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Old ( New) Modders

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    Old ( New) Modders

    Haven't done a daily thread down here in a long time ...
    Thought maybe we could try & revive it.

    I think a lot of modders are posting in the subscribers furum these days, but maybe we can still get some activity going down here in Modsville.

    Looking like a beautiful summer day here! Glad I'm not hung over like the olden daze...
    Actually haven't done that in quite a long time.:thanks: to MWO.

    I'm off to enjoy the day, pulling weeds first (get a few chores done first), then get on the river with my doggie, for a bit of paddling & surfing... Some things never change!

    Have a great day everybody!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    Old ( New) Modders

    Judie -

    I am not a modder yet but wanting to complete 30 Days AF first. (On Day 26). I'd be interested to hear how others are managing it on a daily basis so like your idea alot. I plan my first attempt at modding this weekend when I will be at a rendevous event.

    So thanks for starting this!

    Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


      Old ( New) Modders

      Hi Erin,
      :goodjob: on 26 days! That's great!

      I take topa (100mg daily) and L-glut every morning religously. I think keeping in close contact here @ MWO is a big help as well.

      A lot of water & a lot of exercise seems to be key for me too.

      Just keeping myself busy & out of mischief...(that in itself is a full time job!:H)

      Have fun @ the rendevous!

      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Old ( New) Modders

        Hi Judie Have not been posting on the modders spot for awhile as I did get lost in suscribers and also while I have cut back on the drinking it seems like this summer when I do drink about twice a week I moderate pretty good one time and then the other time that week I go overboard. So time to reevalute as I do not feel good the next day when I overdue it. If I can't moderate than why am I still drinking????



          Old ( New) Modders

          I just posted about this on the 30 dy. thread, as did alot of others too, so I hate typing, so ya'll go read it there, then I'll jump in here! Way to go IndiaMike2, doing 30 dys is awesome! Just remember, after 30 dys, your resistance to alcohol will be reduced, since you've abstained, so take it really slow, otherwise, it'll hit you hard, you'll loose that ability to think quick enough to not pour another, and might overindulge...and it hurts worse the next day after having been AF for awhile too! Judie and Sammy's, I've missed ya'll, I just joined as a subscriber after all this time, and I'm thinking the sub's posts come up with the others when you hit "new posts"??? Otherwise, I guess I don't know how to even get in there! LOL This site is a lifesaver for me, truly!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Old ( New) Modders

            Great idea starting a new thread for modders.

            I have done 3 months of successfull modding but I'm only doing my 30 days now - on day 26 (snap IndianMike LOL) and I feel great not having AL in my life. I always wanted to be a modder but now I'm re-evaluating.... I would still like to have a drink at a social event or special occassion.

            I too took Topa, went up to 200mg's a day and also take my suppliments religiously every day. I recieved my Kudzu at the beginning of the month and I've had no cravings at all this month so that's a good sign.

            Good advice TIT, considering I might, just might have a drink next month. This site has been great to me, there is so much support and understanding.

            Hope everyone has a great evening!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Old ( New) Modders

              I also continue to toy with moderating. The new schedule I'm trying only allows me to drink one day per week, then just 2-3 glasses of wine. When I tried drinking more than that, I found myself increasing. I don't use meds or supps.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Old ( New) Modders

                Hi all: Judie thanks for starting the mods threads. I think it is much needed on this site.

                Nice to see Sammy's, TIT, DeeBee. IndiaMike and Sunbeam here too! It's always great to hear modders check in.

                I've been modding for almost 8 months now, mostly with ease, a few bumps in the road. I have to say the earlier modding months were easier as I set up expectations for myself and kept them. Once I knew I could be successful, I've been tempted to "fool around a bit" and see what happens. No big blow outs, but not as easy as not thinking about it either. Perhaps this "testing" phase too shall pass. OMG, maybe I'm going through the adolescence of modding! LOL

                That would be funny, since we have a lot of adolescent hormones raging around my house!

