants...

                      Right...Time to feed my belly...I could eat a man with a scabby head...

                      Later Macks.
                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        Wed 18th July

                        Hi everyone,

                        I almost didn't post because I don't have time to respond to everyone ....

                        WOW what a fabulous group we are .....

                        Love You All ...........

                        BB xx


                          Wed 18th July

                          Hi Everyone!!! Just I checking in still reading and listening. I am aiming for a great day today and wish the very best to everyone.

                          Big High Five and Pat on back to all Modsters here in Modsville,


                            Wed 18th July

                            Macks, you're sounding pretty darned hungry... don't know about your appetite though...

                            MKR- great to see ya back! We've missed you.:h Seems like a lot of folks are dropping off lately...kinda sad.

                            This does look like quite the happy little bunch of folks here!

                            I've got to clean house... In-laws are coming to visit this week! They've got a room in town, but I'm sure they'll at least pop out for a least say "hi" to the dog they "gave" us...(all 120 lbs of him!) Or maybe they won't...

                            Hope everybody has a great day!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Wed 18th July

                              Hi all,

                              My computer is still down at home and I have decided it's not worth it to fix, so now I need to get another one. I hope to have one soon, not sure when though.

                              So much is going on around here, I just can't keep up only logging in once or twice a week, so be patient with me.

                              Macks and Lisa, I have seen you around and was wondering where you have been. It's good to have you back. Hopefully mods will help launch you back to Abs, if that is where you feel the best. About the tattoo, I want a sun tattooed inside a large birthmark I have on my leg, but hubby says no. Maybe if I added his name to it, I will have to ask.

                              Mary, great job on throwing out the bottle and the dress shopping sounded like so much fun.

                              Cindi, Welcome

                              Louise, not sure if we have met. Howdy!

                              Beaches, look at shell fish. A lot of stuff has crustaceans in it these days, including supplements. My Aunt just had her eyes swell shut due to a reactions to some PMS supps she bought that had crustaceans in it. She never had problems breathing.

                              Star, sorry about your daughter's migraines. My hubby is a chiropractor and has good success in treating them. I realize not everyone is in to trying this method, but it is an options. My thoughts are with you.

                              Lushy, I know it's hard to get back into work mode. We are camping this weekend and my mind is already on that instead of working.

                              Good day to everyone I've missed and those yet to come.

                              Humor is just another defense against the universe!

