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August Friggin 1st already!

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    August Friggin 1st already!

    Hard to believe it's August already. Seems the summertime is never long enough around here. Sure enough, it's tourist season & that means "make HAY"...for the next few months...then it's back to "ghost town syndrom"and wondering how I'm gonna pay the bills...

    But for now, I'm going to enjoy every day as it comes...
    Worked my b*tt off today but still got out for a sunset paddle on the river & enjoyed a friendly game of "peek-a-boo" with a baby river otter (I'm pretty sure it's the same one I've seen quite a few times close to home here. Afraid maybe it's orphaned, they're not usually alone, but this little one has been the past 5 times I've seen em'.)
    It's so cute & curious, gets right out on the rocks close to the kayak...I've named em "Minky Dink" (I thought it was a mink... because of it's size & being alone... but I'm thinking now, after seeing it up close quite a few times it's a young otter)

    Anyway, I'm tired...long day @work, but a beautiful ending out paddling...
    watching the clouds change color with the mountains as a backdrop.... the river was like glass after the sun went down.

    Nothing like having a good music & a great puppy dog on the boat!:h

    :lHappy August Everybody!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    August Friggin 1st already!

    just wanted to say hello!

    wow st jude,

    Just read your post very up lifting sound really nice where you are the sunset the river and the baby otter wish i could be there with you to see that beautiful scenery.
    Want a wonderful and beautiful ending.
    just looking out side my window all i can see is clouds looks like rain and cars driving

    Take Care

    family is everything to me


      August Friggin 1st already!

      Thanks for the visual

      Beautiful post Jude:

      You sound good, though busy and still awake at 2:47 AM? Hope you sleep in today.

      I feel the summer zooming by too quickly too: my daughter is away at camp for a few weeks and I know when she returns mid-August we'll be into "school readiness mode" so I'm trying to make the most of these quieter weeks.

      Boston meet up w/ a few MWO folks today. . . we have beautiful weather and I'm looking forward to meeting MWO folks in the flesh. Will be thinking of all of you.

      Happy August to all.



        August Friggin 1st already!

        Ask, No it really was 11:47 here, I'm on the west coast.
        (That's early for me)
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          August Friggin 1st already!

          :lHey, Judie,

          Just wanted to say hi! Glad you're doing well.



            August Friggin 1st already!

            thank you Jude ...... at this part of the hemisphere (and with cold rain beating on my doors!) it turned my thoughts to summer!
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              August Friggin 1st already!

              Aunty Mame, love your quote!
              We get our share of rain here in the winter too! You can return the favor, come November!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

