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Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

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    Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

    I didn't really know where to post this so I thought this thread might do. :new:

    To start off I am going to list 10 reason why I wanna quit drinking, and 10 reasons that I plan on doing to make sure I can stay sober. ( I encourage everyone to do the same! )

    1. I have wasted 1000's of dollars on drinking and partying.
    2. I started using drugs because of drinking.
    3. I lost somone I loved very dearly because of my drinking.
    4. I hate who I have become once I start drinking
    5. The way people think of me when I drink is affecting my friendships with friends and family
    6. I feel that I can no longer accomplish anything (this might just be my attitude)
    7. I starve for attention and cause people great pain in trying to get them to show me attention.
    8. I am concerned that once I start my career that I will not be able to keep a job, or that if I continue to drink there is no point in actually making more money as I will just have more money to party with and cause my self greater harm
    9. I've lost my license due to drinking and now have to wait a year before I can find employment in my field.
    10. I've wasted the last 5 years of my life, I do not want to waste the next 5.

    10 things I plan on doing to stay sober.

    1. Take my self out of situations where AL might become a issue
    2. Strive to loose enough weight to bring me down to 180lbs, and rebuild muscle after.
    3. Save all the money that I would waste on AL and partying.
    4. Become a active member on MWO
    5. Careless about what people think about me regaurdless if I drink or not.
    6. Set long term and short term goals.
    7. Quit being stubborn and dwelling on my mistakes.
    8. Help anyone I can with anything I can
    9. become optimistic vs pessimistic
    10. strive to continue learning

    I don't know if this really counts as "my plan" but this is the best I could come up with. Although I have tried things like this in the past I give up very easy. I hope putting this out in the public will help me stay on track.

    I'll try to keep this posted and hope that others will put up there 10 things also.

    Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

    Hi Busted. I'm really liking your honest assessment of your circumstances, and your plan for how you can make these great changes. Keep that plan in writing and in front of you. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Don't let AL take any more of your life away from you.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

      busted, i love your reasons and plan. could be written for me... and lots of others i think. great attitude. keep it up
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

        Good Plan!
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

          Busted Chalk,

          I liked your post and can relate to it in every way! Good job! Welcome to MWO. It's taken me a while to clear my head because of my drinking but finally, I have come around. Your plan is inspirational. I put this post under Monthly Abstinence but thought it might work as well here. I count you in the people I am thanking today.


          I am here to thank you, KatieB, Spam, DoggyGirl, Nora, MamaBear, ODAT, Anotherday, IAD, Hippie, Gold, Mario, Overit2007, Eight Days a Week, Happy Chick, Mollyka, Spuddleduck, Bellinator and Stirly for the support you all continue to give me...through your intelligent and inspirational insights, your experiences, your tools, I am thankful and extremely grateful. For those of you at MWO, please forgive me if I've left you off this wasn't intentional ;-(

          Doggy....loved your post this morning! Mama Bear, you goofball, Doggy is not a drug dealer, she must be an award winning saleswoman for Mary Kay ;-)...they used to give those ladies pink Cadillacs but now they've moved up to Escalades...hahahaha!!! Good Job, Doggy Girl! MamaBear, I love your Avatar! You always make me laugh. I have a question for you....are those strawberries on your hat?! TEE HEE! I love it!!!

          I am in SUCH a good mood this morning! The reason is, I was feeling so down about myself and all the hurt and pain I caused my family and friends by the stupid and DANGEROUS things I have done whilst, I wrote a letter to everyone I could think of whom I might have hurt and apologized, asked their forgiveness and gave them my sobriety plan. I cried while doing it but it was so cathartic. This was about 4 months ago. Well, you wouldn't believe what happened? It is the Easter holiday coming up, and I got home last night from traveling for work all last week and this week to find my mailbox stuffed with letters back, from people saying that they could tell a positive change in me and have noticed it for many months, and how proud they were. They all told me they loved me and forgave me, and man, I just bawled and bawled and bawled!!!!

          Doggy, you have said in the early stages of sobriety, a person is in Deprivation Mode because they HAVE to give up alcohol like they were being punished, well I am here to tell you that I am fully in GRATITUDE Mode! Now when I cry, it's because I'm overjoyed and not depressed because of all the alcohol.

          Everyone here at MWO, you must know that the positive change in me is because of this website and the people I've "met" and I can't thank you enough.

          Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!

          With heartfelt thanks, and now bawling again,



            Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

            Hi BustedChalk,

            One of the greatest things about MWO is that people have included such inspirational and bright quotes in their posts. I found a great quote that is on the website for a treatment center called Renascent in Canada.

            We drank to feel heavenly,
            And knew hell,
            We drank to forget,
            and were haunted.
            We drank for freedom
            and became slaves.
            We drank for power
            and were powerless.
            We drank to erase problems
            and saw them multiply.
            We drank to cope with life
            and invited death, or worse.

            Dick H.
            Alcoholism, Alcohol abuse & drug addiction treatment - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Renascent

            I have this taped to my refrigerator.



              Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

              exactly how I feel

              Now I really know I'm not alone, I am exactly the same way. always wanting attention and worry about what people think of me. I think the points you made are very valid. I will keep these in mind and hopefully they will keep me on track too.


                Why I want to quit, and what I plan to do about it.

                Hi Busted Chalk,
                I think writing down 10 pros and cons would be very helpful for me to remain focused.
                Part of remaining sober is having the capacity to remember the negatives of drinking clearly.

                Sober since 30/06/10

