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Saturday Nov 3

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    Saturday Nov 3

    Good morning Modsters,

    The weather is nice and cool today. Lots of errands and house stuff. Made an awesome shrimp curry last night! My goal these days is to make mods more moderate (what a "normal" person might consider moderate?) and move this scale!

    Off to read the paper.

    Saturday Nov 3

    Morning Ducky and all to come,

    Shrimp curry sounds lovely!!!!!

    I'm with you on the more moderate mods .....

    Love & Hugs to everyone


      Saturday Nov 3

      Love your new avatar BB. You seem back to yourself today and that is great. I posted on another thread about the weight thing but the bottom line is that even though I qualify as a gym rat I don't lose weight because of the alcohol. I am getting tired of feeling like this...

      Sleepyheads where are you?


        Saturday Nov 3

        Yawn. I'm here. I'm working half day today or otherwise I would NOT be up this early! Your shrimp curry sounds great Ducky. I hear you on the gym rat thing-me too. I had hoped this low dose topa would help with that too, but nope. RATS!

        BB, glad you are sounding better. I was up late last night catching up and reading and saw your post. Thanks for sharing and being so open.

        I had an interesting experience last night. I have been using low dose topa for 3 weeks now, and have been very impressed with the results. 1-2 glasses over the course of an evening-pretty great. A couple of nights, I have had 3 glasses spread out over a 4 or more hour period. Ok-not my idea of moderation, but ok for occasional big evenings. I have been buying the little bottles of wine that come in a 4 pack. I find it easier to just have 1 0r 2 if the whole bottle isn't open and staring me down. Well, last night I had 4 glasses- 4 little bottles- OR 1 bottle I'm not sure why. I don't like the thought that it was so easy. But what is so weird to me is that with 3 I am perfectly fine. I wouldn't drive, but I sleep well, I wake up feeling well, I feel good. With 4, I slept horribly - with the same old awake in the middle of the night thing that plagues me when I drink, with the ever charming night sweats. I awoke with dry mouth, knew I had been snoring, my eyes are puffy, I gained **2** pounds overnight. YUCK. I sound lovely to be heading off to work, huh? I will have to do some serios damage control this morning before I walk out the door. :upset: So I guess I know- 3 is my cut off. Up to 3 I am ok, even 1 more and it's all down hill from there!

        Sorry to be so wordy this morning-just working it through in my head. Back to more moderate mods:H
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          Saturday Nov 3

          Amethyst, 3 is my limit as well. 2 or 3 and I am fine. 4 and I am shxt!


            Saturday Nov 3

            I had five last nite and feel the same, went out with friends someone ordered another round before I could catch the server it was to late now up to two. The we had to have another one and I of course went right along with it. Then got home had two more.
            I feel kind of tired and not good today cause that is just so many.



              Saturday Nov 3

              good evening

              Hey all, glad to see your posts, sorry some of you aren't feeling that well, I drank some beers last night, but don't feel all that bad today..........

              Went to an AF wedding that had beer and wine, my hubby drank and I drank diet coke in support of a friend who goes to AA (the bride!) I am drinking now though, have to to deal w/ hubby................

              Hope you all have a great night, I will tucker out soon, am exhausted from a long day and have another busy one tomorrow

              Love and hugs!!!:h :l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Saturday Nov 3

                Hey Ya'll!
                Must be something in the air! I stopped off after work for 1 and ended up having 2! Got to talking & a friend ordered another for the both of us...
                Of course, rather than say, "No thank you..." I graciously accepted...
                Don't wanna be "Rude Jude"...

                Oh well, at least my headache has finally left me alone. Yesterday was the first day in a while I've felt like being outside. It's just been too bright.
                Got out & paddled for a few hours before work, think I'll do it again today! Gotta squeez in every last day before the monsoons hit.

                Have a great day everybody!
                :l Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

