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A commitment to moderate

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    A commitment to moderate


    Long time reader, first time poster

    After reading the forums for the past week, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm 31, happily married and a former binge drinker/alcohol abuser. I was never a standard alcoholic, more of a black out a couple times a year drinking. Unfortunately my blackouts where pretty bad and always the result of poor planning, not caring or no desire to be conscious about my drinking for that night. I would only drinking a couple times a week, 90% of the time I would moderate successfully but the 10% was enough to make me realize I had a problem. I tried moderation before but looking back i was never truly committed. I bent the rules and would decide on the spot if I was sticking to it or not. Obviously, that never works.

    I've spent the last 8 months abstaining from drinking period. abstinence has never been difficult for me however the desire for a real world and long term solution of responsible social drinking is my goal. I'm lucky to have found this site and have read many of your stories.

    I'll be posting some updates here frequently with my experiences moderating and drinking responsibly.

    Thanks for listening!

    A commitment to moderate

    Welcome Milo,

    I was never a lurker (someone who reads a lot of posts before writing anything) so I am sure you know who many of us are quite well then. We're glad you finally decided to post. You probably have seen the 30 day AF thread and the reason we think people should abstain for awhile, although in your case of not being a daily drinker that may not be as necessary for you. You sound more like me, I was never daily, but when the shut off valve didn't work (and I never knew when it would and when it wouldn't) disaster could hit. For me, the big help has been who I associate with. So, if my husband had a drinking problem, I would have to abstain. Choices of friends for me have changed as well as some events that I don't allow (like girl's night out when it's in a bar drinking).

    Anyway, lots to share but it's late. Just wanted to be the first to give you a warm welcome as I remember 5 years ago when I finally bravely posted my first post and was so happy when people started to respond. We truly are glad you are here and you'll soon hear from many more supportive people.

    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      A commitment to moderate

      Eve11;1412782 wrote: Welcome Milo,

      I was never a lurker (someone who reads a lot of posts before writing anything) so I am sure you know who many of us are quite well then. We're glad you finally decided to post. You probably have seen the 30 day AF thread and the reason we think people should abstain for awhile, although in your case of not being a daily drinker that may not be as necessary for you. You sound more like me, I was never daily, but when the shut off valve didn't work (and I never knew when it would and when it wouldn't) disaster could hit. For me, the big help has been who I associate with. So, if my husband had a drinking problem, I would have to abstain. Choices of friends for me have changed as well as some events that I don't allow (like girl's night out when it's in a bar drinking).

      Anyway, lots to share but it's late. Just wanted to be the first to give you a warm welcome as I remember 5 years ago when I finally bravely posted my first post and was so happy when people started to respond. We truly are glad you are here and you'll soon hear from many more supportive people.

      Thanks for the support I'm looking forward to talking to all of you and learning from your experiences. In regards to abstaining, it's been about 8 months or so since I had a drink, so I really think I've given my body and mind time to reset a bit and look forward to moderating as successfully as I was abstaining.

      thanks again, great to meet you!


        A commitment to moderate

        Hey Milo,
        New day, new post. Wanted to tell you that a lot of our long term moderators hang over on the long term moderation thread. We have a monthly thread going with the name of the month in it, think this one just says November Mod Squad. Introduce yourself over there and you'll get a much quicker response from folks. For the longest time none of us were posting much over in this monthly mod area and a lot of people still aren't used to jumping over here. Post over there for more support.

        Here's the link for the Nov. long term mod thread:
        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          A commitment to moderate

          Hey Milo, just wanted to give you a :welcome: from me. Our stories are quite different but I guess ultimately we're all here for the same reason. Just wanted to say hello and that you've found a great place with amazing support, wisdom and advice. Look forward to getting to know you. :l
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            A commitment to moderate

            Welcome Milo. It seems that you are already successful in the battle over AL, in that you are happily abstaining. May I ask, after 8 months sober, why you decided to try moderation? I would assume after that much time that you've been in many situations that you could have chosen to drink, socially. I am only curious and would like to hear more about you. I hope that you continue to post often, and share experiences with us.

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath

