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Monday December 4th

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    Monday December 4th

    Mary - I know what you mean about the late birthdays and everyone being too tired to do anything. Mine is a really early birthday - January 2nd - right after new years day - and people are usually still hung over on my birthday! Alas.... By the way, I am going to be 30 in January!
    Love Jen
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Monday December 4th

      The big 30 - Just a babe in the woods Jen!! Probably even worse on January 2nd. . . you right, NO ONE wants to party by then! I will be 52 . . . it's all OK, other than falling apart, birthdays and the numbers never got to me.

      Lushy, sorry to make you feel like you are going to hurll! OK - you and SM, decorating and baking competition huh? Will we have to call in Martha?

      Judie, worms are absolutely horribly germy unless they are the gummy bear variety so please don't overdue on those. Tea may be better for you. Sorry you are not feeling too hot.

      OK, I really do need to get back to work here!

      Love you guys, Mary


        Monday December 4th

        Jen, I thought you already were 30??!!!! AHHH!!! You make me feel so unaccomplished in life you lawyer you. January 2nd would not be a good birthday, no offense. I was lucky enough that I had to be induced with my daughter and they gave me a choice of a date so I picked New Years Eve and she told me last night she loves her birthday because of all the fireworks. We will have an nice party for you here.

        Judie, hope you feel better. Weren't you just sick??

        Mary, yes it looks like there is a competition going on with me and Soccermom. But she started it!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Monday December 4th

          hello everyone..just a fly by here to say hi! had a lovely weekend in the mountains with 2 grandsons and 2 dogs..hiked a bit, ate a lot! MKR, my daughter's birthday in Dec 28...she hates that! It's a little tough for me husband's birthday is tomorrow and her's is after Xmas...never quite enough money it seems to stretch it all out!

          not much to say except still AF..7 weeks, I think..not really counting now..I know Mondays make it another one..I did have a strong moment of desire when we were settling into the the fire, knowing we would be there all weekend with the kids...this big flash went across my mind 'wine bath'!!! :0) I think I even alarmed my husband by saying to him, " if we were still drinking, I'd sure like some wine about now"...he looked at me like I was crazy...kind of like he probably would have let me talk him into it..which startled me a bit too...I'll think twice before speaking next time...

          have a good day everyone!


            Monday December 4th

            Hey Tracy ...

            How about P=I2R


            128,000 watts ??? Just a thought.


              Monday December 4th

              :thumbs: :good: :thumbs:

              Congratulations Dilayne!
              :h :h :h :h


                Monday December 4th

                LOL...Imagine...thanks dear! That's a 'big' nice to come back and see that!!!
                Tawny and Tracy....can you say 'blinking'? I just watched the movie 'Proof'..with Gwenyth Paltrow...amazing...I can barely hold three digits in my brain at the same confession here!!! :0)


                  Monday December 4th

                  tawnyfrog wrote: Hey Tracy ...

                  How about P=I2R


                  128,000 watts ??? Just a thought.
                  You got the formula: 80(2)80 = 12,800 watts, but I believe that is correct. Thanks, Tawny!

                  And Lush, your concern for my scholarly well-being is truly touching.

                  Congrats Di!

                  Back to the books.
                  * * *




                    Monday December 4th

                    Heelloo everyone -

                    Doing OK today. Today was first day of new career (real estate). I sat in a meeting and had not a clue about what they were discussing. I felt like an idiot (and yet, I passed my licensing exam so evidently PA thinks I'm not an idiot...) I'm sure it will come in time. (It better!) Cause right now - I am scared that I made a huge mistake!

                    Judie ? still praying for that family. So scary. Feel better and enjoy those worms. Saut?ed or baked?

                    Paula ? Lovely poem. Thank you for sharing it.

                    Imagine ? Glad to hear you are doing OK on the Topa downsizing.

                    Jennah ? Ugh. Computer issues. Hate ?em. Glad you are OK and its just a ?technical issue.? Let?s hear it for January b-days ? woo hoo! I?m January too. And we both have milestones this year. Cool.

                    SM Mary ? Hope your week is busy with only good things! Decorating all done? Can you come here? Lush won?t?

                    Allie ? Thanks for the link to that site. I?m going to look into that! I know what you mean about b-days in January. I have one. My brother is grateful though bec/ he says he always finds the perfect gift on sale after Christmas! LOL!

                    Tracy ? HOLY CATS Girl, I don?t even understand the question! Its almost over?its almost over?.just keep saying that.

                    Senior Member Lush ? Your daughter?s b-day is New Year?s Eve? That must be a heck of a celebration. How old is she? Does she think all the to do is for her b-day? My friends daughter?s b-day is St. Patrick?s Day and she really thinks they have a parade just for her?its too cute!

                    Becca ? Hope things are improving on the homefront as well as with your Dad.

                    Precious ? Oh God! I feel for you!! Well?.at least the padre left after Act I. Hopefully people will just remember the good time they had. And it could always be worse right? Sounds like something you may look back and laugh about?in time.

                    Beth ? WOW. No emergency line? Are you OK?

                    Mary ? Do hope your back feels better soon.

                    Dilayne ? 7 Weeks ? that's awesome! Congratulations.

                    Tawny ? you are one smart frog! I didn't even get the question.

                    Fan, Waves, and anyone I missed and those who have yet to surface today, Happy Monday. Hugs to all!



