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Hi...I am new here.

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    Hi...I am new here.

    I am excited to find this site, what a relief to feel not so alone with this damned drinking problem I have. I will try to sum up my problems as best I can. Im a single Mom and have had a drinking problem for years. I have had so many blackouts in the past its is a miracle that I am still alive. I hate this shit. I have realized that when your hungover and sick, you hate the way you feel and the way you are. Then when you feel better, and good about yourself again, then its time to party! Its a never ending cycle. To make matters worse, I live in Florida where it seems that everyone parties. My hangovers are extreme. I get so incredible depressed I just want to die. Then the anxiety and panic attacks. I have had to pray to God to get me through some days of the panic attacks. They are the worse feelings I have ever known. Im pretty isolated with all this. Thanks for reading.

    Hi...I am new here.

    Hello Overit2007,:welcome:
    This is a great place to come and chew the rag with people pretty much in the same boat.
    They've helped me break the cycle. I hope you find what you need.


      Hi...I am new here.

      Hi Overit2007,
      Welcome to MWO. As popeye said, you're not alone here, this is a great community of people at all stages in their drinking and quiting. Hang around read lots of posts. Read the book and order some supplements to help you on your way, then take it one day at a time.
      Best Wishes
      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


        Hi...I am new here.

        Hi overit & :welcome:

        Florida is my favourite holiday place .....

        I used to have horrendous anxiety and panic attacks, and yes the feeling is truly horrible, you just cant describe to anyone that has never experienced it!!!!!

        However, when the heavy drinking stops so do the panic and anxiety attacks .....

        Read as much as you can here, you will get lots of support from people whe really know how you feel .....

        Love & Hugs :h :l :h


          Hi...I am new here.

          hi overitt, i too suffered horrendos panic attacks, my poor kids were scared sensless, but they do stop as betty boop said, when u stop drinkin. a hangover is great for fuelling them.
          i understand what u mean by living in a party town,all we have here is tourists out for a good time, it can be hard to give up when everywhere u go all u see are bars and revellers!!!!! put on your fav music all day long and sing your heart out , its helped me these past few days, good luck to you and keep posting its great here
          take care
          lakota xxx


            Hi...I am new here.

            HI overit

            Welcome I am an Aussie you have come to the right place. This is your family and friends who will be here to help.

            Take care


              Hi...I am new here.

              Welcome Overit!

              I am sure the pressures of being a single mom don't help but with the support here I'll bet you can get a hold on things. I personally am aiming for mods (if I can) and the site has helped a lot over the last week or so that I have been posting. Keep visiting and reading and posting.



                Hi...I am new here.

                Welcome OverIt! The anxiety and panick attacks I suffered from as well. They were soooo horrid while I was drinking. I honestly haven't had one in the last month! (over 4 months AF). I found after a couple of weeks they went from several times a day to once every week or so. The drinking definitely does enhance them if you are already prone to them. I have had them since I was 19 - I am now 35!

                Glad to see you here and keep posting and reading!


                  Hi...I am new here.


                  Glad to have you here! I hope you will find this site as helpful as I have. Its a great place to let your hair down and feel safe.

                  Cheers to you for making the first in a series of positive steps in your life!

                  Suddenly I see
                  This is what I want to be
                  suddenly I see
                  Why the hell it means so much to me.

                  -KT Tunstall


                    Hi...I am new here.

                    :welcome: Overit! You're amongst friends and people who understand - I'm a single Mum too and my kids are sooooo pleased they no longer have to cope with me drinking! They're happier with life too and I find it easier to cope with the struggles of single mother-hood when I've got the energy and clearer head - so you're certainly not the only one to benefit from not drinking!

                    Good luck with your fresh start and I hope 2007 really lives up to your name!
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Hi...I am new here.

                      Welcome overit!

                      Not to sound redundant, but I truly believe that my panic attacks are a direct result of my drinking. The waking up and not remembering shit..what did I say, do, are they mad at me.....they make the panic so much worse...


                        Hi...I am new here.

                        Hi overit! Today is my first day and I was shocked to hear so many people having the panic attacks. I thought for sure I would have a heart attack and die one night. I have lost so much sleep worrying, not knowing what was happening. I'm pulling for you that everything is going good.



                          Hi...I am new here.

                          :welcome: Hi overit! Today is my first day and I was shocked to hear so many people having the panic attacks. I thought for sure I would have a heart attack and die one night. I have lost so much sleep worrying, not knowing what was happening. I'm pulling for you that everything is going good.



                            Hi...I am new here.

                            Hi and :welcome: ,

                            I can't add much more than the others have said. But life has changed so much since I have come to this site. You will find alot of support here from people who know exactly how you feel.

                            I am not a mother myself yet but many here have children and they will give you some great advise.

                            I wish you well for the future,

                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                              Hi...I am new here.

                              Hi there

                              welcome to this wonderful place. I am a mother of 3 and was sliding into the abyss before I found MWO. everyone here has so much to offer you. read the book and do the programme - I did exactly what it says in the book and it was like someone had sprinkled fairy dust on me...

                              keep reading & posting, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to be human and frail.

                              good luck x

