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Monday 20th August

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    Monday 20th August

    Good Morning all in mods land, hope that today finds you all well.

    Hold hands, concentrate, and repeat after me .....

    Is there anybody there .......

    Monday 20th August

    I'm here - but I'm not "all there"!

    Hiya Betty - I'm living in AF land at the moment - but I like to come here to visit you all in modsville sometimes too!

    Have an ace Monday!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Monday 20th August

      Hi Betty and Satori,
      Nice to see some people here today. I was worried yesterday

      Have a great day everyone to come and yes let's hold hands, ha!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Monday 20th August

        Hi All - Like Satori, in AF-land but pop in to visit....
        It is a bit quiet isn't it?!?!
        Have good days/evenings all.
        Feet x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Monday 20th August

          Hi FMF,
          Thanks for stopping in and saying hi, we need the company!!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Monday 20th August

            Have you noticed, how lacking clarity, is clarity itself?

            How, if you aren't sure about something, that alone, has meaning?

            Honor uncertainty. It's the seed from which all-knowingness comes. Give it time.

            ****The Universe

            OK, Time to make some noise since it is sooooooooo quiet over here!!

            Been in NY on vacation. Had a wonderful time! Family parties, museums, Broadway show, more theatre in Central Park, Yankees game . . . and they won that day! We actually celebrated my FIL birthday for three days of parties. I was a model moderator so I felt good about that!! In fact, I only had one mixed drink the whole vacation and one wine on every occasion that I drank.

            Wanted to hit the ground running when I got back home but had a problem on the flight. My legs swelled up looking like a 300 lb lady. No blood clots but they have me wearing compression stockings and keeping my legs 6" above my heart. So now for a few days I am having the quiet time I didn't get when I was away!! Trying my patience a bit but, this stuff is serious they said.

            Gotta go get my legs up . . . I sure missed all of you and hope you are doing well!!

            Lots and Lots of Love,


              Monday 20th August

              Morning y'all-just a quick check in. I'm holding hands too BB & Beaches!
              Thanks for stopping by Satori, and FMF. We like company!
              MKR-scary stuff-I'm glad you are taking it seriously. I know someone who got a blood clot from airtravel and it was not fun.
              Everyone else, have a marvelous Monday!!!
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Monday 20th August

                Mary it's great to see you back again but sorry about your legs, that is really scary. Keep them up and just extend your vacation a little. Glad you had so much fun in NY!!

                Hi Amethyst!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Monday 20th August

                  Hello, MKR watch that swelling I feel for you I bet you have a million things you want to get done but you need to rest up and get that swelling gone. Everyone else I say hi and have a good one.



                    Monday 20th August

                    Hi Everybody.

                    MKR! SOO great to see ya back:h ! Missed you...
                    Do take care of your legs, that's scarey stuff. I hope you have someone "waiting" on you...

                    Kind of a cloudy, lazy day here. It's been super busy @ work, & I picked up some extra shifts this week, so I'm feeling pretty well spent. Thank God tonight's my Friday. I wore my pedometer the other night & walked almost 10 miles in a shift. The walking I don't mind so much... but the impatient people, with all the complaints... GRRRR. Last night was borderline for commiting homicide!...About 4 times within the first hour! It was a lonnnnng night. It amazes me how some people can sit & B*tch & whine, while they have a plate of hot food placed in front of them, by someone, obviously moving as fast as humanly possible! :thanks: For letting me vent. I feel better now.

                    Hope everyone has a great day. Praying mine's better tonight...LOL
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Monday 20th August

                      Hi folks,
                      Just popping in to make a bit of noise!!!! All's well in Frogland ... only 10 days to the first day of spring! Yeah!!!!!!!


                        Monday 20th August

                        Tawny, I really think that you mean autumn, but nice to have you here anyway ......


                          Monday 20th August

                          No Betty, I mean Spring!!!!!!!!!! ... and I can't wait.

