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sat 16 sept

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    sat 16 sept

    Morning all, well I had 2 beers and 2 vodkas last night - what I had planned so I am pleased - but I smoked. Not beating myself up at all though, I'm back on the smoke free wagon today so all is good. I went to the gym yesterday and I may go today if I can fit it in, was a bit of a shock to the system - I felt so GOOD after half hour of cardio and a steam,sauna and jacuzzi. Need to do more of that!
    Off to BBQ today, will drive so no drinking, achieved lots yesterday - tonnes of washing and all put away and changed and washed the bedding.
    I love not being hungover and feeling that I am making progress.
    I realise that I need to take some gum next time as I smoked because I felt awkward socially and it was something to do with my hands. It didn't help any of that, I just feel that way at the moment, like I have nothing to say and am very nervous.
    don't knwo what's happened to me , always had low self esteem but I think being very stressed at work, beating myself over not reaching my final goals immediately (not smoking/drinking/losing weight/exercising enough) has taken it's toll.
    For now one day at a time, and no more beating myself up, if I need to stay in I will.
    I am looking forward to today thoguh so that's positive.Good day to all of you x
    one day at a time

    sat 16 sept

    Good morning Bear and all that come.

    Bear I need to get exercising too. I used to love that feeling after a good work out. I felt I could take on the world.

    The brithday party yesterday for the twins went great. We went bowling and all the kids had a great time. Today will be a little calmer with fewer guests.

    I actually did very well yesterday moderating as well and feel good today except tired because all 3 kids were up before 6am. Ugh will they ever sleep in???

    Have a great day! Hugs to all
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

