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Tuesday, May 8

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    Tuesday, May 8

    ...and... MY DAUGHTER PASSED THE BAR!!!!!!!!!

    Dear friends,
    I am finding it a nice time for myself to just relax & come on here & say hello to friends that I actually "really" can talk to.

    E...I feel for your illnesses & emotional discomfort Dear, but not worrying about being a size 6. Sorry...can't relate.... I used to be a 2, then a 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 & now 14 petite!!! I don't like it but...we are not our bodies afterall, are we am sure you made the right decision about your job...I hope your tummy feels better..I couldn't take the topa either always think about others first...sign of a true leader to go phenomenal a rock

    PP..lordie...what does this man do? you do not need to "be" anything for him...he is fine!!

    lucky..where are you...I hope you read my good news below...

    belle..I prayed for your son on Sunday & will do so every week. I also put him on our prayer list...I believe in prayer...

    Speaking of which ...MY DAUGHTER PASSED THE BAR!!!! This is huge. Been crying all day. She failed the first time... out of pure fear! Yes fear-- is crippling. I have had some beautiful firends praying & I have been praying like mad. First time around we all just assumed she would pass due to her grades, etc.

    For all who don't know, my daughter was a heroin addict in high school. With the grace and love of God there is always hope & healing. I love telling the story -- one of success & hope for others.

    Oh...yes..of course anytime we go through these severe challenges the ol' Mom worries about the daughter's depression & is always always serious with me! . That is why my husband & I are emotionally overwhelmed at the moment. And praising God /Holiest Spirit/Allah/Yahweh/The One ....whatever you like!!...and of course all the support that we have had off & on ...It truly does takes a village!! daughter is my soul sister for sure...

    Where was I...right I was thinking today...we really need to get rid of the social stigmas, etc & start using new words. I mean I don't like alcoholic, addict, only because they have been used & misused for so many yrs.

    What about NCD...Neuro - Chemical - Disorder...I mean the drug companies would love it... and there could be hundreds of varieties all of the the Disorders....Does 'NCD" already exist?

    Peace be unto you!!!!
    ~ C


      Tuesday, May 8

      :yougo: FANTASTIC news chrysa!!!!! Now just don't overdo the celebration!!!


        Tuesday, May 8

        Chrysa...wonderful news for your daughter and all of you! WOW!


          Tuesday, May 8

          OK luck..have to go to work tommorrow that is good! I am OK. So is she. Thk goodness she does not like the drink.


            Tuesday, May 8

            This is wonderful news and what a blessing to hear her story!

            Thank you for your prayers for my son.
            "God does not give the spirit of fear...
            but of power
            of love
            and of a sound mind"!

            :l Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

