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Why am I a thread killer?

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    Why am I a thread killer?

    Aaaah Satori ... (sigh)

    You make my heart sing.


      Why am I a thread killer?

      Since this thread is becoming a tad too highbrow for some of us dumb folks, myself not included, I think now is a good time to finally end it. Thank you.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Why am I a thread killer?

        tawnyfrog;200144 wrote: Aaaah Satori ... (sigh)

        You make my heart sing.
        We aim to please!

        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Why am I a thread killer?

          lushy;200148 wrote: Since this thread is becoming a tad too highbrow for some of us dumb folks, myself not included, I think now is a good time to finally end it. Thank you.
          OK Lushy - consider it ended!

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Why am I a thread killer?

            Not so fast...............

            The mark of an educated mind is one that can entertain a thought without having to accept it and I have entertained the thought of Satori ending this thread and didn't accept it.


              Why am I a thread killer?

              Ditto lol


                Why am I a thread killer?

                what can I say but, Peter piper picked a .....................
                crikey satori, good work!
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                  Why am I a thread killer?

                  Bluebell;200225 wrote: I have entertained the thought of Satori ending this thread and didn't accept it.
                  But did you question it?


                    Why am I a thread killer?

                    Oh bugger! I forgot.


                      Why am I a thread killer?

                      Actually Tawny, on taking my leave from this computer and going into the kitchen to peel some carrots, I actually, inwardly, questioned your reasons for questioning whether I questioned Satori's actions.


                        Why am I a thread killer?

                        Carrots! - Quelle horeur!!!!!

                        Let's question how the quintessential Scot can qualify and/or quantify quips quinvolving the Q words .... Quck ... I'm really stretching the boundaries here ...


                          Why am I a thread killer?

                          Questioning the qualifications of the quintessential Scot in the quest for Q-based quips?

                          No quandary for the Quixotic Q-master (whose quicksilver-like querying mind is qualified in questions of quarks quasars and quantum physics!)

                          He has no qualms, and gives no quarter in his quest to qualify as quintessential Q-question quasher!
                          Queensbury rules will be quashed in order to quell - nay - quench the querulous questioning by the quarrelsome quisling (and questionalbly queer?) Quorn and quiche munching Quasi-Queen of Queensland.

                          Quills quickly quiver (a quintessentially quaint quirk!), and a quire of quality, quotable qualifying quiips quickly and quietly quit the quill of the quixotic Scot.

                          Any questioner is quickly left quaking and quailing queasily in a quicksand-like quagmire for their querulous quibbling1

                          Quitter - moi?????


                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            Why am I a thread killer?


                            ****** :bow ******

                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Why am I a thread killer?

                              :award: :award: :award: quikey,
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                                Why am I a thread killer?

                                Don't you love it when a bloke talks dirty?????

                                Now it's getting serious. This is not a simple quotidian quodlibet.

                                You're on, Satori. Quinte!!!!

