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Tuesday August 21st

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    Tuesday August 21st

    Hi Mod's Land.

    Rainy day here in NY. Hope you all are fairing well out there with all the crazy weather and flooding. I have been watching Hurricane Dean and hoping the best for Mexico as the Yucitan was also one of my favorite places to vacation and scuba dive before children. Hope to get back there again.

    Have a great day and happy moderating.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Tuesday August 21st

    Hi Beaches,

    All is well back on moderation during the week or shall I rather say AF in the week and mods during weekends, going well so far.. and think that I can do this ;0)... also back at gym a bit sore but ok... sunny weather over here, going into our "spring time" now so looking forward to blue skies and lovely weather after the very cold winter...


      Tuesday August 21st

      HI Beaches and Skye and everyone still to come .....

      Things quiet here, waiting for a decorator for a quote to decorate my lounge after the builders have done.

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Tuesday August 21st

        We're in the middle of 'decorators''s nice to see the house look better, but all the moving stuff from room to room gets annoying!

        I don't know quite why I'm in this thread LOL.....except that I think my long term goal is moderating. I've never managed it in the past though! This is my first AF day since I can't remember far so good, hope I can manage to stick to it until the weekend because we're doing sociable stuff then and I know I will have a glass or two :H So this is...ahem...a moderating week
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          Tuesday August 21st

          Hi guys....

          We got our son off to college, and not a tear at all! I think I am used to him being away so much now that its not bothering me. I'm actually quite enjoying it!! Less laundry, less groceries to buy, less MESS...:H

          I'm loving my classes so far, and am sitting at Panera at the moment taking a break from homework and studying. They just opened a brand new Panera right down the road, so I think I will be spending lots of time here this year with the free wireless internet and no chores from home vying for my attention.

          Our family started a new diet yesterday that my Mom actually has been researching for quite a while. She has met two people in her cancer support group that have been diagnosed within the last year with Hodgkins disease and the other lung cancer, and both are completely cancer-free now after doing this diet religiously for almost a year. Its not a weight loss diet (although that is inevetibly going to happen), but its called "Microbiotics". Its more of adopting a new way of eating for life, and after doing all the research, I am so excited about it. Its basically built around whole grains being 40 to 50% of your daily intake, and steamed and raw veggies the rest with a moderate fruit intake as compared to other diets. Only fish is allowed for meat 2-3 times as week, but absolutely no dairy, poultry or red meat, and NO WINE! Not sure I can totally adhere to that, but I ate this diet all day yesterday and slept great last night with no wine and feel fantastic today. Apparently after a few months most people only need 5 to 7 hours of sleep because of their energy level and all their brain chemicals balancing out. People go off their anti-depressants and ADD medication and claim to feel better than ever in their life. On top of that, with cancer so strong in my family history, I dont feel I have a choice but to do everything I can to eat anti-cancer and whole foods! Even my husband and daughter are really excited about it. My youngest will take some work...LOL.

          So my breakfast today was a cup of short grain brown rice cooked for 40 minutes, carrot juice mid-morning, and a HUGE salad at lunch with eight different raw vegetables in it, small bowl of fruit late afternoon and tonight I am eating another bowl of brown rice with 2/3 cup steamed kale in it. Doesnt that sound wonderful?? Ha ha. Actually, I love eating this way. I'm cheating a bit with the coffee right now, but I'm not indulging in any Panera temptations, so I'm doing good!

          Okay, back to my new life as a student and

          Have a great one..
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Tuesday August 21st

            That sounds like like a wonderful diet plan. I have friends who have been raving about microbiotics (or is it macro?) for years. I for one would eat like that happily but, hubby would never in a million years.

            Well, I was not the model moderator this weekend in the Keys. It was everything and nothing at all so, I won't make any excuses. I have decided to take a break from the wine and will get some AF days under my belt and get back with the program.

            Got to go, I am making people wait in the hall so that I can type this.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Tuesday August 21st

              Hey y'all. I just got back from a 2mile walk-hot!!!!
              I am jealous of you Betty and SlightlySuze-decorators! What fun!
              Hey Skye and Beaches-good to hear from you. Beaches, I wish it was raining around here!
              Prest4time, I am sending one of my sons off in a few weeks. I was glad to hear you handled it so well. And you are back to school as well-good for you!!! Let us know how the microbiotic diet goes.
              PP thanks for making someone wait in the hall so you could say hi to us!!! Hope your day is great!
              Hope all are having a wonderful day, and are modding well. I was AF last night and plan to be tonight as well.
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Tuesday August 21st

                Hi all in good spirits here in NYC. it is rainy and I should be feeling down but I am looking forward to going to the gym andgetting sweaty.
                celebrated my birthday this weekend even though it was last tuesday. didn't overdo it but also didn't just have one glass. drank lots of water.
                hope you are all well. happy tuesday
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Tuesday August 21st

                  Hi everyone

                  Rainy and generally not Augusty weather here in London as well. I am on a new diet / food regime too - the Superfood diet thing at the moment based on Dr Pratts book. You base your meals on fourteen superfoods inc spinach, salmon, walnuts and oranges. Quite fun really (well it is if you stick a shed load of cheese on the spinach).

                  Happy belated birthday Trixie !!!! :thumbs: Thats good that you managed okay with the old booze.

                  We moved offices today and am finally in nice place with nice large window and posh surroundings (rather than mice infested basement was in before). I spent the day strutting around in my kitten heels (rather than the trainers / flip flops I normally wear) and my new dress.

                  Cant get over the anxiety though had a bottle of wine last night with a mate and am as anxious and panicy as was when was on three times as much. Grrrrrr.

                  Am watching telly and drinking loads of herbal tea. Am in court v early tomorrow at 10am (with work) so must get some sleep but is hard to when am anxious. Have packed bag and papers are all prepared.

                  But I did not give into temptation and go to the pub with everyone else.

                  I am off to be a student soon as well Prest4time - off to do my masters by distance learning.

                  Best wishes everyone


