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    Is drinking in moderation possible? I've always been one if there is a six pack in the fridge. I'll drink six not two. I don't drink everyday. Last year I decided to get and shape and train for a triathlon. I didn't drink for a couple of months. By the end of the season I hd done three triathlons and lost about 40 lbs. After the last race we had a party and the beer was flowing. So through the holiday season it seems I've been enjoying the winter brews.
    Last night I just had two beers.


    :welcome: Tanner. As to your question of moderating, I think only you can answer that.
    I personally know that moderation is not an option. If I have 1 beer, I want 12 or more. It becomes a serious obsession after just 1. I would only drink in the evenings. And not everyday. But once I started, look out. I think that is the situation with a lot of folks here.

    my 2 cents for what it is worth.




      Hi Tanner- I f you can do it-great! Like Com said-only you can find that out for yourself-everyone is different. I can't-I might start out thinking I can-and before you know it, it's become an every night ritual-that just becomes worse as you keep doing it. Your body gets used to the amount of alcohol -so 2 beers doesn't provide the buzz it used to and then becomes 4-and so on.
      luv, Fluff
      It's always YOUR choice!



        Hi Tanner,
        I believe that learning to drink moderately may be an option, more likely if you have not been a daily heavy drinker. Controlling how much you drink takes conscious effort, kinda takes some of the fun out of drinking. You could use Drink Tracker on this site, or keep your own record of how much you drink. The meds discussed in the MWO program reduce the urge to drink for some people, but you probably would have to take them the rest of your life. There are posts under the Long Term Moderation section of this site which describe the experiences of many individuals. I personally just keep cutting back to reduce the number of days to decide to have a drink or not. It continues to be somewhat of a struggle for me. My first limit was 3x/week, then once weekly, then less than that, now just special occasions (hardly ever on a weekday and not most weekends). Most of us keep coming up with rules we try to follow. The good news is that I have gone nowhere near how much I was drinking before I came to this site. I was not a daily drinker, but drank too much at times especially Sunday afternoons.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.




          I can moderate -- I can get in trouble when I am home by myself ... my sister and I have insituted a "voucher system" if we go out... we live in different cities so when we got together we were crazy women!!!! We now allow 4 drinks over the course of the evening -- no carrying vouchers over to the next day or bartering with vouchers (lol)

          Simply put, institute a system that works for you -- similar to a diet or money management. If it weren't for "forced savings" via my
          401K I would be broke b/c I LOVE to spend money...
          Good luck!!!



            Yeah. I don't see moderation working. Way too easy when the family is not around. Less than before........

