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My New - TRUE - Normal

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    My New - TRUE - Normal

    It was a year ago on this date that I took my last drink. I wasn’t planning on that. The night before– once again – I had too much to drink. I had put away a 12 pack of beer and started in on the wine and had really only just started to feel that buzz which was getting harder and harder to come by.

    I felt so hopeless. So depressed. My life had become defined and controlled by the bottle. My depression was such that I began planning how to kill myself and make it look like an accident so I didn’t hurt my family with that additional pain. How did I end up this way?

    I wasn’t like the hardcore drinkers I saw. Was I? I wasn’t missing work. Or getting arrested. Or driving drunk. Or making a public spectacle of myself. No, I wasn’t like them. They were alcoholics. I, on the other hand, was just someone who had let some bad habits creep in. Right? I just needed a little nudge to get back to ‘normal.’

    It was a revelation to me to read about the biological basis for alcoholic drinking in Seven Weeks to Sobriety. I wasn’t a flawed and undisciplined person – I was just dealing with a chemical imbalance and well, there were ways to fix that. I could go for a few days, weeks and even months without drinking. Yup. All I needed was the nudge. See?
    I could
    have a beer or two. Or a glass of wine or two without going overboard. I could control my drinking. One or two nights a week.

    The problem was....I was now drinking EVERY night of the week. And, it never took long for my ‘normal’ drinking to go back to excessive and ever escalating levels. Maybe it wasn’t all biological. Maybe I was flawed. You know, maybe there was such a thing as an “addictive personality.”

    During my drunken phases, I would come to MWO and lurk and read. I had new hope again. There was a way to drink and not be out of control, I thought. I just needed a little more self-control. Or maybe some of that Topamax. Others were drinking ‘normally’ again. Right?

    This last time, though, I just couldn’t seem to pull out of the drinking cycle. I couldn’t even get a Day One.
    I wasn't just drinking every day. I was now getting drunk every day. And I was starting to drink earlier whenever I could. I distinctly remember thinking that I was transitioning into that final stage of addiction. I knew if I went there, there most likely was no way back. That was it. I was going to die drinking. - I was going to die because
    of drinking. And...I pretty much didn't care any more. Dying would, at least, relieve me of the depression and pain in my dark, small world.

    ((Wow…this is getting a little long….I’ll continue later….))
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011

    My New - TRUE - Normal

    Love it so far!! Sounds familiar.


      My New - TRUE - Normal

      Me, too! I have 3 gallons of pride in a 2 gallon bucket! You rock!!! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        My New - TRUE - Normal

        Hanging on every word awaiting more... Thanks for taking the time to share Turn - you are an inspiration!


          My New - TRUE - Normal

          Is that you in your Avatar, TurnAgain?

          You look So Beautiful, so Happy !! :l

          Can't wait to keep reading ...

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            My New - TRUE - Normal

            This is very inspring, Turn! Thank you for sharing. Story I know so well.
            "One day at a time."


              My New - TRUE - Normal

              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                My New - TRUE - Normal

                Turnagain, just what I needed to read right now - can't wait for the next installment. Congratulations!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  My New - TRUE - Normal

                  Part II The Beginning of the End of my Drinking....

                  Not many people knew I was a drunk drinker or had a problem with alcohol. I generally drank alone. And I always had a stash of my own when drinking at home with the husband on the weekends and then week nights. It wasn’t a problem to hide stuff from Mr. Oblivious and once the kids flew the nest, I didn’t have to worry about getting busted. Both my son and daughter had confronted me about my hidden stashes before, but I always lied to them, of course.

                  What I could no longer hide were the physical consequences of drinking that were becoming more and more obvious. I could see the tell-tale traces of broken blood vessels around my nose. My complexion was doughy and I had gotten fat. I had gained about 60 pounds on top of the middle-aged spread that had already creeped onto my small frame. I was also growing more concerned about what was going on inside. My tolerance had built to frightening levels. From my reading online and a comment from a gut doctor, I knew this wasn’t good. My blood sugar was all over the place. Another Doc warned that I was heading toward Type II diabetes unless I made some changes. I worried about my stomach and my kidneys and my pancreas and my liver. I had fleeting, but frightening concerns about brain damage and heart damage.

