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here we go

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    here we go

    Hi - I am a 27 year old male highly functioning alcoholic.

    I have tried so much so "control" my drinking but i think the only way out for me is to stop. I am Irish and i usually drink a bottle of wine a night with my wife, and usually more at the weekends once afternoons out in the sun are taken into consideration.

    I have had 5 blackouts in the last couple of years and came extremely close to losing my then girlfriend (now wife) , and am slowly loosing my focus when it comes to my reading and doing other things - usually we sit at home and watch TV and drink. I used to read a lot and play music, now I don't.

    THis makes us sound unhappy, we aren't but I don't want to lose what used to make me "me". I don't want to feel befuddled in the mornings any more, i don't want to feel the need to drink to "relax". I just want to be me - and an alcohol free me.

    I hope this forum will help

    here we go

    Hello and Welcome Holymoleymeohmy, I can relate to where you are coming from having the same wine drinking habits and in a great relationship that has become a little boring routine of sitting in front of the television finishing off the bottle of wine instead of getting out there doing things. We live in the country and that was my excuse for staying home drinking. Recently I joined a Zumba class reasonably close to home and it's two nights a week. I am using those two nights to curb my drinking but I wish more and more that I could just stop the insanity of needing that glass of red with every evening meal. Society seems to push it too. Are you planning on going cold turkey?

    By the way you really have come to a wonderful, supportive place as I am sure you have noticed by reading different threads. These people are here to help and are not judgemental at all for the most part.

    Good luck and keep posting. I may just join you in your journey since we are both in the same place. Tell me your plan.


    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      here we go



      Please read the threads and get yourself acquainted with the people here. We are all in the same boat and paddling like heck to get away from this place we are in.

      Here is a great thread to start reading:

      There is also the newbie's nest and the daily AF thread. Find a place that is comfortable for you. You will be welcomed in any of them. Trust me. A wonderful, caring group of drinkers, we are.

      AF April 9, 2016


        here we go

        Welcome along Holey.
        I can relate to a lot of what you are going through.
        I too am Irish and at finally at 38 yrs of age had to admit that I was becoming more and more addicted to alcohol.
        It is very much in my genes.
        I am now over 100 days af and have never felt better.
        This can be you too if you put the work. Its quite hard at tie but it gets easier and you will feel so much better in every way very quickly.
        As the old cliche says , take it one day at a time.
        Try log on each day if you can and just read , post if you wish , and explore the site .
        I promise you , your life will improve so much if you jump on board and start going AF.

        All the very best.

        Damo in Dublin
        Still trying !!!
        AF 25th June2014


          here we go

          "tie" shoud be first :-)
          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            here we go

            :welcome: Holey
            I'm glad you found us, this place is a Godsend and it's wonderful to be able to be open and honest about our drinking. In my 20's I too drank a bottle of wine a night, more on the weekends. I never though this was a problem and got used to how I felt the next day. Fast forward to to my 40's and I was drinking 2 bottles a night. I really hope you quit now and buy yourself the wonderful future which is waiting for you!
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              here we go

              Hello Holey,

              As they said, you couldn't have found a better web address. Many people here can/will relate to your situation. Glad you found it here and hope you get a lot of good takeaways. I only found his site 14 days ago. I since have been AF for 14 days. Didn't really think it wold happen. Welcome!

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                here we go

                thank you all for the welcome - i think this forum is becoming my new addiction :P.

                I have been reading this forum for days now, and am feeling inspired. I am +2 days - yesterday was good - out with friends and just drank tonic water with lemon for the evening. far so good...the test will be at the pub watching the Barcelona v Real match (i live in Madrid).
                Tomorrow I am not even thinking about.


                  here we go

                  Welcome Holey:welcome:

                  Lots of huge wisdom in here and the toolbox is great. At 27 you are making the wisest choice of all for a great future ahead AF. Day by day some up' s and some down's along the way and good luck. The support in here is great and
                  especially useful on difficult days. I have learned that cravings pass. I too was a one bottle of wine a day and I used it to relax from a very stressful job Hated the heavy mornings and more and now I am embracing life in a new way.

                  By the way damo congrats on 100 days. A fantastic achievement.


                    here we go

                    Holy, I am the same as yourself, Irish but living in Ireland, and the relaxing drink in the evenings was my god send. However some evenings I don't because when I do have a few I don't have a stop button. I want to control this, I want to know how to stay ENOUGH. I am trying a month AF, and hopefully I will continue to add a month, if I could take a glass of wine and leave it at that I would be very happy, but you know the Irish nights out, when it is round for round, and it can end up in the very early hours of the next morning, and hair of the dog etc. I understand you wanting to just quit it altogether, and well done for going out and just drinking tonic water, I will try that one.


                      here we go

                      Good for you just drinking tonic! As you can see I have been on this board for years, on and off, never posted much but I do read alot of other posts! I am now 52 and in the same boat... from Scotland so we already have the *issue*! It's in my genes and I want to get it out of them! I have a night off ocassionally, but most nights i drink 5 or more glasses of wine and it's ridiculous.. I can't loose weight and I was always skinny until I turned 40! Lately I don't feel good much, my hubby is getting annoyed with me, and I just feel miserable. I HAVE to stop, so I can get my life back.. I also have High Blood Pressure which I am sure if from the weight gain and/or wine. Also verging on Diabetic, so why can I not realise that i am slowly killing myself? I have a good life, just had some financial issues over the last year but it's getting a whole lot better.

                      Do it now Holy, or you, like me will struggle for years! I am going to really try and do this, this time!


                        here we go

                        Hi holey Titania & teapot welcome to mwo, keep reading & posting, share your thoughts and feelings here , you are not alone as we all can relate to what your going through and believe that this can be beaten, We can all do this together one day or hour at a time.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

