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Monday, May 7

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    Monday, May 7

    Good morning all - I don't start work today till 3 pm so I slept in and just caught up on the weekend posts - although I only work about 30 hours a week it's been six days a week lately and with trying to do outside work as well it's been kind of tiring. I do love working outside and hubby and I have been walking and that's a very good thing. We didn't get to our sunset at the beach yet but we will. He's busy building a new shed in the backyard. I'm off to find a book on inexpensive and creative ways to build and garden in the backyard. We had to reestablish our (mostly mine) moderation goals this weekend but we're back on track. I was reminded by hubby this last weekend that it wasn't quite a year ago that I almost died from liver failure but I think he was reminding himself as well. Pretty good incentive! Can't stress enough what a great support system this is - thank you all. I'm off to walk - sending strength out there and of course hugs.

    Monday, May 7

    Good morning OP!
    We have raised beds here besides the acres of "other" gardens.
    I love to work in them.
    We have "drip" irrigation and a shade cover over them if they need it.
    I grow lettuce mostly under the shade as it gets quite hot here and the lettuce wilts.
    Hummmm .. a good garden book!
    There are a ton of them. I have The Victory Garden by Wilson Thomson Wirth and it is a good basic book.
    It's a sunny cool day in Alabama... I have all my windows open and am cleaning and getting ready for a "cookout" on Saturday to see our son off next week. (
    No alcohol .......
    Love you all. Have a great week.
    :l Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Monday, May 7


      Southerbelle, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is going to be a tough week for you preparing for your son to leave.

      Optimist you sound so productive. Wishing you the best on your mods goals.

      I hope everyone else had a great weekend.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Monday, May 7

        Monday Morning you sure look fine!

        Running back through this weekend's posts. Congrats to those who are waking up sans hangovers! It is a great place to be!!

        Lushy, sorry about May and your parents. That has to be incredibly difficult. Proud of your efforts to moderate through that pain.

        Waves, glad to see you post if only for a quick one. I am sorry this past month has been so tough. May will be better?

        Dilayne, good for you. Stick with the topa to get past this and I think you will do great. You are incredibly close to your husband. I felt I had to do this quietly and entirely on my own as mine just didn't get it at all. What I find quite funny, is he has come to his own moderation because of weight issues. It is quite fun to watch him, and he tells me constantly, no beers today, or one beer so far on the weekend. If I had brought up any of my AF, moderation plans with him a year ago, he was such a saboteur, it would have been more difficult on me, so I stayed quiet. NOW, I see it was because I was changing and this was scary to him. It is great that you are able to do this together!! The wiring that is hysterical!!

        Judie, we are so glad you are back and posting. The weather sounds great! Ours was so windy this weekend, just fill your mouth and eyes with sand.

        Beaches, sweet little babies. Wow, you have really been through it huh?

        PP, Breathe deep, you can make it through this week. I remember schedules like that with the kids. It goes by in a flash so I hope you enjoy it even if it feels like you are on a treadmill!

        Sammys, Spanglish, there is a lot of that here in NM. I have had to work on bilingual pieces and always had to have additional people come proof read the finals! the one that had me really laughing was I had to come up with all the English and Spanish "words not fit" to use in a bilingual children's chat room. Since a doctor had written the text in the Spanish form for the brochures, I could not ask her to do the Spanish "slang" Asked my son who was Spanish honors to write all the bad words that could not be said in the chat room for the text behind the chat room. I was like, please do NOT tell grandma what I had you do at work today!!!

        Janie, great job!

        Chrysa, hysterical avatar!

        Pixie glad you are back.

        Lucky you and BB change avatars daily? This is a cute one! I did get quite a kick out of the cat wearing the duck hat though!

        Optimist, you are doing really well. Great attitude!! Thanks for sharing!

        Nancy, prayers for your son and your family. You are all so brave!

        I know I have missed some, think about you all so very much though even when I am working. All mom's go to general discussion I just posted a special message for Mom's.

        Have a great week, mine is going to be a bit crazy if it all comes through. If not, really doable!

        Hugs and Love to all,


          Monday, May 7

          I am really starting to appreciate that slow and steady wins the race. I have an incredibly busy schedule this week well, really for the next several weeks. I am only dealing with today and what is right in front of me. I am very organized and know what I need to do. I keep forbiding myself to stress about tomorrow or the next day just stay focused on the here and now. I know my triggers and know I will be facing many of them, including the fact that hubby will be fishing in the Bahamas while I am left to deal with so much. I will not attempt to moderate during this time. I would be setting myself upo for a possible failure.

          Have a great day all!!!
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Monday, May 7

            Hi everyone, Precious I think slow and steady is a great way to take the week on. I think I will apply it to my day tomorrow. MKr, Lushy and Southern Belle just happy to read your posts. Optomist thanks for starting today off.



              Monday, May 7

              Hi Everyone,

              Optimist, you ARE doing really well. Keep going!

              Nancy, I so hope that your son is able to stay safe. I can hardly imagine the magnitude of worry that having a deployed child could bring.

              Lushy, hang in there. Just hang in there.

              Precious, your approach is wise!

              Mary, how do you remember everyone? You are so thoughtful.

              I'm feeling slightly less depressed today. I really need exercise to keep my wits about me. My precocious nine-year-old is putting me through hell. UGH! I can't even write about it at the moment. At least I've been able to moderate this week!

              My best to everyone yet to post.

              :heart: E


                Monday, May 7

                Hi E, we were posting at the same time. I am going for a walk myself right now excercise will help. Glad your feeling a little better, that is great.



                  Monday, May 7

                  Hi everyone

                  Late post for me, busy day. No alcohol today, so that was good. I think I will try to keep that going until Friday - I need to slow down a little.

                  E, thanks for the reminder on exercising. PP, I hope you have a vacation planned after all this slows down - sounds like you deserve one. SouthernBelle, I'm thinking of you and your family.

                  To everyone else, cheers!

                  AF since 6JUN2012