                  Yet. I still drank. More. And always more. The arsenal of supplements that filled my pantry gathered a thick layer of dust. I was fast approaching the point that I just didn’t even want to try to stop. I figured – what’s the use? Even if I wanted to stop – I doubted that I could.

                  I remember waking up on that Saturday last summer as usual, around 4 a.m. – perhaps the worst hour of my life every day. It was a routine I dreaded: I would be soaked in sweat – stuck to the leather couch in front of the TV where I had finally passed out - overflowing with self-loathing and hard-edged despair.

                  But on this morning, I felt as if I NEEDED to drink again. Right away. Wow. I read that would be coming. I usually didn’t get hangovers. I was long past that stage. But this time, I felt a bit nauseous on top of the usual morning diarrhea after a big drinking session.

                  I vowed –again- that I would NEVER drink again. How many times had I done that the morning after? Too many to remember, that’s for sure. I also knew that around 3 pm, my resolve would vanish. I would say to myself – “Just one more good drunk.” And well, most of you understand how that ends up.

                  But this time….it really was different. I just didn't know it yet.

                  To Be Continued....
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    My New - TRUE - Normal

                    Just what I needed to read too ...... Love the way you are doing it in installments. I'm hanging on there eagerly waiting the next one!!

                    Congratulations again on your 1 year AF.


                      My New - TRUE - Normal

                      Loving it!
                      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                        My New - TRUE - Normal

                        Can't wait to hear more! Congratulations on your one year.


                          My New - TRUE - Normal

                          Thank you turnagain - you are giving me so much hope - I want to be you this time next year...and you are showing me that I can be!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            My New - TRUE - Normal

                            Part III Learning the Art of Mind over Chatter

                            A rare, sunny day was warming the big world outside of my house but I was just too weak to move off the couch. My inner world was cold, gray and miserable. I was starting to feel chilled, shaky and sick to my stomach. Looking back, it’s clear that I was in withdrawal already. As luck or fate or perhaps, simple drunk negligence would have it, my little mini laptop was wedged in a cushion next to me. I propped myself up a bit, told the hubby I was sick and down for the count for the day and began searching for the MWO site – it had been helpful to me before in the earlier years.

                            I immersed myself in MWO…devouring one thread after another thread from beginning to end. The day ticked by painfully slow. And by 3 pm, as I knew it would, my alcohol and nicotine deprived system was in full-tilt craving mania. If I walked out the door – even just for smokes – I knew this day would end up like all the others before it. I would come home with a 12 pack AND a litre of wine - just in case the beer didn’t do it for me again.

                            The mind chatter grew loud.

                            I really hadn’t done a ‘proper’ farewell to these old ‘habits’ I reasoned. I can't stop on a Saturday. I'll wait - again - until Monday. What’s the harm in one more delay in stopping? I’m addicted anyway. Might as well accept it and just go with the downward flow. Yeah, but. Do I REALLY want to die this way? That’s where it’s heading. Do I want to waste what’s left of my life? Hurt my family, my friends, my colleagues? It’s got to stop somewhere. Why not now? But what if I can’t stop? It's never been THIS hard to stop. What if I fail? What if I fail for good?

                            I found myself digging through the MWO Toolbox. I grabbed onto one of the concepts I read over and over - One Day at a Time. But, on this day, I was going to need to deal with craving One Second at a Time.
                            I read thousands of posts. I clung to the words like someone desperately hanging onto a life raft in a stormy sea. Each time the mind chatter interrupted with its incessant message to go out and get the fix, I told myself I would read one more thread. Hell, I even read all the jokes and for the first time, in a long time, had a good, non-impaired laugh. I managed to keep this up until 9 pm. I was either going to go out and get my beer and smokes or I was just going to shut my eyes and go to sleep after long, exhausting day of detox.
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              My New - TRUE - Normal

                              Wow...I'm on the edge of my seat and I know the ending!! Gosh, you are such an inspiration! More please...(isn't that just like an alkie?? never enough!) B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest

