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When did you decide and why?

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    When did you decide and why?

    Hi everyone,

    I have only been on hear for three days now but and amazed at everyone's sincerity, wisdome and support. It is an absolutel life saver.

    I am just interested to know what caused each of you to make the final decision. I know we have all been there.....trying to but back or not drink at all. I would wake up in the morning and decide that I would not drink that night and then find myself driving through the bottle shop and polishing off two bottles of wine.....sometimes alone, soemtimes with friends......but it was such a waste of time huh.

    So...if you would like to share, it would help me keep my resolve to make my life one that I find respectable again. I also want to remember the things from previous nights.

    Thanks again for everyone's support.

    Love Trish (Hugs to you all) :h
    Allow yourself to become all that you dreamed you could be..... and more. :banana:

    When did you decide and why?

    For me...

    I don't usually post on the monthly mods board, but I thought I would let you know the reasons why I decided to abstain all together. These are in no specific order...

    1. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired
    2. I am 34 and have a daughter who is 19 months - want to live to see her grow up
    3. My relationship was suffering terribly - we both are binge drinkers and end up scapping all of the time
    4. For my health and emotional well being - tired of feeling weak, irritable and angry all of the time
    5. I am tired of wasting all of my energy feeding this addiction, obsessing about the drink - drinking until I am drunk.
    6. I am tired of the shame and guilt
    7. I want to have friends again
    8. I am tired of blacking out all of the time and hearing feedback of my behaviour
    9. I would like to see the money go towards stuff I can actually enjoy
    10. I spend too much money on perfume, aspirin, and gum!
    11. Want to have a career I enjoy, not a job where I go to with a hangover and pray for the day to end so I can drink.
    12. I am scared to death that I am going to die!!!!

    There are many, many more reasons I am sure. But these are the ones in the forefront of my brain. Life is meant to be lived. I want to live it. If you can moderate, that is awesome! I for one cannot. I hope some of this inspires you possibly.:l


      When did you decide and why?

      Metamorphis, welcome! I came here in October of last year. I just felt that the alcohol was controlling me and I wanted to be in control. I didn't want to stop drinking all together, I just wanted to be in control. I can't go to a public forum, so I was searching for answers on the net when I found this place. It has been awesome. I have made major progress since coming here and feel confident that I will continue to set and reach better and better goals.

      Good luck,
      Saving the day one minute at a time!


        When did you decide and why?

        I made my descion to try and moderate last week. I of course knew I had a drinking problem long before that though. I am just so tired of drinking every night. I kept thinking about my daughter and how I didnt want her to grow up with the drunk mother. I dont want to embarras her. I dont want to feel like crap every morning. I dont wasnt to fight with hubby anymore. I want to do better things with my life.
        I want to be proud of myself.
        I have only been here for 8 days. Four days I drank (I tried to moderate the amount) and four days I didnt.
        My hubby is very supportive and says Rome wasn't built in a day.