                In July I decided to taper off Topa, and found after about 3 weeks that I wasn't able to drink slowly or easily limit to 1 or 2 drinks/night . . . so I'm back on Topa at 75 mg. (25 am and 50 PM). Feeling much more in control and very pleased that the "tinglies" did not return when I started retaking. Still have some trouble word-finding, but that could be age related too! (bleah)

                So that's my story and I'm stickin to it!!. I check in most days and will always post if there's a note here on MODS; I guess we're all too well adjusted to need daily check ins, huh? LOL

                Thanks everyone for the support you give every day!



                  Old ( New) Modders

                  Thanks everyone for passing along your experiences, advice and topa dosages. I am taking notes as I continue to determine what works for me.

                  No cravings to speak of at the moment but being ever diligent.

                  Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                    Old ( New) Modders

                    Hi guys!

                    I've been having Internet issues for almost 3 weeks now, so haven't been posting much. Have been able to read and stay caught up off and on.
                    After I gave in and did the 30 days, which turned into 60 I felt kinda lost. I still don't really like the term "moderator", and all the debate surround what is moderating. But I'm really not comfortable saying I never will drink again.
                    If things keep going in the direction they have been, this program has really worked for me. I went from drinking 8-10 beers most nights to, well, I just don't drink anymore. I had 2 beers and a glass of wine at a wedding 2 weekends ago. Had to test the waters so to speak. I've had plenty of opportunities to drink since, but I've simply chosen not to.
                    I quit smoking the same time I quit drinking. The key to me staying smoke free--is staying alcohol free. That I guess is my main motivation, and everything else good that comes from it is just "candy".

                    Hope this makes sense. :h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Old ( New) Modders

                      Hi modders
                      Thanks for starting this thread. I have been modding for July and August and sometimes dont know where to post in case I upset someon. Modding for me means that if I go out for a meal or social event or such I can have a drink if I feel like it. Sometimes I do sometimes I dont but it doesnt really bother me much either way. Although sometimes I do really look forward to going out and having that drink and then it is a big fat nothing - what a let down it is just not very nice tasting liquid. Like LVT as long as I dont smoke I dont have any desire to binge drink which was my downfall. I recently realised that I couldnt smoke now to save my life and that means that even if I wanted to drink to excess I couldnt - that was a bit of a shock! Strange how the mind (of an addict) works. Now all I have to do is stop eating cakes!
                      BH (no more)


                        Old ( New) Modders

                        Boozehag, we must be related!! My sister in law and brother in law were here and I put ashtrays outside for them. She left almost a whole ciggie in one. I quickly broke it and doused them with water so there would be no room for temptation!:H
                        Congrats on doing so well!!:h I have a couple of friends that started Chantix like in July, and they are still smoking, but I know one of them has cut down. I guess I kinda thought they should be quit by now! Hope they kick it too, filthy stupid stinky habit!!!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Old ( New) Modders

                          Hello Modders,
                          Thought I would drop in and say hi as I have only been able to mod so far, and wanted to learn more. Sometimes I think I should be bummed because I'm not AF yet, but I'm not. I'm damn proud to come as far as I have. I started my journey on 8-8-8 and I have went from 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of wine to 2-3 glasses of wine. I feel I'm going in the right direction. I am going to read more, but am wondering about the whole Mod vs AF. How do most feel about it? There must be mixed feelings.... I think as long as we stick together and support each other and do our best, that is what counts.
                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            Old ( New) Modders

                            Hi AKgirl
                            I dont have any particulary strong feelings about AF versus modding. Both are good and it is whatever suits the person and of course it depends on what their goals are. Some people's goal is to mod but go AF for a while to get them on a roll. Lots of people just cannot mod as it is all or nothing. I thought I would be in the latter category for sure but as I mentioned before my situation is slightly different in that it seems that my AL addiction was caused/heightened by my nicotene addiction so if I got rid of one I got rid of both. Just lucky I guess that both were so entwined and that would be the exception rather than the rule I would imagine. I totally support anyone going AF and anyone modding - I dont think you have to make a choice about "which one" you support it is all about kicking an addiction and getting control back whatever that is for the person.
                            BH (no more)


                              Old ( New) Modders

                              Hi BH,
                              Makes total sense when you put it that way. This site is so great for support. We are all unique in our journey but united in our goal. So great to be here.
                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

