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Monday June 18

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    Monday June 18

    Hi Wimpey, I wonndered if you were still about, nice to see you back .....

    Thanks ever so much for you kind words, My family are getting there with understanding, I have another friend who I am trying to get back in my life who hubby didn't approve of, but after this weekend I am winning, he WILL be back ........

    Love & Hugs Wimpey & everyone else ..

    BB xx

    PS W, how selfish am I ......... How are you doing???


      Monday June 18

      Betty, my hat is still off to you. You stuck around and expressed your true emotion. :goodjob:

      I'm afraid if it had been me... getting my feelings hurt, & feeling forgotten like that... my first reaction would be to hit the bottle as hard as I could. NOT that that would solve anything. I just know how I operate when my feelings are raw & my buttons get pushed.
      I think you're amazing!:h

      Hi Starlight!
      Good to see ya Wimpey!:welcome:
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Monday June 18

        Hi Betty,

        It seems that you have lots of things that you and your family have to deal with, how do you all feel about the pressures of every day life? how much of your every day life does the daemon drink consume?



          Monday June 18

          Judie, thanks for that, I had volunteered to drive so that I didn't drink .... glad that you understand the being forgotten bit, it really did hurt .......

          W, for 6 months of last year, the drink took over almost every minute of every day, not always drinking, but always thinking about drinking ......

          Now when i'm stressed I make a point of not drinking because it would give my family something to moan about.

          I still enjoy a drink but never alone ......... works for me ........

          How are you doing????

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            Monday June 18


            Ive been really good over he last 6 months but work is very bad for me at the moment, Im trying to cope with alot of stress and I must admit ive been very tempted to do a bender, havn't circumbed yet but I can feel it getting harder and harder to fight off the feeling!!



              Monday June 18

              W, Don't do it ......... Its not worth it ........... I promise ............

              Keep fighting it .......

              Change your job...........

              Post here more, we will always support you, even if its not drink related as you've already found ...

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                Monday June 18

                Hello all,

                Lushy I am still jealous I couldn't go see the Indigo Girls with you. I love them! They don't really make it to my small little town.

                Chrysa my daugther is having her adenoids (sp?) and tonsils removed. I am hoping she will start feeling much better!

                Betty I agree I think you did a great job and held up very well at the wedding, what a story.

                Cassy, that is very weird that your boss asked if you drink. Is it legal to do that?

                MKR you deserve the vacation and down time. Good luck with that.

                Welcome Starlight, glad you joined and you have such a great plan.

                Wimpey do not give in to the bender, it's not worth it, however I think you know that, right?

                PP you are kicking butt with the exercise, you go girl. Maybe if I were going to the Bahamas I would get motivated too...maybe, maybe...somethings gotta work..maybe I will pretend

                Ducky you are doing great too with the gym

                Judie you are always out in nature exercising, I love hearing your stories about being outside and in the water.

                To everyone else, have a wonderful day, night, and morning!!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

