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Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

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    Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?


    Well I wasn't able to work out yesterday, but did spend an hour blowing snow, so I am sure that got my heart rate up! Got my tooth pulled, so I was told no exercize for a few days. I am REALLY watching my calorie intake, only eating small snack-size meals every three hours. I am going to take advantage of this downtime to rest.. I have been going at WARP speed for the past month. So, I have a bunch of magazines, and I plan to watch a bit of TV and nap! I will be RARING to go on Monday, though!!

    Have a fantastic Saturday!

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

      Nope Niblet, it wasn't me gettin' the tooth out. It was Med Mama (sounds like a "pusher" LOL)
      I do have an appt next month with my dentist though..way over due...

      Hey Med Mama...Enjoy your R&R got any good books? Have you read any Janet Evanovich? The "Stephanie Plum" novels are hilarious! Witty, sexy, fast reading...addictive! My Hubby's even hooked on her!

      Everybody have a great weekend!
      I'm off to work up a sweat...maybe squeez in a tub before work...

      PS We have a pool table now! My brother had a BIG one he's been wanting to get rid of for years... it's in our living room now! It's HUGE! Need to re-arrange a few things yet... but it'll be fun... good thing we have a big living/romper room! Everybody come on over! I made brownies for the guys that helped move this big "dinasaur"...nobody ate any of them!
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

        I was on the elliptical Thurs and Fri for 20 minutes. Today I did the bowflex instead. I'm planning on doing some work with my exercise ball tomorrow and using the elliptical.

        Enjoy the pool table Judie!

        MM - Snow is good for a little exercise. We were supposed to have maybe an inch today, now they've issued a snow advisory and are saying 3 - 5 inches. Anybody watch the Packer/Seahawks game! Yea it's snowing here!

        Niblet, I am getting into watching Dr Phil after work on the elliptical, there are so many interesting people in the world. LOL.

        Hi More2, Vixta, and Trixie, keep up the good work!


          Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

          Did my hot tub leg lifts today,..i swear they work me so much more than the Ab-lounge! Maybe it's being in the water...and supporting myself by my arms... it works me...

          Kicked Hubby's Butt tonight on the pool table!:H(after work too!) Well, we're 1 for 1... But at least I kicked butt once! It still counts! LOL:goodjob:

          Too funny... our dogs are just amazed at how the balls roll down the side and end up @ the end of the table... It's hilarious!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

            Oh my gosh, sorry MM, I hope that you are right up to snuff by Monday... Some good old rest sounds amazing :l Take Care and enjoy this nice down time.
            I've played pool a few times... It is a Hoot !!! I'm not that great at it but enjoy it just the same.
            I love love love Dr. Phil too Marcie ... He is such a smart and wise man.
            It would be so funny to watch your dogs reaction to all those balls disappearing.. Dogs are too funny.
            Well, I'm going to find something interesting on the TV and then do my workout...
            Have a great Sunday everybody, Hugs
            WE ROCK !!!

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

              I'm being lazy today and no real workout. I am going to play around with the exercise ball. I want to try out all the different exercises in the book I bought. There are so many different ones to try.

              I did shovel snow a bit this morning, so that is some exercise. Hubby used the snow blower on the driveway before he went to work. I did some of the sidewalk and I'll have to do the end of the driveway again after the snowplows are done on the streets.
              It is STILL snowing. We have about 6 inches and it keeps coming. It's supposed to be done soon though. It looks sooooo beautiful.


                Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                OK, Marcie, this is my first post admitting to exercising, and it was so you could take the day off. Nothing dazzling, just 30 minutes of Pilates. Wonder if it will show up on the scale tomorrow?:H

                :heart: Your sister in sweat, E


                  Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                  Thanks for the tunes, Judie.

                  If you can spare a foot, I might need a kick tomorrow.

                  Lazy E


                    Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                    Hi guys,

                    Well, things were going ok until I got into trouble at work today, I still feel a bit low due to being in a bad mood because of the detox!! How long will it last!!
                    I work on a sales floor and I was on a downer because they upped my target again just because I keep hitting it!! My top boss heard me moaning and thought I was slagging off my team leader which I wasn't, so she came over to me and said I should say it to her face if i had a problem, so I told her what I was really saying and she said I shouldn't be moaning because it brings the mood of the whole floor down, BUT it's ok for me to be as loud as i like when I'm in a good mood!!! Sorry but you can't have it both ways, you see I'm usually really happy and bouncy and laughing and loud, which they like. So from now on I'm gonna whisper and be as quiet as a mouse. Oh also I'm looking for another job, had enuff of the hypocrisy!!
                    Exercise. . . I've been pretty good, running on my treadmill, not everyday as I get really busy - working full time and with 3 young boys. I'm planning on setting my alarm at 6am and getting rid of my anger, however I don't appear to be losing any weight and i've been so good, food wise. Its so demoralizing, just like my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is life soooooooooo hard, wish I didn't have to work and I could tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine!:durn: Don't we all i hear you say!!
                    Well it's 11pm and i must retire to my bed, oh yes and I had 2 glasses of wine fri night and 1 glass sat night - pretty good considering I used to drink 2 bottles each night, no alcohol in the week, I do have the help of Champix from my Doc - running out fast tho and won't get any more (think you call it Chantix in USA) hopefully my kudzu will have arrived by then. I'm reading 'the innocent man' by John Grisham, anybody read it?? Books help me escape instead of alcohol. Hey whatever helps eh. Much love to you all. I will return, probably I will get the sack from work and be on here 24/7 hahaha.
                    Ciao Vix. xxxxxxxxx


                      Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                      p.s thanks for remembering me Niblet, wish I knew your real name, how did you manage to go a/f, you sound like your sorted in life.
                      When I run I have a map of the world on the wall in front of me, I look around the world at all your different places and imagine you all exercising and it inspires me to keep going.
                      I'm in UK. How do u put where u are from where it says how many posts you have posted?? Bye for now. . . . . . . . . . . . keep well. xx


                        Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                        I made it 24 minutes on the elliptical today. That was good, I'll be up to 30 minutes in no time!

                        Vixta, I'm on Chantix as well, but for smoking although I'm sure that it helps with drinking as well. I had my first beers of the year this weekend. It was good, not too much, just a few. I've also been smoke free thanks to Chantix for 2 weeks today! (Marcie pats her own back).

                        Tomorrow I plan to be on the elliptical as well and either weights or exercise ball. MOW I'm glad you finally got your butt on the machine(maybe you said that on another thread, but good job).

                        Eustacia, thanks for working out for me yesterday so I could have a day off. Should I tell you I'm taking every day off so you keep it up? :H

                        Niblet, there was a good show on Dr Phil today about some kid who was feuding with his mom and is was so destructive. Good workout material, LOL.

                        Judie, Sounds like I need a hot tub to do leg lifts in? That will get this fat ass and flabby thighs in shape.

                        Happy Exercising!


                          Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                          Hey Guys !!!
                          Marcie, congratulations on 2 weeks smoke free !!! Yahoooo !!!:goodjob:
                          You're also making amazing improvements on the eliptical ... right on.
                          Vixta, my name is actually Heather and I'm no longer af... I moderate quite well... usually However I used Kudzu from MWO which helped alot !!! After the first week or so you make new life changing habits and not drinking becomes a new way of being. For you to add in your location could you go back into the register section ? If you still are have a hard time email MWO and they will help you... I couldn't figure out how to put my little Niblet avator and they helped me... Good Luck Sweetie.
                          Well, this morning I did my usual workout while watching Xweighted :H I love those shows !!!
                          Oh could somebody please give me the measurements of a treadmill ? I'm seriously thinking of getting one, but it will be a tight sqeeze at best in my little excercise room... Thanks in advance.
                          I'll warm up my right foot for ya tomorrow "E" Haaa !! Haaa !!! Pilates are an amazing workout for core strength.. Good Stuff !!
                          Oh, and Vista, it is proven that stress will keep stubborn weight on our bellys !!! It has to do with elevated levels of corti-something or other... the word is at the tip of my tongue. argggg !!!!! They say the memory is the first to go !!! :H
                          Well, I'll talk to ya all tomorrow,, Hugs, We Rock !!!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                            Hello, my friends!

                            I didn't get to my workout today again as I still didn't feel good. I will get to it tomorrow, I am sure, though. My mouth is finally healing... SHESH.. what a pain!

                            HOWEVER... I did weigh myself and I did lose 4 pounds last week YEAH!!!!

                            So, I am very pumped to keep going. My first goal is 14 more pounds and I want that off as quick as possible. I am going to work hard to get it off PRONTO! Then I will be patient witb the last 10..

                            Cortisol..that is the word you arelooking for..

                            OK... I'll check in again in a few days...


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?

                              Hey ya'll - I haven't been keeping up with this thread (cuz I haven't been keeping up with my commitment to exercise) - but today's a new day, eh?!

                              I bought an exercise ball yesterday and worked out with it with the DVD it came with. WOW. This is going to be a great way to tone - especially my core muscles.

                              I need to get on the elliptical tonight.... ggrrrr. I'll be glad when I have some momentuum worked up. I'm dragging my ass on this stuff.
                              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                                Anyone Looking for a Work-out Partner?


                                Posted by Marcie: "Eustacia, thanks for working out for me yesterday so I could have a day off. Should I tell you I'm taking every day off so you keep it up?"

                                Not quite yet, Marcie. I'm afraid we'd both end up in trouble!

                                Judie, where was my kick today?


