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Friday October 12th

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    Friday October 12th

    Happy Friday Modsters,

    Hope this finds you all well.

    Today I am in training all day then off to our first Daisy Scout meeting with my daughter tonight. She is so excited. I think it will be cute seeing all these kindergartners buzzing around.

    Nothing really planned for the weekend except preparing for winter outside and inside.

    Have a great day!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Friday October 12th

    Hello beaches and all to come,

    Beaches that sounds lovely, I have a day off and have just been to our local farm shop and stocked up on healthy food and i'm have a cooking day to stock up my freezer with nice healthy food, I love cooking so I am enjoying today.

    Love & Hugs to everyone here ....


      Friday October 12th

      Enjoy the Daisy Scout meeting Beaches. I am sure those girls will be so cute!

      I love cooking also BB. We redid our kitchen early this year and it has made it so much nicer to prepare meals.

      Hope everyone has a great Friday!


        Friday October 12th

        It's a lovely crisp cool morning, FINALLY! I live for cold weather. Tomorrow going to go see my Grandson and take his Birthday gifts to him, He will be 6. Time goes so quickly. Sunday, home maitenence I am the "handyman here"
        Everyone enjoy your Friday


          Friday October 12th

          NIce and cool and crisp here also, sounds like another lovely day in the life of all of us modsters!! Have a great day everyone.



            Friday October 12th

            I just can't think of anything more important to tell you today, than "Congratulations, outstanding, well done!"

            You are now, officially, the person you once dreamed you'd become.

            It always works,
            ****The Universe


            Good morning all!

            Beaches that sounds wonderful! I bet they are so cute!! Getting ready for winter . . .where does the time go?

            BB, that sounds heavenly. I love cooking also and finally after years of asking for it we plumbed the kitchen for a gas line and a new cooktop. I love it.

            Ducky, you sound great this morning!

            Probably will not hear from me as I am slammed today and up at the balloon field to help with parking at 3:30 tomorrow morning. It helps one of my groups as they pay the group and it goes towards our children's programs. Kind of fun too. They had special shapes yesterday. I have not seen Darth Vader yet, but it is my understanding he is a balloon and his pilot and crew are storm troopers. Cute huh?

            Have a great day and weekend all!

            Hugs and Love,

            PS: Mary we were on together, have a wonderful time tomorrow!


              Friday October 12th

              And you too our resident newlywed!! xo Mary


                Friday October 12th

                Morning everyone!

                Everyone sounds in good spirits today.

                I am hosting a cooking club at my house tomorrow night so I will be cooking today as well.

                Getting a late start to my day but I wish you all a happy weekend!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Friday October 12th

                  Well just call me the "Mods Caboose"... bringing up the rear!:H
                  That's ok Lushy... we are on the West coast... that's my excuse...That & I work nights...

                  Yesterday I was out all day spending $$ though! Nothing too exciting, but I got new tires.
                  Oh! I did get some spider web glitter stockings! as well as some more fish nets! Never know when you're gonna need those!

                  I borrowed one of Hubby's stereo set-ups for the drive to Brookings, so I had great tunes. Its just this little bitty MP3 player (about the size of 5 credit cards stacked together), then he has this other iRock unit, about the size of a man's thumb. You just program the iRock to a radio station, and the MP3 comes thru your car radio! Amazing!
                  Then I could also take it out & walk on the beach w/headphones w/it.
                  I need to go spend more time @ his store!
                  I had no idea they had this stuff. I've been driving around with a crappy stereo... marrried to Mr Radio Shack. He's in trouble!

                  Hope everybody has a great day!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Friday October 12th


                    "Oh! I did get some spider web glitter stockings! as well as some more fish nets! Never know when you're gonna need those! " posted by St. Jude.

                    YOU GO GIRL!!

                    It sounds like everyone is having a good day and I am, too, despite being sick and really an abster, but I LOVE YOUR POSTS, so I join in here once in a while. (I wish I could be a modster but i am such a drunk that it doesn't work for me. I am jealous of you guys, big time. However, you are all so friendly and pleasant that I have to do the "jump in thing" once in a while.)

                    I am glad everyone is having a good day. See you again when I get to Huntspatch.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Friday October 12th

                      DB2, You're welcome to borrow my spider stockings if ya like. They're real PURTY! Multi colored glitter webs! on black!
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Friday October 12th

                        Hi yaall!!

                        Just wanted to check in and say hi to you all!! Have a great weekend ifI don't get to check in

                        Love and hugs and kisses thanks for the inspiration and encouragement you all give to us every day!!!!:h :thanks: :l

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Friday October 12th

                          Finally had a day warm up enough to get out on the river for a quik paddle It hit 69* So I went out for an hr 1/2. It was SOOO nice to get on the water again!
                          The water's gotten a lot colder, but as long as I stay in the boat, I'm fine
                          Caught a few waves from the jet boats, they only run for 3 more days, till Oct 15th. Then they shut down the big tour boats for the winter. I'll miss the surf waves from them. But I enjoy the solitude on the river too.

                          OK. off to get ready for work.
                          Have a good night everybody.
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

