I send him ways for help to get help in his state it falls on deaf ears. I send him my support every day. Most importantly I tell him I love him no matter what! He can always come home if he can make the trip. He can't leave the state for long it's where he has established all his medical connections he rarely uses. He's on Medicid. At least when there is an emergency they can assist quickly . He is so beat up from all the abuse over the past 15 years he can't work. Serious Back injuries from the police also thrown tru a plate glass window. Then his shoulder and hand badly cut up last year. I always worry about him he is really a great guy. He just hooks up with enabler type women who use him. He thinks that's his only choice, other than living on the streets again.Then once a crisis happens ,the drinking cycle starts all over again.
It is a pattern of behavior as alcoholics do have choices that can make their lives better. He is now in a really bad place. I pray for his recovery every day. As every day passes a little more of my heart dies.
I hope you are doing well. How are you? I like your name I suppose it tells a story that you play the guitar? How wonderful! Let me know and keep in touch.Take care.