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It is the 17th already!

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    It is the 17th already!

    OMG, E. I just spit out my water. That is quite the contrast from your other one. LOL!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      It is the 17th already!


      I've got as many personalities as I have hats! Don't be surprised if the "old E" comes back!



        It is the 17th already!

        Oh E - you just made me laugh so hard.
        That avator is so OPPOSITE of what I picture when you come to my mind that its hilarious...OK, I have to admit, I like it LOL!
        Over 4 months AF :h


          It is the 17th already!

          Hey E! I think the avatar might even cure a headache!:H
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            It is the 17th already!

            I think we should all create new avators. Just because. I am going to. Its amazing eh? We almost get to know one another by our avators. Like when I saw E's new one I was like, "WHO is that!?" LOL!
            Over 4 months AF :h


              It is the 17th already!

              Gosh I dont even know where to begin....
              Over 4 months AF :h


                It is the 17th already!

                Where did you find that picture of me?
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  It is the 17th already!

                  Ok, whaddya think?
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    It is the 17th already!

                    Sorry Fan Ivy already has that avatar taken. Try again!!! Not to mention I think those are women's feet....OMG, my avatar is cracking me up. Where are you Jen?
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      It is the 17th already!

                      Oh Lusch
                      LOL LOL!!!!!!
                      Dying over here....
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        It is the 17th already!

                        I am dying over here. That is PERFECT fan. Keep it. And Jen yours could not be better..........Cramping up right now!!!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          It is the 17th already!

                          I have to say I had to shut my door I am laughing out LOUD at work...commercial lawyers DO Not laugh at work! SNORT!
                          damn I want one that moves too!!! LOL!
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            It is the 17th already!

                            Now I had to shut the curtain thingys so no one could see into my office cause I am practically peeing myself. Oh Lord!!
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              It is the 17th already!

                              I just had to stand up because my stomach was cramping so hard I had to stretch it out. Get your cheerleader to move Jen. You can do it.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                It is the 17th already!

                                My nose is running now and I have tears running down my face, please Lord let no one come to my office...LOL!!!!!!!
                                Over 4 months AF :h