                      Monday December 4th

                      Everybody!! I need to slow down this merry-go-round!! The word exhausted does not even begin to express how exhausted I feel. Yesterday, my son decided that he wanted to paint the dining room. He and I usually do little house projects together, and we both love to spend time together painting rooms (I know, we're a little strange). But we have a great time. We put on a little background music, and he talks my ear off about whatever is important to him at the time; he has such a sense of humor, he just keeps me laughing. Well, yesterday he wanted to paint the dining room, so we did. We had a great time, but boy am I sore today!! Also, at about 10:00 p.m. last night (after the grocery store is closed), he said "by the wayt, Mom, I need lunch for 20 tomorrow for Model UN because we're going to spend lunchtime planning). So, this morning I was making meat and vegetarian chili, caesar salad, garlic breat, cookies and drinks for 20. Meanwhile, he has his Georgetown interview tonight. So, after the lunch he asked if I would come back at 2:30 p.m. to help him prepare for tonight's interview (an hour round trip), and I had to go home because I had some conference calls. So, I'm home now. His father is taking him to the interview. I have about four more hours of work, but I am taking a few minutes to relax! I keep telling myself to county my blessings. I don't think there are many 18 year olds who offer to paint rooms or who trusts and communicates so freely with their parents. So, believe me I am very grateful -- I just wish the body could keep up!

                      I hope everyone is doing well. I have been trying to follow the threads, but it is hard for me to keep up. I am going to exercise tonight -- new music has been downloaded to my MP3 player.

                      Congratulations DiLayne - awesome.

                      Lush, we're going to have to get you a crown to reign as our superior one!

                      Fan, glad you are back!!! I was worried about you too! We all love you so much!!

                      St. Jude, I somehow missed the details, but it sounds like there is problem. If there is any way I can help, just PM me.

                      I love you all so much. Hope you have a wonderful evening.

                      Saving the day one minute at a time!


                        Monday December 4th

                        Hey everyone, just an update:
                        Dad's home and doing well!
                        I can never drink again. It's just time. I'm tired of the planning and screwing up and effort it takes to moderate then FAIL. I had done well for a long time, but have seen that without the topa, copious amounts of planning and self talk, and struggling every with that decision nearly every day "to drink or not drink"... it's just exhausting.
                        I may try some AA meetings and will be going to counselling.
                        Hope I won't get a lot of "I told you so's....", but I can't lie to myself any more about the severity of my problem.
                        I ruined both a date night with husband and our trim the tree party because I'd WAY overindulged. It's just ridiculous. Husband gave me an ultimatum again. Quit forever or we can't stay married. I love my family too much to keep torturing them with new plans and broken promises.
                        It's been a while coming, and my last several months here have been a stepping stone, I guess, to inevitable long term abstinence. Like forever.
                        Wish me luck. I'm moving to Absville.


                          Monday December 4th

                          Good luck, Becca. I congratulate you on your courage! Just the fact that you are in touch with yourself, what you want, what you need; these are all important factors, it's what really counts!! I'm proud of you for doing what is best for you.

                          Please do keep in touch with us about your progress. We really care!!! And when it comes down to it, I don't think anybody here should or would be an "I told you so". It is not our place. This is a place to support one another. This is a place to give each other "at-a-boys" when we do well, and "don't worry, you'll get back on track" when we slip and fall. It is a place to share experiences so that we can all battle this together. But it is not a place to criticize, judge, or make decisions for each other on our best course of action.

                          I am proud of you for reaching a place in your life where you feel that you know what directions you need to take to be where you want. But always remember, Becca, if you change your mind, we will still support you wherever life's decisions place you.

                          With greatest care,
                          Saving the day one minute at a time!


                            Monday December 4th

                            Becca, I wish you so much of all of the good stuff out there and I know you can do this. But I hope it does not mean you will never post in mods land again. We would miss you much too much. We are all on your side. :l :l

                            Tawny, how on earth did you know that answer? Very impressive!!!!! Tracy, I hope you understand I did not even understand one word of what the question was. I BARELY passed math in college.

                            Hawk, wishing you well in real estate. I looked into doing that as well.....keep us posted on how it goes.

                            MM, you have entirely too much on your plate. Take a rest.
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Monday December 4th

                              Becca, You know I love ya no matter what!:h Do keep in touch girl...:l

                              I hope your Hubby will be supportive of you being abs... completly. I know mine has given me ultimatums, only to turn around & drink in front of me...
                              That's not what I call support. Hope your Hubby "gets" that. We are wired differently.

                              You do what you have to, follow your heart & your gut! Easier said than done... I know. Know that you are loved, and wonderful... always!!

                              If anyone can do this ... you can. You're one of the strongest people I know.
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                                Monday December 4th

                                MM - good luck on son's interview. He will do awesome. Yes, time for you to rest a bit. I have had to learn to say no to some committees in the past couple years. It is a good thing!

                                Tawny, Tracy over the top girls!

                                Judie can you breathe better now? Oh and your nephew coming home, what wonderful news!! Amazing news!! Thank God!

                                Lushy, nice avatar. Looking rather royal to me!

                                Hawk, my hubby and I have been in real estate, mostly single family home rentals . . .now REC's for a few years. Totally weird market right now but that can turn around and depending on the city it may actually be good. I wish you the absolute best. Venture on and obviously you are not stupid, you passed the test!!

                                Becca, Your strength and wisdom is always inspiring. I know you won't be a stranger over here. Good for you taking the stand and going forward. Such great news on your dad!

                                Love you all, have a great evening,

                                PS: Waves, thanks for the PT advice, will try again this evening and if not I have an appointment tomorrow to get the sucker put back in place.

