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November 2nd -07

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    November 2nd -07


    I cannot remember the last time I started a thread here, but came on to read and for the first time there wasnt one for today. So here I am!

    Thanks again D and Lushy (and all others who read mods and the recipe thread) for the great appetizer recipes - they were a lifesaver last night! Had the whole office over and it went fantastic and everyone was oohing and aahing over your recipes. I just didnt tell them I got them from my internet friends from a drinking site....:H

    I handled myself really well in spite of lots of alcohol floating around last night. Actually, I was too busy in the kitchen to think about it. I poured a glass of wine and then a lady picked it up and took it! I thought it was funny and probably the best thing. Hubby and I did sit down outside and have a glass of wine after everyone left, but then was so exhausted, we went straight to bed.

    We are supposed to leave Thursday for a week in the Bahamas, but I'm getting really nervous about the weather down there.... "Noel" which has turned into a hurricane has left, but the 10 day forcast is calling for thunderstorms everyday and flight delays on the day we are leaving, so we are surfing around for a possible alternative.

    OH -- I had the coolest thing happen yesterday!! We have the Blue Angels (for those who dont know about them... you can google it) here this whole weekend doing an Air and Sea show at the beach. Well they have been zooming through the skies all day yesterday practicing and flying down EXTREMELY low to the point of being scary, but I personally love it! Anyway, I was coming out of Target yesterday with both arms full of plants (Mums to decorate my front walkway) and there they came and swooped down so low I thought my eardrums were going to explode! I couldnt put my fingers in my ears because my arms were full, and I looked up and one of the Blue Angels (right above me mind you) did a hard bank and turned upside down and WAVED AT ME!!!!!! I just about dropped my plants and peed in my pants!! (I've always had a crush on all the Blue Angel pilots). I raced home and my husband and a lot of neighbors were all standing out in the road with their cameras and my husband immediately tries to impress me with what the Blue Angels did by swooping down over the houses, but his jaw fell open when I told him what happened to me! Anway... just had to share!

    Beth is coming to stay with me tonight and she is doing a detailed IQ testing on my 9 y/o this afternoon (which is what she does for a living), and then we are going out to dinner and then to the Air Show tomorrow to see the Blue Angels! What a great weekend!!!

    Hello to all to come...
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    November 2nd -07

    Hi Allie, and everyone else .....

    The Blue Angels things sounds amazing, lucky you .......sorry about the weather in the Bahamas but i'm sure that you will find something just as good .....

    I'll be in Orlando in 15 days ...... yippeeeee .........


      November 2nd -07

      Hey, there, BB! You sound great today! Back in the princess saddle, I presume! That a girl! :h


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        November 2nd -07

        Good morning all,

        Allie, that sounds like a neat experience. Hope your trip works out for you.

        Hi again to BB, and to MM.

        Cleaning today. Ugh.

        Doing a little better on mods the last couple of days.



          November 2nd -07

          Morning Allie, BB, and MM-and all the rest of y'all who haven't popped in to say hey yet!
          Allie- I am SOOOO jealous! I have had a crush on those dare devil pilots for many years now. I've never had anything up close and personal like that! How cool was that. Good luck with the upcoming trip-the weather should be fine.
          BB-your trip sounds great too. Wish I lived closer to Florida! I love it there. Are you going to Disney World?
          MM-good to hear from you!
          I have had another crazy day, and should be done with the TOTAL crazies by evening. I have to work 1/2 day tomorrow, but it shouldn't be so bad. Sending hugs to all:h
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            November 2nd -07

            Hey Ducky-must've posted at the same time! Glad mods is working better for you. Cleaning is no fun, but somebody has to do it
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              November 2nd -07

              Morning Modsters!

              Busy day for me! Just wanted to check in and say hello. Sounds like some fabulous trips coming up for people. We are headed to South Carolina in a couple weeks. Hopefully a little warmer than NY.

              Have a great day!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                November 2nd -07

                Allie, what a great story about the Blue Angels! I am so jealous you and Beth are getting to have a girls weekend. I was going to get together with her for lunch before I left on my trip but, things got too hectic. Wish I could be there this weekend with you guys.

                If you can, I would look into alternatives for the Bahamas. I have been there when the weather sucks and been stranded with flight delays (for days!)
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  November 2nd -07

                  Morning All1

                  I took a mental health day yesterday and played hooky from work. Later yesterday I went out and had a couple of glasses of wine. A very nice gentleman bought me a glass which I thought about finishing but decided on Diet Coke instead as I was starting to feel woozy. I eat something and then went home. In the past I would have sucked down that last glass, to not "waste" it. This morning I was feeling a little foggy but no headache or anything. Tonight I am having my girlfriend over for dinner and gab time. She doesn't really drink so we're just gonna have soda...I normally would have bought a bottle for "us" and drank the whole thing by myself.

                  I'm considering calling Jeff after work today. He and I haven't spoken since Sunday and I just wanna check in. I really have been able to focus on me lately and time goes by so quickly....but I don't want him to think I've forgotten him....I might even ask him out on a date. I'll see how the converstation goes.

                  I've seen the Blue Angels at the Navel Academy Graduation and some Air Shows....definately something to see.

                  Suddenly I see
                  This is what I want to be
                  suddenly I see
                  Why the hell it means so much to me.

                  -KT Tunstall


                    November 2nd -07

                    Allie, OMG I love seeing those fighter jets, or apache helicopters. At all the football games at Lambeau there is always a fly over after the national anthem and I is so cool. I know how it just hits you to the core, and I am so jealous of the wave by!!!

                    Look for alternative, I have had to cancel two vacations because of fires and weather in the past and the airlines and hotel were pretty cool about it did not make me pay any change fee or anything, but I also booked them separately not in a package so who knows what kind of bs they might try to pull on you.



                      November 2nd -07

                      happy Friday!

                      Sounds like you should cancel the trip to the bahamas, that storm does look bad!

                      Glad to see everyone is doing fine!!

                      I intend to moderate tonight, then again maybe go AF tomorrow, invited to an AF wedding! Have not drank all week so feel good about this weekend!

                      Love to everyone!!!!:h :h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        November 2nd -07

                        I love them too..
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

